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Sometimes you have either a bug, a broken feature you would like to fix or a suggestion, missing feature you would like to implement. With proprietary software you are stuck with what the developer or the proprietor decides. And even if they have a way to report a bug, you can only prey that they will infect fix your problem. But since VCStudio is Free Software, you can actually make a change.
 [What is Free Software?](../../wiki/extra/FreeSoftware.md)
I understand that not a lot of people understand programming well enough to implement their changes alone. So a way of communicating the issues could be nice.
# Git
As you maybe noticed, we don't use Github to host the VCStudio source-code. It's because I just don't like Github very much. But the service we use, NotABug, is very similar. It uses the same underlying protocol, [Git](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git).
Git allows people to track changes in the files, make forks and other good stuff. Free Software could exists with or without Git. But Git makes Free Software easier to develop.
# Issues
One of the features Git platforms such as Github, Gitlab or NoABug have, is an issue tracker. It's a kind of bug report tracker. But allows adding issues that are not bugs.
Any type of problem with the software. Either a bug, or a missing feature the user might like to have, or other annoyance, could be reported as an issue. Issues are like small articles with a comment section. So the developers and other users could discuss the issue and think of how to deal with it.
 [VCStudio Issues](https://notabug.org/jyamihud/VCStudio/issues)
# How to report an Issue?
First of all you have to Register at [NotABug.org](https://notabug.org). I still didn't figure out how to make reporting of bugs without the NotABug account. If you have a suggestion. Please suggest it in the issues.
Then you go to the [VCStudio Issues](https://notabug.org/jyamihud/VCStudio/issues) page. And click the huge green button `New Issue`.
It will present you with a simple UI to type your article and upload some files such as screenshots. NotABug, similar to most Git services supports Markdown formatting. If you want to add headings, embed images, do inline links or simply emphasize some text.
You can read on how to use Markdown [here](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/). Don't be afraid. The Markdown format is stupidly simple to use. And you are probably already familiar with it. It's used on [Blender's devtalk](https://devtalk.blender.org/), on [LBRY](../../wiki/extra/LBRY.md) for descriptions and comments and in many other places.
Then you just publish it and finally everybody would be able to see your issue. So we could start fixing it.
# How does fixing works?
In Free Software everybody is free to fork a branch. Copy the source code and edit it on their own without effecting my copy. Everybody can see the issues. And fork the source code to try to fix it. Each copy is called a branch.
*Note: Separate branches have separate issues pages.*
Git provides a tool to merge branches together. A person with a changed branch can submit a pull request. Git system evaluates what files are different. And what changes were made.
If we like the other branch, we are going to except the changes in our branch. But we are free not to do so. If we don't except the changes, it doesn't cancel the other branch's existence. If the person who made that other branch is willing to publish his version, you are always free to install his version over ours.
But for the most part, currently, we will just read your issues and implement patches for them directly into our branch. Of course only if those issues are meaningful. And we know how fix them.
# Help The Documentation
The documentation files are not perfect. And need maintenance.
*If you are reading it from the VCStudio build in Documentation:*
- Press  to edit locally.
- Press  to commit in our NotABug repository.
*(C) J.Y.Amihud 2021. Under GPL v3 or later.*
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A lot of people worked hard to make this software work. But due to the nature of Free Software development it's very hard to give you a full list of Credits.
 [What is Free Software?](../../wiki/extra/FreeSoftware.md)
 [How Free Software is Developed?](../../wiki/extra/Bugs.md)
So instead I'm going to mention 4 very influential people without whom this project would probably not exist. If you helped this project and you want to add your name to the credits too. Talk to me and I'll figure it out.
