Upload files to 'settings/languages'
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 138 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
checkingpythonmodules = [Is PYTHON Fucking High?]
checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Unmotherfuckering VCStudio...]
checked = [Cool]
cancel = [Fuck]
failed = [Fucked]
missingmoduleserror = [ motherfuckers. Type Fix to kill them.]
missingmodulenotification = [Somethings is fucked with the modules. Terminal has the asnwers.]
imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Hey, motherfucker. SUP?]
PMConsoleExplanation = [
Ah... Well. Dude. You got this fucking version. I mean Terminal based fucking
version. Basically something's fucked on your god damn system. I can't draw. I
can't find a bloody Gt-cunt. Or was it you, motherfucker, typing -c ?
Remember. That's ain't your sexy Gt-cunt. So don't expect being able to do
everything through here.
Type help to know what the fuck to do.]
pm_console_help = [
help - Idk why is this here. You just fucking typed it.
set_language - Don't even dare changing Dumbass to something like English. I fucking dare you.
projects_list - It's like when you forgot your kid's name because there so many o' them.
set_folder - Put a place where childer gonna be fucking born.
new_project - Fucking. I mean making babies. I mean creating a fucking child.
project - In-out with the baby. But without the out. You just go in.
scan - like what if you have babies and you don't know about them. Fucking happens.
convert - It's like cutting a fucking person to peaces, gluing him back together. And hoping that he's still alive.
exit - In-out without the in. Because if you don't get out in time. He got a baby. Deal with it.
pm-do-new-project-error = [Where the fuck I do the project?
Use set_folder to fucking tell me.]
Current = [The current]
Name = [We call it]
Wait = [Waeh]
project-manager = [Fucking - Chooser]
createnewproject_tooltip = [Make a fucking project]
scanforprojects_tooltip = [See if your shitty system
has any fucking projects already.]
convertoldproject_tooltip = [Make old thing, a new thing.]
pm_internet_tooltip = [If you dumb, motherfucker, click here.]
Update = [Download new motherfucker]
Settings = [Change stuff]
UI_testing_tooltip = [Make everything look shitty]
pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [You know. I need a fucking folder
to make a project. Like really. ]
new_project_name = [Here is the name of you fucking project]
duringscanningforprojects = [Don't touch!!! I'm fucking searching...]
Developer = [Fatherfucker]
help_movies_done_title = [Fucking Filmography of VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
In_Production = [Still struggling to make.]
help_tutorial_title = [Videos for dumbasses:]
ClickToWatch = [Click to get smarter.]
tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Video for a dumbass]
tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Video for a dumbass]
tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Video for a dumbass]
Expand = [In]
Compress = [Out]
update_see_history = [Fucking history of the file]
update_read_version_notes = [Fucking version page]
update_available = [Could be yours, mate.]
update_current = [But you have this shit.]
update_previous = [Good you ditched those.]
update_install = [Download the motherfuckers]
update_installing = [Installing the motherfuckers...]
change_language = [Don't you dare changing the language!!!]
set_language = [Don't even fucking think of the ]
Blur = [Pixalated shit]
Auto_De-Blur = [When It's 10 FPS Fuck Blur!]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
checkingpythonmodules = [Проверка модулей PYTHON]
checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Проверка VCStudio...]
checked = [Хорошо]
cancel = [Отмена]
failed = [Провал]
missingmoduleserror = [Ошибок найденно. Наберите Fix чтобы начать починку.]
missingmodulenotification = [Ошибка загрузки модулей. См. консоль для деталей.]
imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Приятно видить вас.]
PMConsoleExplanation = [
Эта консольная версия VCStudio. Видемо на вашей системе нет нужных модулев
чтобы запустить графический интерфейс. Еще сюда можно зайти набрав -c.
Напоминаю что это не полная версия. А значит и функционал тут минимальный.
Наберите help для вывода существующих комманд.]
pm_console_help = [
help - Этот диалог помоши
set_language - поменять язык прокраммы
projects_list - посмотреть список проэктов
set_folder - установить папку для создания новых проэктов
new_project - создать новый проэкт
project - запустить проэкт
scan - сканировать систему на проэкты
convert - конвертировать проэкты Blender-Organizer в проэкт VCStudio (следует сделать копию проэкта сначала)
exit - выйти из программы
pm-do-new-project-error = [Папка для создания новых проэктов не выбрана.
Используйте set_folder для выбора папки.]
Current = [Сейчас]
Name = [Имя]
project-manager = [Менеджер проэктов]
createnewproject_tooltip = [Создать новый проэкт]
scanforprojects_tooltip = [Сканировать систему в поисках
существующих проэктов. Одновременно проэкты
VCStudio и проэкты Blender-Organizer]
convertoldproject_tooltip = [Конвертировать проэкт Blender-Organizer
в проэкт VCStudio]
pm_internet_tooltip = [Уроки / Форумы
и другие Интернет ссылки]
Update = [Обновить]
Settings = [Настройки]
UI_testing_tooltip = [Переключатель режима "Тестирования графики"]
pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Папка для создания нового проэкта.]
new_project_name = [Имя нового проэкта]
duringscanningforprojects = [Сканирую систему. Подождите...]
Developer = [Разработчик]
help_movies_done_title = [Фильмы сделанны с помошью VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
In_Production = [В продукцие]
help_tutorial_title = [Видео уроки:]
ClickToWatch = [Нажмите чтобы посмотреть.]
tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Аналитика - Урок]
tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Редактор-Сюжета - Урок]
tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Ассеты - Урок]
Expand = [Раскрыть]
Compress = [Скрыть]
update_see_history = [Посмотреть историю файла]
update_read_version_notes = [Прочитать про эту версию]
update_available = [Доступно]
update_current = [Данная версия]
update_previous = [Преведущая версия]
update_install = [Устоновить обновления]
update_installing = [Устанавливаю обновления...]
change_language = [Выбрать язык]
set_language = [Выбрать ]
Blur = [Размытость]
Auto_De-Blur = [Выключать Размытось при 10 ФПС]
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