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# Spee.ch
This repo packages the spee.ch server for use with spee.ch implementations.
### Quick start
To get started running your own version of spee.ch, visit [lbryio/www.spee.ch](https://github.com/lbryio/www.spee.ch)
### Install
npm install spee.ch --save
### Dependenceis
Make sure the following are installed
* [imagemagick](https://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php)
* [ffmpeg](https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html)
## Development
* the `server/` folder contains all of the server code
* `index.js` is the entry point for the server. It creates the [express app](https://expressjs.com/), requires the routes, syncs the database, and starts the server listening on the `PORT` designated in the config file.
* the `server/routes` folder contains all of the routes for the express app
* the `server/models` folder contains all of the models which the app uses to interact with the `mysql` database. Note: this app uses the [sequelize](http://docs.sequelizejs.com/) ORM.
## Tests
* This package uses `mocha` with `chai` for testing.
* Before running tests, create a `testingConfig.js` file in `devConfig/` by copying `testingConfig.example.js`
* To run tests:
* To run all tests, including those that require LBC (like publishing), simply run `npm test`
* To run only tests that do not require LBC, run `npm run test:no-lbc`
## API
* _(post)_ /api/claim/publish
* example: `curl -F 'name=MyPictureName' -F 'file=@/path/to/myPicture.jpeg' https://spee.ch/api/claim/publish`
* Parameters:
* `name` (required)
* `file` (required) (must be type .mp4, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, or .png)
* `nsfw` (optional)
* `license` (optional)
* `title` (optional)
* `description` (optional)
* `thumbnail` url to thumbnail image, for .mp4 uploads only (optional)
* `channelName`(optional)
* `channelPassword` (optional,; required if `channelName` is provided)
* _(get)_ /api/claim/resolve/:name/:claimId
* example: `curl https://spee.ch/api/claim/resolve/doitlive/xyz`
* _(get)_ /api/claim/list/:name
* example: `curl https://spee.ch/api/claim/list/doitlive`
* _(get)_ /api/claim/availability/:name
* returns the name if it is available
* example: `curl https://spee.ch/api/claim/availability/doitlive`
* _(get)_ /api/channel/availability/:name
* returns the name if it is available
* example: `curl https://spee.ch/api/channel/availability/@CoolChannel`
## Bugs
If you find a bug or experience a problem, please report your issue here on github and find us in the lbry discord!
## Contribute
### Below is a guide to the issue tags in this repo
#### level 1
Issues with spee.ch that anyone with basic web development can handle, little-to-no experience with the spee.ch codebase is required.
#### level 2
Issues with spee.ch familiarity with the spee.ch codebase is required, but little-to-no familiarity with the lbry daemon is necessary
#### level 3
Issues with spee.ch strong familiarity with the spee.ch code base and how the lbry daemon functions is required
#### level 4
Issues with lbry (e.g. the spee.ch wallet, lbrynet configuration, etc.) that require strong familiarity with the lbry daemon and/or network to fix. Generally these issues are best suited for the lbry protocol team but are placed in this repo because of they are part of the spee.ch implementation
### Stack
* server
* [mysql](https://www.mysql.com/)
* [express](https://www.npmjs.com/package/express)
* [node](https://nodejs.org/)
* [lbry](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry)
* [imagemagick](https://www.imagemagick.org/)
* [ffmpeg](https://www.ffmpeg.org/)
* client
* [react](https://reactjs.org/)