## Richard Stallman
 [Richard Matthew Stallman](https://stallman.org/) (also known as RMS or simply Richard Stallman. [Wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman) ) is an infuential figure in making VCStudio possible. The amount of mistreatment happening in the world in mind boggling. Vodka companies and Drug Lords making millions of dollars while selling poision to addicted prey. When people demand respect they manufacture it disguising the poison under some kind of artificial lie. Like "*Let's drink for life.*". Software companies are doing the same. And people are not understanding the impact because the poison is not as clear as with some other products. [Malware](https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/proprietary.html) is a big problem. But even bigger problem lies that tech companies are trying to outsmart people. When you bought something you had an access to fix it. Apple is taking it away from you by designing the products that refuse to work when you try to swap parts. And they are manufacturing exuses such as "*It's for your protection.*" that many people buy.
Software companies do that same thing by refusing people access to means of doing things to their copies of the software. Making restricted licenses. Not releasing the source-code. Demanding outreagious end user agreements. Developing Digital Restriction Managment systems. And other evil things. Making their users addicted so they could not use anything but their poison software.
In order to stop this from happening we need to use Free Software.
Richard Stallman is the father of the [Free Software movement](https://www.fsf.org/) and the [GNU Operaring System](https://www.gnu.org). ( Usually known as Linux. Or GNU / Linux. )
Without Richard Stallman there would be mistreatment of users. Also the operating system and the license that I'm using to publish this would not exist. So therefor I credit him in this project as well. This project tries very hard to be as Free and as Respecting as it possibly can. I might not succeed 100%. Maybe because I'm stupid. But thanks to Richard I at least try.
## Linus Torvalds
 [Linus Benedict Torvalds](https://github.com/torvalds) is an important figure in the GNU / Linux and Free Software ( [Open Source](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html) ) world. His contribution is a the Linux part of the [GNU / Linux operating system](https://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html).
His contribution is important since his program "Linux" is the most important part of an operating system called the kernel. The kernel manages all the other programs. It's the program that translates anything between programs like Blender or VCStudio to stuff like CPU and Grpahics Card. But there are programs in between those users are using and the linux kernel. Stuff like the Window Manager (Gnome, KDE), Graphics Engine (OpenGL, Vulkan), Sound Engine (Jack, ALSA) and other minor programs. All running on top of linux but are not the part of linux. They are parts of GNU. And together it's GNU / Linux.
To see more about the Linux kernel you can look at [linuxfoundation.org](https://linuxfoundation.org/)
## Ton Roosendaal
 [Ton Roosendall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton_Roosendaal) is the [BDFL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benevolent_dictator_for_life) of [Blender](https://www.blender.org/). In the 80s and 90s Ton was working on 3D animation using their own peace of software called Traces (a ray trace Renderer). In the company called NeoGeo founded by Ton in 1989. Later they decided to put together an animation / modeling tool based on the interface of Traces. Combined product became Blender.
On 13 October 2002 Blender was released to the public under the GNU GPL license. Making it officially Free Software. And thus opening it's features to be used in the ethical world of Free Software.
Since then Blender grew to the largest animation / modeling / video editing / visual effects tool that you can find.
## J.Y.Amihud
 Jeison Yehuda Amihud (Blender Dumbass) is the developer of Blender-Organizer. Or VCStudio. A minor thing compared to the monumental job that is done by others.
In 2016 during making of the movie "I'm Not Even Human" J.Y. faced a problem of organization. Large projects with multiple people usually have a producer or managers that do all the organizational work. In this project tho. There was only J.Y.Amihud for the entire thing. And something needed to be done.
The solution was to write a program that will do most of the job for you. Instead of making folders and subfolders for each character and it's textures, references and renders. You just add the character and it does everything for you. The program also solved the problem of knowing how much is done. So J.Y.Amihud could estimate the time of the release. The movie was finished a month before the released date that was annouced half a year before the movie was done. So the program works.
Since then Blender-Organizer had a few itterations. And now it is called VCStudio.
J.Y.Amihud is also known by the name Blender Dumbass. And currently hold an [LBRY channel](https://odysee.com/@blenderdumbass:f). You can follow him there.
