Update 'settings/languages/Spanish.data'

This commit is contained in:
Aaack 2021-04-27 16:47:25 +00:00
parent 4ac7414ebf
commit 8a4bc719bd

View file

@ -1,77 +1,76 @@
[] []
checkingpythonmodules = [Checking PYTHON modules...] checkingpythonmodules = [Comprobando móddulos PYTHON...]
checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Checking VCStudio...] checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Comprobando VCStudio...]
desktopcreated = [ VCStudio configuration Complite. Look for VCStudio in the Launcher.] desktopcreated = [ La configuración de VCStudio ha terminado. Busque VCStudio en el menú de inicio.]
checked = [Okay] checked = [Okay]
cancel = [Cancel] cancel = [Cancelar]
failed = [Failed] failed = [Error]
missingmoduleserror = [Errors found. Type Fix to attempt fixing.] missingmoduleserror = [Se han encontrado errores. Escriba Fix para intentar corregirlos.]
missingmodulenotification = [Module error. Look into the console for details.] missingmodulenotification = [Error en un módulo. Mire la consola para más detalles.]
imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) I'm happy to see you.] imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Hola de nuevo.]
PMConsoleExplanation = [ PMConsoleExplanation = [
This is a console version of the VCStudio's Project-Manager. Esto es VCStudio Project-Manager para consolas.
Keep in mind that console mode is limited in functionality and is used only Tenga en cuenta que el modo de consola tiene límites en su funcionalidad
for most notoroius reasons. y es pensado para usarse en casos muy específicos.
Type help to get available functions.] Escriba help para ver las funciones disponibles.]
pm_console_help = [ pm_console_help = [
help - This help dialogue. help - Muestra éste texto.
set_language - changes language settings. set_language - Cambia el idioma.
projects_list - see projects list. projects_list - Muestra la lista de proyectos.
set_folder - set a folder where a new project is created. set_folder - Define una carpeta donde crear un nuevo proyecto.
new_project - creates a new project. new_project - Crea un nuevo proyecto.
project - launch a given project. project - Abre un proyecto.
scan - scans systems for VCStudio or Blender-Organizer projects. scan - Busca en el sistema por proyectos de VCStudio o Blender-Organizer.
convert - convert Blender-Organizer project to VCStudio project. (Please have a back up when using this one.) convert - Convierte un proyecto de Blender-Organizer a VCStudio, (haga una copia de respaldo antes de usar esta opción).
exit - exits. exit - Sale.
] ]
pm-do-new-project-error = [You didn't specify folder where to create a project. pm-do-new-project-error = [No ha definido una carpeta para su proyecto.
Use set_folder to specify it.] Use set_folder para definir la carpeta.]
Current = [Current] Current = [Actual]
Name = [Name] Name = [Nombre]
Wait = [Wait] Wait = [Aguarde]
project-manager = [Project - Manager] project-manager = [Administrador de proyectos]
createnewproject_tooltip = [Start a New Project] createnewproject_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo proyecto]
scanforprojects_tooltip = [Scan the OS for existing projects scanforprojects_tooltip = [Buscar proyectos existentes
both VCStudio and the Blender-Organizer] en VCStudio y Blender-Organizer]
convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convert selected Blender-Organizer convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convertir el proyecto de Blender-Organizer
project into a VCStudio project.] existente en un proyecto de VCStudio.]
pm_internet_tooltip = [Help / About / Tutorials / Forums pm_internet_tooltip = [Documentación]
Other Internet links] Update = [Actualizar]
Update = [Update] Settings = [Configuración]
Settings = [Settings] UI_testing_tooltip = [Cambiar a modo de "UI Testing"]
UI_testing_tooltip = [Tougle "UI Testing" Mode] pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Elegir donde crear una carpeta
pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Choose where on the system to para el nuevo proyecto.]
create the project's folder.] new_project_name = [Nombre del nuevo proyecto]
new_project_name = [New Project Name] duringscanningforprojects = [Buscando en el SO, espere...]
duringscanningforprojects = [Scanning the OS, wait...] Developer = [Desarrollador]
Developer = [Developer] help_movies_done_title = [Películas hechas con VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
help_movies_done_title = [Movies done using VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):] In_Production = [En producción]
In_Production = [In Production] help_tutorial_title = [tutoriales en video:]
help_tutorial_title = [Video Tutorials:] ClickToWatch = [Haz click para ver.]
