
868 lines
34 KiB

import os
import datetime
import json
from studio import checklist
from studio import story
from studio import schedule
from settings import settings
from settings import talk
def iftime(string):
if len(string) != len("00:00:00"):
return False
if len(string.split(":")) != 3:
return False
for n, i in enumerate(string.split(":")):
if len(i) != 2:
return False
i = int(i)
if n == 0 and i > 23:
return False
if i > 59:
return False
return True
def ifdate(string):
if len(string) != len("1997/07/30"):
return False
new_date_format = "%Y/%m/%d"
datetime.datetime.strptime(string, new_date_format)
ret = True
ret = False
return ret
def if_days_a_week(string):
string = int(string)
if string <= 7 and string >= 1:
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
print("fail", e)
return False
def get_legacy(project_location):
# This function will return analytics data about a project. This particular
# function is desinged to read old, Blender-Organizer projects. It's a first
# step of conversion. And used to display basic analitycs into the
# project-manager.
name_tmp = project_location[project_location.rfind("/")+1:]
data = {
"name" : name_tmp, # Name of the project (typed properly)
"director" : "", # Name of the project's director.
"status" : "", # Projects's comment / type
"donework" : 0.0, # Percentage of Assets and Scenes done
"fraction" : 0.0, # Project's completion percentage
"checklist" : 0.0, # Project's main checklist percentage
"startdate" : "0000/00/00", # Date of the start of the project
"deadline" : "0000/00/00", # Date when project's deadline is
"duration" : 0, # Amount in days between startdate and deadline
"timepassed" : 0.0, # Percentage of how much time had passed
"dayspassed" : 0, # Amount of days since the startdate
"needed" : 0, # Needed % per day
"star" : 0, # If star is reached
"chr_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Characters
"veh_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Vehicles
"loc_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Locations
"obj_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Objects (Other)
"rnd_factor" : 4, # Importance factor for Scenes (Renders)
"chr" : 0.0, # Percentage of Characters done
"veh" : 0.0, # Percentage of Vehicles done
"loc" : 0.0, # Percentage of Locations done
"obj" : 0.0, # Percentage of Objects (Other) done
"rnd" : 0.0, # Percentage of Scenes (Renders) done
"dates" : {} # Per date, detailed data about the project
# For the future we will have to use some kind of network system. Where
# different people contribute to one project. For example director, writer,
# animator. For this I want to introduce a USERNAME thing. I will add them
# later to tasks and schedulings.
Username ="Username")
if not Username:
Username = "Blender-Organizer User"
# Okay let's get the name, director and status from the old file. Funny that
# it still survived from so far back. In the Organizer 1.0 you had to manually
# type in the number of assets that had to be done in each category.
# And so for this task was created a file called "". Here is
# an example :
# Project :Moria's Race
# Status :Short Action Driving Film
# Director :J.Y.Amihud
# Character:1
# Locations:1
# Objects :1
# Vehicles :1
# Scenes :4
# So that's survived up to the last Blender-Organizer. But no longer the
# last 5 lines were utilized. I was using it mainly for the first 3 things.
# Tho from a version 4.85 of Blender-Organizer those last lines were used
# to controll the influence factor. Basically the number stored will multiply
# the number of times a given category is counted in the final percentage.
# For example animating scenes should take more then half the time of the
# project. More then 50% of the project then should be in the scenes. But
# previous / primitive algorythm was giving each category an even 20%. So
# of course I fixed it. LOL.
# I think for VCStudio I gonna make a more unified file format. That will
# unite all "", "", "" and
# "".
# I'm going to still have the main checklist separate tho. The checklist
# format is quite good.
projectdata = open(project_location+"/")
projectdata =
projectdata = projectdata.split("\n")
for line in projectdata:
if line.startswith("Project"):
data["name"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
elif line.startswith("Status"):
data["status"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
elif line.startswith("Director"):
data["director"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
# Next up some integer conversions. So...
elif line.startswith("Character"):
data["chr_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
data["chr_factor"] = 1
elif line.startswith("Vehicles"):
data["veh_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
data["veh_factor"] = 1
elif line.startswith("Locations"):
data["loc_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
data["loc_factor"] = 1
elif line.startswith("Objects"):
data["obj_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
data["obj_factor"] = 1
elif line.startswith("Scenes"):
