2016-07-13 22:34:18 -07:00

99 lines
3.9 KiB

package main
import (
// RelationshipToManyTexts contains text that will be used by templates.
type RelationshipToManyTexts struct {
LocalTable struct {
NameGo string
NameSingular string
ForeignTable struct {
NameGo string
NameSingular string
NamePluralGo string
NameHumanReadable string
Slice string
Function struct {
Name string
Receiver string
LocalAssignment string
ForeignAssignment string
// textsFromRelationship creates a struct that does a lot of the text
// transformation in advance for a given relationship.
func textsFromRelationship(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.ToManyRelationship) RelationshipToManyTexts {
r := RelationshipToManyTexts{}
r.LocalTable.NameSingular = strmangle.Singular(table.Name)
r.LocalTable.NameGo = strmangle.TitleCase(r.LocalTable.NameSingular)
r.ForeignTable.NameSingular = strmangle.Singular(rel.ForeignTable)
r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo = strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Plural(rel.ForeignTable))
r.ForeignTable.NameGo = strmangle.TitleCase(r.ForeignTable.NameSingular)
r.ForeignTable.Slice = fmt.Sprintf("%sSlice", strmangle.CamelCase(r.ForeignTable.NameSingular))
r.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable = strings.Replace(rel.ForeignTable, "_", " ", -1)
r.Function.Receiver = strings.ToLower(table.Name[:1])
// Check to see if the foreign key name is the same as the local table name.
// Simple case: yes - we can name the function the same as the plural table name
// Not simple case: We have to name the function based off the foreign key and
if colName := strings.TrimSuffix(rel.ForeignColumn, "_id"); rel.ToJoinTable || r.LocalTable.NameSingular == colName {
r.Function.Name = r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo
} else {
r.Function.Name = strmangle.TitleCase(colName) + r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo
if rel.Nullable {
col := table.GetColumn(rel.Column)
r.Function.LocalAssignment = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strmangle.TitleCase(rel.Column), strings.TrimPrefix(col.Type, "null."))
} else {
r.Function.LocalAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.Column)
if rel.ForeignColumnNullable {
foreignTable := bdb.GetTable(tables, rel.ForeignTable)
col := foreignTable.GetColumn(rel.ForeignColumn)
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn), strings.TrimPrefix(col.Type, "null."))
} else {
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn)
/*if rel.ForeignColumnNullable {
foreignTable := bdb.GetTable(tables, rel.ForeignTable)
col := foreignTable.GetColumn(rel.Column)
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strmangle.TitleCase(rel.Column), strings.TrimPrefix("Null", col.Type))
} else {
r.Function.ForeignAssignment = strmangle.TitleCase(rel.ForeignColumn)
{{if not .JoinTable -}}
{{- if .ForeignColumnNullable -}}
{{- $ftable := getTable $dot.Tables .ForeignTable -}}
{{- $fcol := getColumn $dot.Tables .ForeignColumn -}}
b.{{.ForeignColumn | camelCase}}.{{replace $fcol.Type "Null" ""}}, c.{{.ForeignColumn | camelCase}}.{{replace $fcol.Type "Null" ""}} = a.{{.Column}}{{if .Nullable}}, a.{{.Column}}
{{if .ForeignColumnNullable}}b.{{.ForeignColumn}}, c.{{.ForeignColumn}}{{else}}b.{{.ForeignColumn}}, c.{{.ForeignColumn}}{{end}} = a.ID, a.ID
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
b.user_id, c.user_id = a.ID, a.ID
{{- end -}}
{{- end}}
// {{$fnName}}X retrieves all the {{$localTableSing}}'s {{$foreignTableHumanReadable}} with an executor.
{{- if not $isForeignKeySimplyTableName}} via {{.ForeignColumn}} column.{{- end}}
func ({{$receiver}} *{{$localTable}}) {{$fnName}}X(exec boil.Executor, selectCols ...string) ({{$foreignSlice}}, error) {
var ret {{$foreignSlice}}
return r