ClickToWatch = [Click to watch.] tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analíticos - Tutorial]
tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Tutorial] tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Editor de historias - Tutorial]
tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Tutorial] tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Recursos - Tutorial]
tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Tutorial] Expand = [Expandir]
Expand = [Expand] Compress = [Colapsar]
Compress = [Compress] update_see_history = [Ver cambios en el archivo]
update_see_history = [See changes to the file] update_read_version_notes = [Vea notas acerca de esta versión]
update_read_version_notes = [Read about this version] update_available = [Disponible]
update_available = [Available] update_current = [Actual]
update_current = [Current] update_previous = [Anterior]
update_previous = [Previous] update_all = [Actualizar todo]
update_all = [Update all] files = [Archivos]
files = [files] update_install = [Instalar Actualizaciones]
update_install = [Install Updates] update_all_tooltip = [En lugar de descargar sólo las actualizaciones actuales,
update_all_tooltip = [Instead of downloading only the current update. descargue todos los archivos. Por ejemplo puede usarlos para reparar otros archivos.]
Download all the files. You can use it to fix broken files, for example.] update_installing = [Instalando las actualizaciones...]
update_installing = [Installing the Updates...] change_language = [Seleccione un idioma]
change_language = [Select a Language] set_language = [Seleccionar]
set_language = [Set ] Blur = [Desenfocar]
Blur = [Blur] Auto_De-Blur = [Desactivar el desenfoque debajo de los 10 FPS]
Auto_De-Blur = [Deactivate Blur Below 10 FPS]
help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman
The founder of GNU. Which stands for GNU's not Unix. This man made VCStudio The founder of GNU. Which stands for GNU's not Unix. This man made VCStudio
@ -113,155 +112,159 @@ Stallman. This ensures that Blender will always have the 4 basic freedoms.
VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist. VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist.
] ]
help_indirect_credits = [Special people who helped in-directly:] help_indirect_credits = [Agradecimiento a las siguientes personas que han ayudado indirectamente:]
help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Text Manuals and Release Notes)] help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Manuales y notas acerca de las versiones)]
Start = [Start] Start = [Inicio]
End = [End] End = [Fin]
analytics_tooltip = [See Project's Analytics / History / Scheduling] analytics_tooltip = [Ver analíticos del proyecto / Historial / Agenda]
new_scene_tooltip = [Create a new scene node.] new_scene_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo nodo de escena]
link_asset_tooltip = [Link asset to the story space.] link_asset_tooltip = [Vincular un recurso al espacio de la historia]
link_file_tooltip = [Link a file to the story space.] link_file_tooltip = [Vincular un archivo al espacio de la historia]
event_tooltip = [Make an event. Group scenes into a frame. event_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo evento. Agrupa escenas en un cuadro,
(Similar to Blender's Frame)] (Similar a los cuadros de Blender)]
marker_tooltip = [Mark a place on the story space.] marker_tooltip = [Agregar un marcador en el espacio de la historia.]
render_lists_tooltip = [Current Renders] render_lists_tooltip = [Renderizaciones actuales]
vse_tooltip = [VSE Video Editors vse_tooltip = [Editores de Vídeo VSE
(Blendfiles for editing the movie)] (archivos .blend para editar el video)]
multiuser_tooltip = [Multiuser. Sync of the project between multiuser_tooltip = [Multi usuario. Sincronizar el proyecto
more then one computer. Used for groups projects.] entre varias computadorasprar projectos grupales]
chr = [Characters] chr = [Personajes]
veh = [Vehicles] veh = [Vehículos]
loc = [Locations] loc = [Lugares]
obj = [Other Assets] obj = [Otros recursos]
mus = [Music / Sounds] mus = [Música / Sonidos]
blend_files_folder = [Blend Files] blend_files_folder = [Archivos .blend]
reference_folder = [References] reference_folder = [Referencias]
tex_folder = [Textures] tex_folder = [Texturas]
renders_folder = [Renders] renders_folder = [Renderizaciones]
DeleteQuestion = [Are you sure, you want to Delete?] DeleteQuestion = [Está seguro que quiere borrar?]
OperationIrrevesable = [Operation Non-Reversable!] OperationIrrevesable = [Esta operación no puede ser revertida!]
Scenes = [Scenes] Scenes = [Escenas]
LinksToFiles = [Links To Files] LinksToFiles = [Vínculos a archivos]
LinksToAssets = [Links To Assets] LinksToAssets = [Vínculos a recursos]
Markers = [Markers] Markers = [Marcadores]
project_folder = [Project's Folder] project_folder = [Carpeta de proyectos]
outside_folder = [From outside the project] outside_folder = [Carpeta externa]
project_name = [Project's Name] project_name = [Nombre del proyecto]
project_director = [Project's Director] project_director = [Director del proyecto]
project_status = [Project's Comment] project_status = [Comentario acerca del proyecto]
project_banner = [Background Image] project_banner = [Imagen de fondo]
project_startdate = [Start Date] project_startdate = [Fecha de inicio]
project_deadline = [Deadline] project_deadline = [Fecha límite]
username = [Your Username] username = [Su nombre de usuario]
create_new_asset = [Create New Asset:] create_new_asset = [Crear nuevo recurso:]
copy_file_as = [Copy a File As:] copy_file_as = [Copiar archivo como:]
create_new_blend_file = [Create a New Blend File:] create_new_blend_file = [Crear un nuevo archivo .blend:]
add_new_task = [New Task] add_new_task = [Nueva tarea]
add_new_subtask = [New Sub-Task] add_new_subtask = [Nueva sub tarea:]
user_schedules = [User:] user_schedules = [Usuario:]
add_phrase_tooltip = [Adding a Dialogue part to the script. add_phrase_tooltip = [Agregar un diálogo al libreto.
