Finish text helpers for relationships.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 85 additions and 20 deletions
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ type RelationshipToManyTexts struct {
// createTextsFromRelationship creates a struct that does a lot of the text
// textsFromRelationship creates a struct that does a lot of the text
// transformation in advance for a given relationship.
func createTextsFromRelationship(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.ToManyRelationship) RelationshipToManyTexts {
func textsFromRelationship(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.ToManyRelationship) RelationshipToManyTexts {
r := RelationshipToManyTexts{}
r.LocalTable.NameSingular = strmangle.Singular(table.Name)
r.LocalTable.NameGo = strmangle.TitleCase(r.LocalTable.NameSingular)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func createTextsFromRelationship(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.To
// Check to see if the foreign key name is the same as the local table name.
// Simple case: yes - we can name the function the same as the plural table name
// Not simple case: We have to name the function based off the foreign key and
if colName := strings.TrimSuffix(rel.ForeignColumn, "_id"); r.LocalTable.NameSingular == colName {
if colName := strings.TrimSuffix(rel.ForeignColumn, "_id"); rel.ToJoinTable || r.LocalTable.NameSingular == colName {
r.Function.Name = r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo
} else {
r.Function.Name = strmangle.TitleCase(colName) + r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo
@ -63,16 +63,12 @@ func createTextsFromRelationship(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.To
r.Function.LocalAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.Column)
if !rel.ToJoinTable {
if rel.ForeignColumnNullable {
foreignTable := bdb.GetTable(tables, rel.ForeignTable)
col := foreignTable.GetColumn(rel.ForeignColumn)
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn), strings.TrimPrefix(col.Type, "null."))
} else {
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn)
return r
if rel.ForeignColumnNullable {
foreignTable := bdb.GetTable(tables, rel.ForeignTable)
col := foreignTable.GetColumn(rel.ForeignColumn)
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn), strings.TrimPrefix(col.Type, "null."))
} else {
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn)
/*if rel.ForeignColumnNullable {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import (
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ func (fakeDB) ForeignKeyInfo(tableName string) ([]bdb.ForeignKey, error) {
{Name: "notifications_user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
{Name: "notifications_source_id_fk", Column: "source_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
"users_video_tags": []bdb.ForeignKey{
"users_videos_tags": []bdb.ForeignKey{
{Name: "user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
{Name: "video_id_fk", Column: "video_id", ForeignTable: "videos", ForeignColumn: "id"},
@ -55,11 +56,19 @@ func (fakeDB) TranslateColumnType(c bdb.Column) bdb.Column {
return c
func (fakeDB) PrimaryKeyInfo(tableName string) (*bdb.PrimaryKey, error) { return nil, nil }
func (fakeDB) Open() error { return nil }
func (fakeDB) Close() {}
func (fakeDB) PrimaryKeyInfo(tableName string) (*bdb.PrimaryKey, error) {
return map[string]*bdb.PrimaryKey{
"users_videos_tags": &bdb.PrimaryKey{
Name: "user_video_id_pkey",
Columns: []string{"user_id", "video_id"},
}[tableName], nil
func (fakeDB) Open() error { return nil }
func (fakeDB) Close() {}
func TestCreateTextsFromRelationship(t *testing.T) {
func TesttextsFromRelationship(t *testing.T) {
tables, err := bdb.Tables(fakeDB(0))
@ -67,9 +76,9 @@ func TestCreateTextsFromRelationship(t *testing.T) {
users := bdb.GetTable(tables, "users")
texts := createTextsFromRelationship(tables, users, users.ToManyRelationships[0])
texts := textsFromRelationship(tables, users, users.ToManyRelationships[0])
expect := RelationshipToManyTexts{}
expect.LocalTable.NameGo = "User"
expect.LocalTable.NameSingular = "user"
@ -88,4 +97,64 @@ func TestCreateTextsFromRelationship(t *testing.T) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expect, texts) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(texts))
texts = textsFromRelationship(tables, users, users.ToManyRelationships[1])
expect = RelationshipToManyTexts{}
expect.LocalTable.NameGo = "User"
expect.LocalTable.NameSingular = "user"
expect.ForeignTable.NameGo = "Notification"
expect.ForeignTable.NameSingular = "notification"
expect.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo = "Notifications"
expect.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable = "notifications"
expect.ForeignTable.Slice = "notificationSlice"
expect.Function.Name = "Notifications"
expect.Function.Receiver = "u"
expect.Function.LocalAssignment = "ID"
expect.Function.ForeignAssignment = "UserID"
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expect, texts) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(texts))
texts = textsFromRelationship(tables, users, users.ToManyRelationships[2])
expect = RelationshipToManyTexts{}
expect.LocalTable.NameGo = "User"
expect.LocalTable.NameSingular = "user"
expect.ForeignTable.NameGo = "Notification"
expect.ForeignTable.NameSingular = "notification"
expect.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo = "Notifications"
expect.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable = "notifications"
expect.ForeignTable.Slice = "notificationSlice"
expect.Function.Name = "SourceNotifications"
expect.Function.Receiver = "u"
expect.Function.LocalAssignment = "ID"
expect.Function.ForeignAssignment = "SourceID.Int32"
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expect, texts) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(texts))
texts = textsFromRelationship(tables, users, users.ToManyRelationships[3])
expect = RelationshipToManyTexts{}
expect.LocalTable.NameGo = "User"
expect.LocalTable.NameSingular = "user"
expect.ForeignTable.NameGo = "Video"
expect.ForeignTable.NameSingular = "video"
expect.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo = "Videos"
expect.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable = "videos"
expect.ForeignTable.Slice = "videoSlice"
expect.Function.Name = "Videos"
expect.Function.Receiver = "u"
expect.Function.LocalAssignment = "ID"
expect.Function.ForeignAssignment = "ID"
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expect, texts) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(texts))
Add table
Reference in a new issue