[What is LBRY?](../../wiki/extra/LBRY.md)
# Help The Documentation
The documentation files are not perfect. And need maintenance.
*If you are reading it from the VCStudio build in Documentation:*
- Press  to edit locally.
- Press  to commit in our NotABug repository.
*(C) J.Y.Amihud 2021. Under GPL v3 or later.*
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VCStudio is **Free Software**. People often call programs like this Open Source. But it's a mistake. Open Source just describes that the source code is available. Free Software on the other hand says that Software is Free. Free as in Freedom.
# Free as in Freedom
A lot of people tent to use "Open Source" since Free Software confuses a lot of people. In English we have a problem. The word "Free" means both Freedom and Gratis. Free Software was called after terms like Free Country and Free Speech. But since software now a days are mostly commercial products. And Free Software tent to be gratis as well. Free Software name became confusing.
There were attempts to solve this issue. Like for example the unfortunate "Open Source" that stuck with the mainstream media. It did provide some clarity to some aspects of how Free Software is developed. But it unfortunately completely erased the philosophical ideas of Free Software.
Some people use the words Software Libre. It's a good substitute for most uses. But in some countries the word "Libre" doesn't exist. So it's a weird mismatch of unfortunate naming. If you speak not in English you can use your language version of Free Software meaning Software that gives people Freedom.
# The Four Essential Freedoms
To qualify as Free Software, a given program has to give users the Four Essential Freedoms. Essential. Since if a program doesn't give those freedoms, the program is subjugating the user one way or another.
The Freedoms are:
0. To run the software for what ever purpose at what ever time.
1. To study how the software works and make modifications to it. For this you need access to the full source code.
2. To share copies. Giving it away gratis or selling.
3. To share copies of modified versions.
These four freedoms should come with the software, so the software would be Free. The user is not obligated to obey those freedoms. Since they are not rules. It's freedoms. They might or might not give you a copy of the program, but they have the freedom to do so. They might or might not change the source code, but they have the freedom to do so.
# How Software gives people Freedoms?
In the law of most countries software is automatically copyrighted by the person who writes it. And only he can decide what to do with this software.
If he wants people to have some legal rights with the software, he needs to provide a legal document stating what right he gives and under which conditions. This type of document is called a license.
A Free Software license is the one that gives you the four essential freedoms. Many licenses just give you the freedoms and have no conditions. But some licenses like the GNU GPL protect user Freedom from malicious actors. By implementing [Copyleft](https://copyleft.org/). Basically you are free to give or sell copies only if your copies will have the same freedoms as this one. If your copies will have this same license.
We are using the [GNU GPL version 3](../../LICENSE.md) or any later GNU GPL license.
# Why Software Freedom is important?
If you rely on something to make a particular task you should be able to control it. Think about having a heart implant with a program on it that can automatically update. But you cannot control what it does. Or how it monitors your heart. Some Company controls it. And they hold your life under their thumb.
For other computations the same is true but perhaps not as deadly. Like for example having software that spies on your entire life in exchange for some videos. Or having a program that is designed to be as addictive as possible. And since you can't change it, you become it's literal slave.
In some cases you will encounter a critical flaw in the software that perhaps only occurs for you. Even if you report the bug to the developer, they have all the reasons to ignore it since you are not the majority of the users. Like for example a game that doesn't run as smoothly under [Wine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_%28software%29). The developer doesn't care. Since he will probably develop it only for Windows. And he doesn't have budget or any incentive to care about your case.
Your personal need doesn't out-weight his greed.
The ability to fix the bug, remove malicious feature, or otherwise improve the software, so it will behave exactly the way you choose it to behave is essential. You get a copy, you get source code with it. So if you don't like something, you can manually change the program for yourself.
 [How Fixing Issues Works?](../../wiki/extra/Bugs.md)
But why should we be free to give or sell copies of the software? Not all people are programmers. So hiring a programmer should be possible. You give him a copy. He modifies it. And sell you back the program with your desired modifications.