Example: Por Ejemplo:
James Hacker James Hacker
Hello World. How is my Hola mundo. Cómo está
Gnomovision doing? mi Gnomovision?
It will give you a good margin like in Organizará el texto con márgenes
a real script. And as you export. You similar a un libreto real. Cuando
will have a nice looking script frames.] sea exportado tendrá un libreto
add_shot_tooltip = [Mark part of the script estéticamente agradable]
as a shot.] add_shot_tooltip = [Marcar una parte del libreto
add_asset_tooltip = [Mark an asset. Character como toma]
or other type of asset.] add_asset_tooltip = [Marcar un recurso. Personaje
add_image_script_tooltip = [Insert Image] u otro tipo de recurso]
add_shot_live_checklist = [Live Action Shot] add_image_script_tooltip = [Insertar imagen]
add_shot_anim_checklist = [Animation Shot] add_shot_live_checklist = [Toma de acción en vivo]
add_shot_vfx_checklist = [VFX Shot] add_shot_anim_checklist = [Toma de animación]
add_scene_checklist = [Create Scene Checklist] add_shot_vfx_checklist = [Toma de efecto especial]
link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Link assets into ] add_scene_checklist = [Crear una lista de comprobación]
render_shot_blend_tooltip = [VCStudio Renderer for ] link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Vincular recursos a ]
link_mode_link = [Just link the assets into the Blend-File.] render_shot_blend_tooltip = [Renderizar VCStudio para ]
link_mode_overrides = [Link and Make Library-Overrides to the assets.] link_mode_link = [Sólo vincula los recursos en el archivo .blend]
link_mode_proxy = [Link and Make Proxy to the Rigs.] link_mode_overrides = [Vincula y crea redefiniciones en la biblioteca para los recursos]
link_add_from_scene = [Add assets marked in the scene.] link_mode_proxy = [Vincula y crea un proxy para los rigs]
link_asset_not_configured = [Asset not configured. Please configure the asset. link_add_from_scene = [Agregar los recursos seleccionados a la escena]
Without configuration the asset will not be linked.] link_asset_not_configured = [Recurso no configurado, por favor configúrelo.
asset_configuration_step_1 = [Step 1: Make the Asset.] Si permanece desconfigurado el recurso no podrá ser vinculado.]
asset_configuration_step_2 = [Step 2: Copy Blend file to /ast/.] asset_configuration_step_1 = [Paso 1: Cree el recurso.]
asset_configuration_step_3 = [Step 3: Choose Collection and Rig.] asset_configuration_step_2 = [Paso 2: Copie el archivo .blend a /ast/.]
render_avarage_time = [Average Time:] asset_configuration_step_3 = [Paso 3: Seleccione la colección y el Rig.]
render_remaining_time = [Time Left:] render_avarage_time = [Tiempo promedio:]
clean_render_folder = [Delete all the frames in the folder before starting render. render_remaining_time = [Tiempo restante:]
Else it will continue from the last frame that exists in the folder.] clean_render_folder = [Borre todos los archivos de los cuadros de la carpeta antes de renderizar,
readme = [Readme] de lo contrario continuará a partir del último cuadro
license = [License] que se encuentre en la carpeta.]
documentation_installation = [Installation] readme = [Leame]
documentation_project_manager = [Project Manager] license = [Licencia]
documentation_story_editor = [Story Editor] documentation_installation = [Instalación]
documentation_script_writer = [Script Writer] documentation_project_manager = [Administrador del proyecto]
documentation_analytics = [Analytics] documentation_story_editor = [Editor de historias]
documentation_assets = [Assets] documentation_script_writer = [Escritor de libretos]
documentation_link_assets = [Linking Assets] documentation_analytics = [Analíticos]
documentation_render = [Render] documentation_assets = [Recursos]
documentation_multiuser = [Multiuser] documentation_link_assets = [Vinculando recursos]
documentation_type_scene = [Read Online] documentation_render = [Renderizar]
documentation_type_update = [Update Information] documentation_multiuser = [Múltiples usuarios]
documentation_type_video = [Video Tutorial] documentation_type_scene = [Lea en línea]
multiuser_server_start = [Start the Multiuser Server on this computer.] documentation_type_update = [Actualizar información]
multiuser_server_stop = [Kill the Multiuser Server. documentation_type_video = [Tutorial en vídeo]
Warning! Potential data loss could acur.] multiuser_server_start = [Arrancar el server de múltiples usuarios en esta computadora.]