data["rnd_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
data["rnd_factor"] = 1
# Okay this first file was easy. Let's now parse the main checklist and
# get 5 more values. Funny thing is that for the old checklists and new
# checklists you can use the same function to read them. ( The main check-
# list data ). But old checklists had something else in there that was
# making them a bit different from VCStudio checklists. It's the STR and FIN
# variables in the beginig.
# See in the Organizer 1.0 there was no scheduling system as there was in
# Blender-Orgaznier 4.9. The scheduling was done per asset and not per
# action in the checklist. So STR and FIN were 2 dates between which you
# should have had working on the asset.
# But in the main checklists ("project.progress") those 2 survived to the
# late Blender-Organizer as a project startdate and deadline.
# One more rub that I have is that date format was 00/00/0000 and not the
# way better one 0000/00/00 which makes sorting easy. So yeah...
old_date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"
new_date_format = "%Y/%m/%d"
projectdata = open(project_location+"/project.progress")
projectdata =
projectdata = projectdata.split("\n")
startdate =
deadline =
for line in projectdata:
if line.startswith("STR"):
startdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[4:], old_date_format)
data["startdate"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(startdate, new_date_format)
elif line.startswith("FIN"):
deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[4:], old_date_format)
data["deadline"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(deadline, new_date_format)
data["startdate"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(, new_date_format)
data["deadline"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(, new_date_format)
# So we've go the dates. Let's calculate time perventage I guess.
delta = deadline - startdate
data["duration"] = int(delta.days)
delta = - startdate
data["dayspassed"] = int(delta.days)
data["timepassed"] = data["dayspassed"] / data["duration"]
if data["timepassed"] > 1.0:
data["timepassed"] = 1.0
# Now let's lauch the main checklist and get the data from there. I mean
# the percentage. Btw It's just a hard thing. That I needed a separate
# function for it.
projectdata = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/project.progress")
data["checklist"] = projectdata["fraction"]
# NEXT THING. As I love to type it into place where people read me while I'm
# working. We've got data from 2 files. Now we need to get data from ALL the
# project.
# First we going to get data about the assets. Because it's relativelly easy
# compared to the story. For which you need to parce a crazy complicated .bos
# file. Which is a complex database in it's own right.
# So let's go and quickly get data about the assets.
asstfols = ["chr", "veh", "loc", "obj"]
astlist = []
for n , f in enumerate(asstfols):
flist = []
if len(os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f)) > 0:
for asset in os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f):
if asset+".blend" in os.listdir(project_location+"/ast/"+f):
fcheck = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/dev/"+f+"/"+asset+"/asset.progress")
# The multiplication thing that I was talking about earlier.
multiply = data[f+"_factor"]
for m in range(multiply):
data[f] = sum(flist)/len(flist)
# For the next step I need to have the story parsed and read. But it's going
# to be so hard. That I will need to write a separate function for it.
data["rnd"] = story.get_legacy(project_location)["fraction"]
# After all of it we need to get the final project percentage.
multiply = data["rnd_factor"]
for m in range(multiply):
data["donework"] = sum(astlist) / len(astlist)
data["donework"] = 0.0
data["fraction"] = (data["donework"] + data["checklist"]) / 2
# Next section of this data gathering will be about history, scheduling and
# similar things. I gonna create a dictionary of dates. And input data about
# those dates into the dates.
# One thing that I have to make sure about is that some dates could be out-
# side of the range between startdate and deadline. So I have to read the
# files and add them dynamically.
# Let's start by reading scheduling.
sdata = open(project_location+"/")
sdata =
sdata = sdata.split("\n")
# Good that schedules already have the right date format. Altho I think of
# actually using a datetime object as a date. Or is it too much? Let me think
# I do think loudly. And sinse I have nobody to talk to I will type it here.
# If you couldn't tell already. Let's write it as a string for now. Because
# it's easier to work wit strings. Maybe in future I will write it as a
# datetime object. If i'll find benefit to this.
for date in sdata:
# Let's separate the string into 3 components. Basically scheduling is
# list of tasks in various checklists through out the project. Example:
# 2020/11/30 /dev/obj/Morias_Bike/asset.progress Rigging=:> Make Bones
# 2021/05/01 project.progress Marketing=:> Release
# The first entry is a date formatted yyyy/mm/dd. Then comes path of the
# checklist location. Relative to the project_location. Then a url type
# thing for with in the checklist. Separating entries with "=:>"
# Also I have to note that in the old Blender-Organizer date 1997/07/30
# which is my birthday, will make the task be everyday. It will have it's
# own Green color. Usually when you make a new project there are a list
# of task created for this date.
if date:
d = date[:date.find(" ")] # Date
f = date[date.find(" ")+1:date.replace(" ", ".", 1).find(" ")] # File
t = date[date.replace(" ", ".", 1).find(" ")+1:].split("=:>") # Task
if d not in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][d] = {}
# Now in order to decide how to input this data into the data["dates"]
# we need to look at history at first. Because first of all it has
# similar syntax. But on the other hand it's a bit more complex.
# 2020/07/05 03:06:34 /dev/chr/Civilian_Child_2/asset.progress Rigging=:> Face Rig=:> Mouth area [V]
# 2020/07/05 03:06:35 /dev/chr/Civilian_Child_2/asset.progress Rigging=:> Ready to make AST [V]
# 2020/07/05 03:06:37 /dev/chr/Civilian_Child_2/Civilian_Child_2.blend [Openned]
# 2020/07/05 03:07:56 /dev/chr/Civilian_Child_2/ [Updated]
# 2020/07/05 03:08:08 pln/main.bos [Edited]
# 2020/07/05 03:08:13 /rnd/Scene_2a5jfq6126fe/1/Cc1_IK_Test.blend [Openned]
# 2020/07/05 03:08:25 /rnd/Scene_2a5jfq6126fe/1/Cc1_IK_Test.blend [Linked]
# 2020/07/05 03:08:25 /rnd/Scene_2a5jfq6126fe/1/Cc1_IK_Test.blend [Openned]
# Also history has a feature missing in the schedules. But there is
# a rub. Scheduling you can rearange by moving them arround. And you
# can simply move a task to a different day if you so desire.
# In the history apart from the date you also have time up to the second
# which is a bit more precise in terms of when exactly you made a
# given task. And I would like scheduling to have the same type of
# precision. Maybe even introduce a notification system if a certain
# task is due. But it makes the moving of tasks highly complicated
# to visualize.
# Maybe a timeline could be a cool idea. Like in the VSE of blender.
# a place where you could put specific points on a timeline. And time
# to the next point will be hte length of the part.
# You could move the dots so to change timing of parts. And maybe
# select them to type in precise values. Could work.
# Let's separate the schedule to 3 types. Asset, Scene, Main.
# If it's a scene we are talking about. IK it's a bit shitty. Because
# I will need to parse this as well. But who cares.
if f.startswith("/rnd"):
ty = "scenes"
url = f[:f.rfind("/")].replace("/rnd", "", 1)
url = url[:url.rfind("/")]
fn = f.replace("/rnd", "", 1).replace(url, "")
elif f.startswith("/dev"):
ty = "assets"
url = f[:f.rfind("/")].replace("/dev", "", 1)
fn = f.replace("/dev", "", 1).replace(url, "")
ty = "files"
url = ""
fn = f
if not ty in data["dates"][d]:
data["dates"][d][ty] = {}
if not url in data["dates"][d][ty]:
data["dates"][d][ty][url] = []
# Okay I don't really know what exactly did I just do. But it's seems like
# a good starting point. Up to a working verion of VCStudio i can edit and
# change these all I want. Okay I guess it's time to parse another, way
# harder file. The history. LOL.
# First let's deal with the persantage history file. It's kind of a funny
# one as well. The funny part is that it has no consistancy at all. I will
# need to convert it as well. It has a stupid %y-%m-%d format. Which is WTF.
history_percentage_format = "%y-%m-%d"
hdata = open(project_location+"/") # IK spelling LOL
hdata =
hdata = hdata.split("\n")
for date in hdata:
if date.startswith("DATE"):
# An example of the formatting is actually quite amazing. It's going
# to be realively simple. Example:
# DATE 20-06-26 42.64%
# As you can see it's the word DATE then that date then the fraction
# as a percantage. Separated by a spacebar.
t, d, f = date.split(" ")
# Converting the d into a normal date
d = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, history_percentage_format)
d = datetime.datetime.strftime(d, new_date_format)