Also if you will release your copies to the world, the whole community might benefit from those changes. But this is also why Copyleft is important. Since without it any bad company will take your program and use it in their user-subjugating, proprietary garbage. So we should not allow it.
# Learn more about Free Software
For general information about Free Software you can visit [GNU.ORG](https://www.gnu.org/). Also there you can learn about [Free Software Philosophy](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html) and the dangers of non-free software. The [proprietary malware](https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/proprietary.html).
For more information about licensing your own software you can check the [License Comparison](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html) page. It lists a very large range of licenses and talks about pros and cons of each one. And also shows you whether it's a Free Software license and whether it's compatible with GNU GPL.
# Help The Documentation
The documentation files are not perfect. And need maintenance.
*If you are reading it from the VCStudio build in Documentation:*
- Press  to edit locally.
- Press  to commit in our NotABug repository.
*(C) J.Y.Amihud 2021. Under GPL v3 or later.*
@ -23,25 +23,27 @@ They became very good at manufacturing consent. Their PR agents are coming up da
**Non-Free Software.** YouTube requires viewers to run non-free software to view the videos. Now you probably saying. "But I can view it in Firefox. And Firefox is free software." It's like arguing that Skype is free software because it can be installed on GNU / Linux.
 [What is Free Software?](../../wiki/extra/FreeSoftware.md)
Web sites today send small programs along with the pages. They are usually written in JavaScripts. The page it self is a document. Which has nothing bad in it. But the JavaScript code is a program. Which can be either free or non-free.
Now you probably asking me. But I can read the source code. Isn't that what makes it free? No it's not enough to have access to the source code. You have to have a legal license to change and redistribute this source code. Or to run it for what ever purpose. And most of them do not provide with a Free Software license. That makes them non-free.
Now you probably asking me. But I can read the source code. Isn't that what makes it free? No it's not enough to have access to the source code. You have to have a legal license to change and redistribute this source code. And to run it for what ever purpose. And most of them do not provide you with a Free Software license. That makes them non-free.
[LibreJS](https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/) is a good way to solve this problem. It looks for a license inside each JavaScript file. And blocks non-free ones from running. This has it's own problem tho. Some developers are kind of lazy. For example GitLab is a free software site. Which has a license to all the site at ones. But not in the individual JavaScript documents. LibreJS fails the site. But knowing that it's all free, generally it's okay to `Whitelist` the entire site inside LibreJS. *But complaining to the site owners still worth it.*
LBRY unfortunately has not put a license on each and every JavaScript file yet. [But they are working on it.](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/issues/5327)
LBRY unfortunately has not put a license on each and every JavaScript file yet. So Odysee has to be whitelisted in LibreJS. [But they are working on it.](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/issues/5327)
**Censorship.** YouTube is a centralized publication platform. Meaning there is a central authority that decides what can be on the platform and what can't. It's not necessarily a big deal if the platform owners do not care about their powers. But we all know that as soon as somebody gets a power. They gonna use it. YouTube blocks channels for political views. Demonetizes those who promote Free Software. And deletes those who talk about CryptoCurrencies.
**Censorship.** YouTube is a centralized publication platform. Meaning there is a central authority that decides what can be on the platform and what can't. It's not necessarily a big deal if the platform owners do not care about their powers. But we all know that as soon as somebody gets power, they gonna use it. YouTube blocks channels for political views. Demonetizes those who promote Free Software. And deletes those who talk about CryptoCurrencies.
*A video about it from Bryan Lunduke.*
 *Click on the image to view in LBRY* or  [Download Video](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/LeaveYouTubeForOdysee/7c42456cb6e83722d720e08d45eafe82e52df852/667f6b)
 *Click on the image to view in Odysee.com* or  [Download Video](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/LeaveYouTubeForOdysee/7c42456cb6e83722d720e08d45eafe82e52df852/667f6b)
# Decentralization
LBRY is not a web site. [LBRY.tv](https://lbry.tv) is a web site. [Odysee.com](https://odysee.com) is a web site. Both talking to the same underlying, decentralized publication system. Which is based on the block-chain technology. Meaning there is no central server for the publications. All publications are stored in multiple places controlled by different people that don't need to even know about each other's existence. This is resistant to censorship.