change_theme = [Change Theme] multiuser_server_stop = [Terminar el server de múltiple usuarios.
set_theme = [Change Theme to: ] Cuidado! Puede perder datos]
export_tooltip = [Export story to ODT. change_theme = [Cambiar tema]
(LibreOffice format. Readable by most office suits.)] set_theme = [Cambiar tema a: ]
export_tooltip = [Exportar con formato ODT,
(formato de LibreOffice, legible por la mayoría de los programas de oficina.)]
sc_help = [ sc_help = [
help - returns this help help - Muestra esta ayuda.
asset - choose and asset asset - Elige un recurso.
assets - list existsing assets assets - Muestra una lista de los recursos existentes.
scene - read a scene scene - Muestra el texto de una escena.
scenes - lists available scenes scenes - Lista las escenas disponibles.
scenes_main_chain - list only scenes from the main chain scenes_main_chain - Lista sólo las escenas de la rama principal.
shot - choose a shot shot - Elige una toma.
shots - list shots of a given scene shots - Lista las tomas de una escena seleccionada.
file - open a file from a given asset or shot file - Abre un archivo del recurso o toma seleccinada.
files - list all files from a given asset or shot files - Lista todos los archivos de un recurso o toma seleccionada.
multiuser_start - starts multiuser server for this project multiuser_start - Arranca el servidor de múltiples usuarios para este proyecto.
multiuser_stop - stops multiuser multiuser_stop - Detiene el servidor de múltiples usuarios.
multiuser_users - list of users connected to multiuser multiuser_users - Lista los usuarios conectados al servidor.
multiuser_message - message users on multiuser multiuser_message - Envía un mensaje a los usuarios conectados.
vse - starts a vse file vse - Arranca un archivo VSE.
vses - lists all vse files vses - Lista todos los archivos VSE.
render - render a given file from a shot render - Renderiza un archivo .blend de una toma.
render_server - become a render server for users on multiuser render_server - Crea un servidor de renderización para múltiples usuarios.
render_not_server - stop being a render server for users render_not_server - Detiene el servidor de renderización para múltiples usuarios.
eval - run a python expression eval - Corre una expresión en Python.
exit - exit exit - Sale.
] ]
press_to_continue = [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE] press_to_continue = [PRESIONE INTRO PARA CONTINUAR]
contact_us_now = [Video Call the Developer] contact_us_now = [Haga una videoconferencia con el desarrollador]
contact_us_tip = [ contact_us_tip = [
Open a Jitsi Conference where J.Y.Amihud, the developer of VCStudio is Crea una conferencia en Jitsi donde J.Y.Amihud, el desarrollador de
constantly working on improving the software or does any other project. VCStudio trabaja continuamente para mejorar el programa u otros
Jitsi does not require you to have a login. Just type your name, allow Jitsi no requiere que cree una cuenta. Solo ingrese su apodo, permita
access to your microphone and start talking. Talk freely in either el uso de su micrófono y ya puede hablar. Puede hablar en Inglés,
English, Russian or Hebrew. No moderation of curse words. So be free to Ruso o Hebreo. No hay moderación de malas palabras, siéntase libre
yell at me. de gritarme.
If I don't respond or there is no-one in the conferense. I'm either away Si no respondo o si no hay nadie en la conferencia estoy lejos del
from the computer or asleep. teclado o durmiendo.
] ]
report_bug_now = [Report Bugs] report_bug_now = [Reporte un problema]
report_bug_tip = [ report_bug_tip = [
Open the NotABug git repository issues page where you can post your problem. Abra la página de errores del repositorio de NotABug donde puede reportar su
Please be descriptive. And make sure that we can re-create the bug. Use screen problema. Por favor sea descriptivo y asegúrese que se pueda recrear el
shots or files that have problems if needed. problema, use capturas de pantalla y/o archivos que tengan el problema si
es aplicable.
Type freely using English, Russian or Hebrew. Escriba en Inglés, Ruso o Hebreo.
] ]
tutorial_video_installation = [VCStudio: Installation Tutorial] tutorial_video_installation = [VCStudio: Tutorial de Instalación]
tutorial_video_project_manager = [VCStudio: Project-Manager Tutorial] tutorial_video_project_manager = [VCStudio: Tutorial del Administrador de Proyectos]
auto_download_images = [Auto Download Images] auto_download_images = [Descarga automática de imágenes]