# Converting the f into a fraction
f = float(f.replace("%", "")) / 100
# I just don't want to deal with poeple who are editing the file
# manually and then say I did something wrong that the program crashed
if d not in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][d] = {}
data["dates"][d]["fractions"] = {
"project":f, # The fraction we recieved from the file
"checklist":0.0, # Place holder for checklist fraction
"chr":0.0, # \
"veh":0.0, # |
"loc":0.0, # > - Plaseholders for categories
"obj":0.0, # |
"rnd":0.0 # /
# Okay this file was parsed. Which was relativelly simple. NOW. Let's
# do something a bit harder. Or is it as simple as the other? IDK
# History file. Example was a bit earlier.
hdata = open(project_location+"/")
hdata =
hdata = hdata.split("\n")
for line in hdata:
if not line:
# So basically every line is quite simple from the left side. But becomes
# quite complex on the right side. So let's get the left side things
date = line[:line.find(" ")]
time = line[line.find(" ")+1:line.replace(" ", ".", 1).find(" ")]
path = line[line.replace(" ", ".", 1).find(" ")+1:line.replace(" ", ".", 2).find(" ")]
done = line[line.replace(" ", ".", 2).find(" ")+1:]
# I made a mistake allowing paths to have spaces in them. And I need to
# make sure we have the whole path and not only up to a point.
while done[0] != "[" and ".progress" not in path and "[" in done:
transporting = done[:done.find(" ")]
path = path+" "+transporting
done = done.replace(transporting+" ", "")
# "date" will be our standard date. yyyy/mm/dd. Then "time" is out time
# from the current day. 24 hours system. hh:mm:ss. "path" is the file to
# which the change was done. We will need to parse this one. Because it
# contains the full path to let's say a blend file. While we want to
# know which asset for example was accessed. Then "done" is the rest of
# the string. Basically it tells what was actually done with a given file.
# We will need to parse this one as well somehow. And it scares me a lot
# One thing that we can use it for is restoring the old scheduling list.
# Becuase in lazy attempt to make user know that a given task is finished
# I would just delete the task from the schedule file entirely. But
# in the history file you can find instances of [scheduled] with the full
# path of a task and the date to which it was scheduled. So yeah.
# Let's get to work.
f = path # Copied from previous
if f.startswith("/rnd"):
ty = "scenes"
url = f[:f.rfind("/")].replace("/rnd", "", 1)
url = url[:url.rfind("/")]
fn = f.replace("/rnd", "", 1).replace(url, "")
elif f.startswith("/dev"):
ty = "assets"
url = f[:f.rfind("/")].replace("/dev", "", 1)
fn = f.replace("/dev", "", 1).replace(url, "")
elif f.startswith("/ast") and ".blend" in f:
ty = "assets"
url = f[:f.rfind(".")].replace("/ast", "", 1)
fn = "[asset_blend]"
ty = "files"
url = ""
fn = f
# Now in order to parse the "done" variable. We need to define functions
# that we are not looking for. Simple (Trivial) Operations.
simple_operations = [
"[Added Asset]"
# Basically if "done" in on that list. It's something to do with
# checklists. And then we have either [V], [ ] or [Scheduled]
if done not in simple_operations:
if "[Scheduled]" in done:
# These are the missing scheduling data I was talking about.
# Let's parse this data from the back. The one on the back
# should be the DATE. Then spacebar. Then the [Scheduled] then
# another spacebar then the task.
missingdate = done[done.rfind(" ")+1:]
missingtask = done[:done.rfind(" [Scheduled]")].split("=:>")
# Let's add them into the data. I don't what it will be. Let's
# see.
if not missingdate in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][missingdate] = {}
if not ty in data["dates"][missingdate]:
data["dates"][missingdate][ty] = {}
if not url in data["dates"][missingdate][ty]:
data["dates"][missingdate][ty][url] = []
# Or else it's a checklist whether been checked or unchecked
if "[V]" in done:
done = done.replace(" [V]", "").split("=:>")
check = "[Checked]"
done = done.replace(" [ ]", "").split("=:>")
check = "[Un-Checked]"
# Putting the thing into the data
if not date in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][date] = {}
if not ty in data["dates"][date]:
data["dates"][date][ty] = {}
if not url in data["dates"][date][ty]:
data["dates"][date][ty][url] = []
# Now let's add all the others.
if not date in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][date] = {}
if not ty in data["dates"][date]:
data["dates"][date][ty] = {}
if not url in data["dates"][date][ty]:
data["dates"][date][ty][url] = []
#print(ty, url, fn, done)
#for i in sorted(data["dates"]):
# print(i)
# print()
# print(data["dates"][i])
# print()
# print()
#data_save(project_location, data)
return data
def save(project, data):
# This file will save analitycs data.
with open(project+'/set/analytics.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def load(project_location):
# This is a simple load analytics funtion.
name_tmp = project_location[project_location.rfind("/")+1:]
data = {
"name" : name_tmp, # Name of the project (typed properly)
"director" : "", # Name of the project's director.