LBRY is not a web site. [Odysee.com](https://odysee.com) is a web site. There is also the [LBRY application](https://lbry.com). Both talking to the same underlying, decentralized publication system. Which is based on the block-chain technology. Meaning there is no central server for the publications. All publications are stored in multiple places controlled by different people that don't need to even know about each other's existence. This is resistant to censorship.
This doesn't mean things like DMCA will not effect the platform. They can make a complaint to Odysee.com for example. And they will delete the video from their server. And block on their site. But you will still have alternative applications where the video is not blocked. In the desktop application is much better. Since there is no web site. And if a single node still has the publication. You can access it.
@ -53,11 +55,19 @@ For verified accounts there is a reward program. Basically for various activity
All these LBCs are a CrytoCurrency which you can exchange for real world money. Meaning LBRY has a way better business model then YouTube.
# Odysee
[Odysee.com](https://odysee.com) is a web-based front end to LBRY, similar to LBRY Desktop, but running in a browser. Originally they had spee.ch then moved to lbry.tv and later to Odysee.com. The reason to name it Odysee came from an attempt to avoid confusion between the LBRY as a protocol and LBRY as a website.
By the time of me typing this lbry.tv still operates. But in a last stages of closing down. But since Odysee and lbry.tv share the same accounts. This is not a big deal.
Also by the time of writing it. If you change any publication url from `odysee.com` to `spee.ch` it will redirect you to the raw file of the publication. This is an easy way to download any publication from the protocol.
For more information about LBRY:
- [lbry.com](https://lbry.com)
- [lbry.tech](https://lbry.tech)
- [lbry.tv](https://lbry.tv)
- [lbry on Github](https://github.com/lbryio/)
- [odysee.com](https://odysee.com)
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VCStudio is already been used in production. Few movies by J.Y.Amihud were done using this software, or it's previous iterations. We are counting the older [Blender-Organizer](https://github.com/JYamihud/blender-organizer) here as well. Since VCStudio is just a re-implementation of the same set of features in a new language with a clearer code. The two software are perfectly compatible with each other. And you can continue Blender-Organizer projects in VCStudio seamlessly.
In this page is a list of movies made with the help of this software. If some movie is missing it's probably because we don't know about it. So if you made a movie using VCStudio, please talk to us.

**I'm Not Even Human**
In our world words like "mine" and "my" are synonimous with owning something. "This is my car", "This is my computer", "This thing is mine". You hear this all the time. And always people express this way a control over a peace of something they own. Unfortunatly people use phrases like "This is my child" quite often too. Simple non-carefull wording can hurt an otherwise well-intended idea. "Open-Source" is one of those examples. Trying to help the cause of Free Software. "Open-Source" was intended to be the phrase that eases big companies to join the Free Software. But instead people now mis-understand the definition of Free Software. The political ideas are lost.
I fear the same could happen to "This is my child". I fear that in a hundred years from now children will become property of adults. Think about un-intentionally promoting a form of slavery. That does not really exist now. But that people subcountiosly already percieve as "normal". Parents percieved notion of ownership over the children that they raise is already a thing. Control of thoughts. Censorship of ideas. Who you can be friends with and who you can't. All big things start small. And we need to do something about it right now.
In 2015 or so. I was thinking a lot about this idea. The movie "I'm Not Even Human" came to my mind. How about presenting the dystopian future to the audience. Make them think about it. Maybe I could manage to start a conversation.
For the film's production I utilized a lot of Free Software tools. GNU / Linux operating system. Blender. GNU Image Manupulation Program. But one thing I didn't have. It's was a producer. At Blender Foundation where they made Sintel and Spring. They have Ton Roseendaal to yell at them. To decide what to do next. To see how the project is going. In my situation there was only me.
