7.3 KiB
Create Your Own Spee.ch on Ubuntu 16.x 18.x VPS
- Ability to use SSH (putty + public key for windows users)
- Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 VPS with root access
- Your login info ready
- Exposed ports: 22, 80, 443, 3333, 4444
- Domain name with @ and www pointed at your VPS IP
- alternatively, specify http://localhost:3000 as domain during speech configuration
- Ability to send 5+ LBRY credits to an address
- Noncommercial use
- alternative configuration examples for nginx and certbot are here
You'll be installing:
- MySQL DB version 5.7 or higher
- Default Port 3306
- mysql_native_password plugin
- NodeJS v8+
- Caddy - https reverse proxy server
- automatically obtains tls certificate
- Redirects 80 (http) to 443 (https) to Speech on 3000
- Lbrynet DAEMON started on ports 3333 and 4444
- Spee.ch started on port 3000
1. Setup OS and install dependencies
Secure your server by creating a non-root sudoer.
As root# create user and add to sudo group
adduser username
usermod -aG sudo username
su - username
As username: paste public key in authorized_keys
`mkdir .ssh`
`nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
ssh to username@domainname or username@ip_address
sudo apt-get update -y
ulimit -n 8192
wget -qO- https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
Git, Curl, Tmux, Unzip, ffmpeg, Node
sudo apt-get install git curl tmux unzip ffmpeg nodejs imagemagick -y
Clone speech either from your own fork, or from the lbryio/spee.ch repo.
- For Developers - our master branch
git clone https://github.com/lbryio/spee.ch
- For Developers - your fork
git clone https://github.com/{{youraccount}}/spee.ch.git
git clone git@github.com:{{youraccount}}/spee.ch
- For Publishers and Content creators - stable release
git clone -b release https://github.com/lbryio/spee.ch
Prepare the scripts
chmod 750 -R ~/spee.ch/docs/setup
2 Secure the UFW firewall
sudo ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/scripts/firewall.sh
3 Install Caddy to handle https and reverse proxy
Get Caddy
curl https://getcaddy.com | sudo bash -s personal
Set up Caddy reverse proxy and ssl
sudo mkdir -p /opt/caddy/logs/
sudo mkdir -p /opt/caddy/store/
cp ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/conf/caddy/Caddyfile.template ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/conf/caddy/Caddyfile
nano ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/conf/caddy/Caddyfile
sudo cp ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/conf/caddy/Caddyfile /opt/caddy/
Set up Caddy to run as systemd service
sudo cp ~/spee.ch/docs/setup/conf/caddy/caddy.service /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/caddy/
sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/caddy
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start caddy
sudo systemctl status caddy
At this point, navigating to yourdomain.com should give you a 502 bad gateway error. That's good!
Now you can make sure caddy starts when the machine starts:
sudo systemctl enable caddy
4 Set up MySQL
Install MySQL
sudo apt-get install mysql-server -y
( During install, enter blank password each time if prompted. We'll set one during secure setup.)
sudo systemctl status mysql
(q to exit)
Secure Setup
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Password your_mysql_password
- No to password validation
- Y to all other options
Login to mysql from root to complete setup:
sudo mysql
to enter mysql> console
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_mysql_password';
to exit
mysql -u root -p
and then entering your_mysql_password should give you the mysql> shell
5 Get Lbrynet SDK Daemon
Get the SDK
We'll be putting it in /opt/lbry.
sudo mkdir /opt/lbry
sudo wget -O /opt/lbry/latest_daemon.zip https://lbry.io/get/lbrynet.linux.zip
sudo unzip -o -u /opt/lbry/latest_daemon.zip -d /opt/lbry
Set up lbrynet to run as systemd service
We'll soon update the setup scripts. Meanwhile, here's an example lbrynet.service file
Description="LBRYnet daemon"
# Change environment to /home/{{USERNAME}}
ExecStart=/opt/lbry/lbrynet start
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lbrynet.service
Then paste the above into the file and edit replacing {{USERNAME}} with yours.
Finally do the following.
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/lbrynet.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start lbrynet
sudo systemctl status lbrynet
You'll find your lbrynet logs in ~/.local/share/lbry/lbrynet/lbrynet.log
Now let's make sure we're back in our home directory. cd
Customize SDK settings
These settings will prevent you and your users from spending your server's LBC on paid content. Full documentation is here.
mkdir .lbrynet
cd .lbrynet
nano daemon_settings.yml
copy and paste in the following code (Ctrl+Shift V)
run_reflector_server: false
max_key_fee: {amount: 0, currency: LBC}
use_upnp: false
auto_re_reflect_interval: 0
to save and exit
Display wallet address to which to send 5+ LBC.
note: These commands work when lbrynet
is already running
Let's make our lives easier and link /opt/lbry/lbrynet in /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/lbry/lbrynet /usr/local/bin/lbrynet
lbrynet commands
to check out the current commands
lbrynet address list
to get your wallet address
Ctrl + Shift + C
after highlighting an address to copy.
Use a LBRY app or daemon to send LBC to the address. Sending LBC may take a few seconds or longer.
lbrynet account balance
to check your balance after you've sent LBC.
6 Set up spee.ch
Build it
cd spee.ch
npm install
note: if you have installed your own local chainquery instance, you will need to specify it in your own /site/config/chainqueryConfig.json
Once your wallet has a balance, run this:
npm run configure
The script will ask for the following values:
* Database: lbry
* Username: root
* Password: your_mysql_password
* Port: 3000
* Site Title: Your Site Name
* Enter your site's domain name: https://example.com or http://localhost:3000
* Enter a directory where uploads should be stored: (/home/lbry/Uploads)
npm run build
(or npm run dev
to build for developing)
npm run start
Try it
Navigate to example.com!
7 Production
pm2 to keep your speech app running
npm install -g pm2
7 Maintenance Procedures
Change daemon
- backup wallet (private keys!) to a safe place
- wget daemon from https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/releases
- wget -O ~/your_name_daemon.zip https://your_copied_file_path.zip
- rm ./lbrynet
- unzip -o -u ~/your_name_daemon.zip