
1674 lines
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Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-07-13 16:15:50 +03:00
import bge
import bpy
import json
import os
import aud
import time
import datetime
import threading
import random
import numpy
import math
import mathutils
from Scripts import Reuse
from Scripts import Destruction
from Scripts import Opt
from Scripts.Common import *
from Scripts import Map
from Scripts import Script
from Scripts import Vehicle
from Scripts import Settings
from Scripts import Tools
from Scripts import Money
from Scripts import Garage
from Scripts import Character_Controll
from Scripts import Multiplayer_Client
def main():
spawnAtDistance = 250
maxCars = 6
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
dani = scene.objects["Dani_Box"]
cam = scene.active_camera
#dani["driving"]["nitro"] = 10.0
#Script.Story["Jack"].position = dani.position
#Script.Story["DarkShadow"] = dani["driving"]
# try:
# Destruction.Explosion(dani["driving"].position, mass=10, size=10)
# except:pass
loading = scene.objects["Loading"]
if not loading.get("loaded"):
loading.scaling = [1,1,1]
loading["loaded"] = True
if "fps-calc" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["fps-calc"] = {"second":0,
goodFPS = Opt.GoodFPS(traceback=True)
fpsindicator = int(Opt.GoodFPS( boolean=False)*100)
scene.objects["Dani_Fps_Good_Indicator"]["Text"] = str(int(bge.logic.getAverageFrameRate()))+"\n"+str(fpsindicator)+"%"
scene.objects["Gage_FPS"]["Health"] = fpsindicator
#camSurround = Opt.Surround(cam.position, spawnAtDistance/2)#, cam.orientation.to_euler())
camSurroundCars = Opt.Surround(cam.position, spawnAtDistance, cam.orientation.to_euler())
#changedCamSurround = Opt.SurroundChanged("camSurround", camSurround)
#changedCamSurroundCars = Opt.SurroundChanged("camSurroundCars", camSurroundCars)
inCinema = scene.objects["CinemaColider"]["InCinema"]
# Destroy those needing destroying
# Available car to spawn
# NPC_cars = ["NeonSpeedsterBox",
# "RedKissBox",
# "DarkShadowBox"]
# #"HatchBack01-white",
# #"HatchBack01-orange",
# #"HatchBack01-blue",
# #"HatchBack01-black"]
# npccp = [1,
# 1,
# 1]
# #10,
# #8,
# #5,
# #3]
# NPC_cars_probability = []
# for i in npccp:
# NPC_cars_probability.append( 1 / sum(npccp) * i)
#print(sum(NPC_cars_probability), NPC_cars_probability)
# Storing some values to the globalDict
bge.logic.globalDict["spawnAtDistance"] = spawnAtDistance
bge.logic.globalDict["maxCars"] = maxCars
def GenerateDoorObject(i):
# Location doesn't matter when you dealing with rotation
doorObject = {"ClosedRotX":i.get("ClosedRotX", i.orientation.to_euler()[0]),
"ClosedRotY":i.get("ClosedRotY", i.orientation.to_euler()[1]),
"ClosedRotZ":i.get("ClosedRotZ", i.orientation.to_euler()[2]),
"OpenRotX":i.get("OpenRotX", i.orientation.to_euler()[0]),
"OpenRotY":i.get("OpenRotY", i.orientation.to_euler()[1]),
"OpenRotZ":i.get("OpenRotZ", i.orientation.to_euler()[2]),
"ClosedLocX":i.get("ClosedLocX", i.position[0]),
"ClosedLocY":i.get("ClosedLocY", i.position[1]),
"ClosedLocZ":i.get("ClosedLocZ", i.position[2]),
"door": i
# But rotation and location both matter when you dealing with location
move = [0,0,0]
moveback = [0,0,0]
for naxis, axis in enumerate(["X", "Y", "Z"]):
code = "OpenLoc"+axis
move[naxis] = i.get(code, 0)
moveback[naxis] = -i.get(code, 0)
i.applyMovement(move, True)
for naxis, axis in enumerate(["X", "Y", "Z"]):
code = "OpenLoc"+axis
doorObject[code] = i.position[naxis]
i.applyMovement(moveback, True)
return doorObject