I tried solving the problem using spreadsheets and paper. And it worked somewhat. But I needed something better. Seeing how I can build simple GTK applications using python. I started developing a programm that will manage for me stuff like checklists and folder creation. The programm was called "Organizer". It was a very simple thing. But by the end of the project it matured into a full on peace of software.
The movie "I'm Not Even Human" was released on YouTube on June 1st 2018. *I know. YouTube is not the best place. Not the most Free Software one. But I didn't know any better back then.* Now you can watch it on the new, decentralized, Free Software alternative to YouTube called "LBRY".
 [LBRY](https://lbry.tv/@VCS:7/Imnotevenhumanshortfilm:3), [Raw File (1.3 GB)](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/Imnotevenhumanshortfilm/3aec1f719f3a8249830f6917db0bb1b7f5e476ab/cd344e)
 [What is LBRY?](../../wiki/extra/LBRY.md)

**The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out**
After I'm Not Even Human I had a movie project. I wanted to make an Israeli cinema movie. I thought that one 32 minute animated film was enough to go right to the cinema stuff. With budgets and real crew. And stuff. There were 3 problems with the movie.
**Problem 1:** I had in mind a structure to write which required hell of a lot of concentration. It's a kind of non-linear, but some what linear, story with a twists and a lot of crazy tension grabbing buildups. All to compensate the apperant budget of the movie. Which I knew would be small. Think of Christopher Nolan's Memento. Where the budget is tiny. But the structure is extreme. So to compensate for the lack of epicness on the screen.
I tried writting it a traditional way. Using Libre Office. And after multiple drafts of complite faliure I knew I needed some kind of clever solution. My solution was to extend the "Organizer" I had written for I'm Not Even Human to make a kind of visual story planning tool. I called it "Story Editor". It required writting new UI elements. For nodes and things like that. And I ended up rewritting the entire UI of the Organizer. Making it look some what more modern. And I also changed the name of the programm to "Blender-Organizer".
**Problem 2:** I had in mind a short, but epic car chase sequence that I wanted to make regardless of how small the budget will be. I knew I could pitch the CGI approach. But they could either think it's impossible. Or require me to use some "Industy Standard" non-free software to do that job. Which I didn't want.
My solution was to film something like this myself. Just a simple car chase thing. To be able to show something. And so the project of The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out started. Using the new Blender-Organizer. The short film was relesed later in 2018. And even re-twitted by Ton Roseendaal.
 [LBRY](https://lbry.tv/@VCS:7/ThePackageTheCarAndTheTimeIsRunningOut:3),  [Raw File (104 MB)](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/ThePackageTheCarAndTheTimeIsRunningOut/38c9f4cb1223c64ebf93e2c7183783d19040f1bd/346fd5)
**Problem 3:** The companies needed me to have views before talking to me about a movie. I think it's good that I didn't end up making the film the traditional way. They would've taken it to Netflix or something similar after the Cinema run. And it would be released with DRM and require running non-free software to watch legally. Not good.
Solution? For now I'm thinking on maybe making it myself. It will require some hard work on the part of finding people and locations. And paying all the expenses. Also there is an idea of making it animated. The script is written. Tho I will not release it untill it comes out. *Probably.*

**Moria's Race** *(Work In Progress)*
In the begining of 2020 a friend of mine called me with an idea to make children cartoons for YouTube. I tried to explain her that it's not a viable platform. Especially for children's entertainment. Since their buisness is based on tracking people and selling their data. The law of the USA requires them to decrease the discoverability of children's entertainment.