"status" : "", # Projects's comment / type
"donework" : 0.0, # Percentage of Assets and Scenes done
"fraction" : 0.0, # Project's completion percentage
"checklist" : 0.0, # Project's main checklist percentage
"startdate" : "0000/00/00", # Date of the start of the project
"deadline" : "0000/00/00", # Date when project's deadline is
"duration" : 0, # Amount in days between startdate and deadline
"timepassed" : 0.0, # Percentage of how much time had passed
"dayspassed" : 0, # Amount of days since the startdate
"chr_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Characters
"needed" : 0, # Needed % to do today
"star" : 0, # Did you get needed
"veh_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Vehicles
"loc_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Locations
"obj_factor" : 1, # Importance factor for Objects (Other)
"rnd_factor" : 4, # Importance factor for Scenes (Renders)
"chr" : 0.0, # Percentage of Characters done
"veh" : 0.0, # Percentage of Vehicles done
"loc" : 0.0, # Percentage of Locations done
"obj" : 0.0, # Percentage of Objects (Other) done
"rnd" : 0.0, # Percentage of Scenes (Renders) done
"dates" : {} # Per date, detailed data about the project
with open(project_location+'/set/analytics.json') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
projectdata = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/set/project.progress")
data["checklist"] = projectdata["fraction"]
make = open(project_location+"/set/project.progress", "w")
make.write("[ ] Story\n")
make.write("[ ] "+talk.text("chr")+"\n")
make.write("[ ] "+talk.text("veh")+"\n")
make.write("[ ] "+talk.text("loc")+"\n")
make.write("[ ] "+talk.text("obj")+"\n")
make.write("[ ] Animation\n")
make.write("[ ] Rendering")
# Let's see if dates are fine. Or if they are even dates.
new_date_format = "%Y/%m/%d"
if not ifdate(data["startdate"]) or not ifdate(data["deadline"]):
data["startdate"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(, new_date_format)
data["deadline"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(, new_date_format)
# So we've go the dates. Let's calculate time perventage I guess.
startdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["startdate"], new_date_format)
deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["deadline"] , new_date_format)
delta = deadline - startdate
data["duration"] = int(delta.days)
delta = - startdate
data["dayspassed"] = int(delta.days)
data["timepassed"] = data["dayspassed"] / data["duration"]
if data["timepassed"] > 1.0:
data["timepassed"] = 1.0
data["dates"] = schedule.filter(project_location, data["dates"])
# NEXT THING. As I love to type it into place where people read me while I'm
# working. We've got data from 2 files. Now we need to get data from ALL the
# project.
# First we going to get data about the assets. Because it's relativelly easy
# compared to the story. For which you need to parce a crazy complicated .bos
# file. Which is a complex database in it's own right.
# So let's go and quickly get data about the assets.
asstfols = ["chr", "veh", "loc", "obj"]
astlist = []
for n , f in enumerate(asstfols):
flist = []
if len(os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f)) > 0:
for asset in os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f):
if asset+".blend" in os.listdir(project_location+"/ast/"+f):
fcheck = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/dev/"+f+"/"+asset+"/asset.progress")
# The multiplication thing that I was talking about earlier.
multiply = data[f+"_factor"]
for m in range(multiply):
data[f] = sum(flist)/len(flist)
# For the next step I need to have the story parsed and read. But it's going
# to be so hard. That I will need to write a separate function for it.
data["rnd"] = story.load(project_location)["fraction"]
# After all of it we need to get the final project percentage.
multiply = data["rnd_factor"]
for m in range(multiply):
data["donework"] = sum(astlist) / len(astlist)
data["donework"] = 0.0
# I decided to remove the main checklist from the main fraction. This way the fraction
# reflects better the overall project. I will keep the old code in a comment for a while.
data["fraction"] = data["donework"] #(data["donework"] + data["checklist"]) / 2
# Let's record it for today.
today = datetime.datetime.strftime(, new_date_format)
if today not in data["dates"]:
data["dates"][today] = {}
data["dates"][today]["fractions"] = {
# Needed
alldates = list(reversed(data["dates"].keys()))
prevdate = alldates[alldates.index(today)+1]
prev_frac = data["dates"][prevdate].get("fractions", {}).get("project", data["fraction"])
data["needed"] = ( 1 - prev_frac ) / (( data["duration"] - data["dayspassed"] )/7*data.get("days_a_week", 7))
data["needed"] = 0
prev_star = data.get("star", 0)
alldates = list(reversed(data["dates"].keys()))
prevdate = alldates[alldates.index(today)+1]
prev_frac = data["dates"][prevdate].get("fractions", {}).get("project", data["fraction"])
data["star"] = (data["fraction"] - prev_frac) / data["needed"]
data["star"] = 0
if data["star"] >= 2 and not prev_star >= 2:
talk.alert("⭐ Today's Requirement is Finished!")
return data