I'm Not Even Human is not technically "made for kids". It's designed to look like "made for kids" to break in through the censoring. Which even tho worked to some extent. Made some parents pissed off at me. And I recieved a lot of hate for that kind of thing. My little brothers for example are not allowed to see my film. Because it's technically R rated. *I don't like MPAA rating system. I used it to illustrate the point. Also I'm Not Even Human is not even rated at all. By any system. At least as I type it.*
Returning to Christopher Nolan ( *Who was born on July 30. As I am too.* ) This time giving me another idea that I would steal. His war epic Dunkirk was rated PG-13. Which meant that the movie is not relying on shock value. But rather on the quality of the tension. In an interview somewhere he talked about how they watched a print of Saving Private Ryan in the pre-production to the movie. And he noticed that people turned away from the screens way too often due to graphical nature of the film. In order to make people see every frame of his expencive 70mm film he needed a solution. And his solution was not to show graphic images. But instead use film tricks to establish the most tension possible. Which worked wonderfully.
He basically made a kosher movie that makes you feel things. I thought about revisiting the ideas of I'm Not Even Human but presenting it in a way that will not make me yelled at by angry parents. I made a curse free script. Which has no violence or sexual references. ( Unlike I'm Not Even Human ). And started turning it into a movie.
At the moment of typing it. VCStudio shows about 60% of the film done. I have all the assets, characters, cars and locations done. I cannot start making the animation though, because I'm trying to get the voices recorded. I could maybe do the animation using a temp tracks of myself saying the lines. But it's going to introduce a huge amount of problems later to re-time all the recordings I'll do with the real actors. I have a few kids that can voice our main characters. But there is a logistical nightmare now with the pandemic to actually do that. I hope I will manage it somehow.
Since the movie is not finished yet I will give you different links.
 [Blender.Chat Group](https://blender.chat/channel/morias_race),  [Lore (LBRY)](https://lbry.tv/@BlenderDumbass:c/dune-town-lore-moria-s-race-63:f),  [Lore (Raw File)](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/dune-town-lore-moria-s-race-63/f596ca59ea95b8406e02df4713e3532edd0b03d1/f070ad)
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Windows is an operating system most people get when buying a computer. At the time of writing Windows is at the dominant position on the operating system software market. Taking about 80% of all computer users.
Of course almost non of those people selected Windows. Some did, but for most people Windows just was there when the computer was bought. It was most likely pre-installed. And since not a lot of people know how to install a different operating system. It stays their only choice.
# Does VCStudio work on Windows?
It's **Yes** and **No**. VCStudio was not designed to work on Windows. Since Windows is not Free Software and a lot of Windows is actually malware. So we don't recommend using it at all. You can read [here](https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.html) about all kinds of nasty stuff Microsoft (company that made Windows) is doing to their poor users.
But we understand the need for people who are using Windows to be able to use VCStudio. We are just not having a platform to test it on Windows. Since we are using GNU / Linux as a primary developing and testing environment.
# We recommend GNU / Linux
GNU / Linux is a type of an operating system. It's developed independently by many companies and individuals. All sharing code with each other. And building various versions (distros) of it. This is called Free Software. VCStudio is Free Software too.
 [What is Free Software?](../../wiki/extra/FreeSoftware.md)
The decentralized nature of Free Software development makes it a great choice for serious work. For example it's used in computing industry heavily. Supercomputers and servers are based on Free Software operating systems such as GNU / Linux, GNU / Hurd and BSD.
Also since Free Software is not developed by one company or individual it's usually very resistant of malware. If somebody adds a malicious function into it. Ten other people with find it and patch it out. Making it the most privacy respecting and secure software.
We will recommend you to install GNU / Linux to use VCStudio and make your films. Or just to use computer in general. But do as you wish. It's your Freedom after all.
# How to make it work on Windows?
VCStudio is written on python using GTK for graphical user interface. Technically if you have everything installed properly VCStudio should run on any operating system. But again. You may run into problems. Especially when not using the recommended and tested system.
If you have problems please report us the issues so we could fix them.
 [I have a bug or a suggestion, what should I do?](../../wiki/extra/LBRY.md)
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*(C) J.Y.Amihud 2021. Under GPL v3 or later.*
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