def OpenCloseDoor(door, openClose):
onTarget = []
for n, axis in enumerate(["X", "Y", "Z"]):
targetRot = door[openClose+"Rot"+axis]
targetLoc = door[openClose+"Loc"+axis]
dRot = door["door"].orientation.to_euler()
onRotTarget = round(targetRot, 2) == round(dRot[n], 2)
onLocTraget = round(targetLoc, 1) == round(door["door"].position[n], 1)
if not onRotTarget:
dRot[n] += (targetRot - dRot[n])/15
dRot[n] = targetRot
door["door"].orientation = dRot
if not onLocTraget:
door["door"].position[n] += (targetLoc - door["door"].position[n])/15
door["door"].position[n] = targetLoc
onTarget.append( onRotTarget and onLocTraget )
return all( onTarget )
# This runs only on the first frame
if not Opt.chunks:
# Making settings executed
settings = Settings.load_settings()
bge.logic.globalDict["settings"] = settings
Script.StatusText(" ")
if not bge.logic.globalDict.get("start-time"):
bge.logic.globalDict["start-time"] = datetime.datetime.now().hour + datetime.datetime.now().minute / 60
# Stuff
bge.logic.globalDict["netObjects"] = {
bge.logic.globalDict["elevators"] = {}
bge.logic.globalDict["sound-ambiances"] = []
bge.logic.globalDict["doors"] = {}
bge.logic.globalDict["races"] = {}
bge.logic.globalDict["garage-crates"] = []
# Cars related
bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"] = {}
bge.logic.globalDict["allcars"] = []
bge.logic.globalDict["cars"] = []
bge.logic.globalDict["spawnedCarModels"] = []
# Cheat code modes
bge.logic.globalDict["pursuit-cheat"] = False
bge.logic.globalDict["derby-cheat"] = False
bge.logic.globalDict["gravity"] = True
# Navigation for NPCs
bge.logic.globalDict["Navigation"] = {"road" :[],
Navigation = bge.logic.globalDict["Navigation"]
for navtag in bpy.data.collections["Navigation"].objects:
tagdata = {"position":navtag.location,
if navtag.get("parking"):
# Races
for collection in bpy.data.collections['Races'].children:
race = {"starters":[],
"racer_spawns": [],
"started":False }
# Getting racing data
rdf = os.listdir(bge.logic.expandPath("//racedata"))
if collection.name in rdf:
fol = "//racedata/"+collection.name
race["raceData"] = {}
for f in os.listdir(bge.logic.expandPath(fol)):
if f.endswith(".json"):
with open(bge.logic.expandPath(fol+"/"+f)) as jf:
rd = json.load(jf)
race["raceData"][f.replace(".json", "")] = rd
for object in collection.objects:
tag = {"location":object.location,
# Race starters ( the blue cylinder )
if object.name.startswith("Starter"):
race["laps"] = object["laps"]
race["after"] = object.get("after")
race["during"] = object.get("during")
race["type"] = object.get("type", "race-car")
race["reward"] = object.get("reward", 1000)
# Race checkpoints ( the yellow cylinder )
bge.logic.globalDict["races"][collection.name] = race
# Characters
# Objects
for object in scene.objects:
if "spawn" in object:
objectData = {"position": object.worldPosition.copy(),
"orientation": object.worldOrientation.copy(),
"spawn": object.get("spawn"),
"to_spawn": object["to_spawn"],
if object.get("race"):
race = bge.logic.globalDict["races"][object.get("race")]
if "amount-racers" not in race:
race["amount-racers"] = 0
race["amount-racers"] += 1
addr = Opt.Address(objectData["position"], spawnAtDistance)
if addr not in bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"][addr] = []
# For testing we will ignore optimization for selected ones.
if objectData["selected"]:
if "selected" not in bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"]["selected"] = []
print("Selected", object)
# Crates
if str(object.name).startswith("Crate"):
crates = bge.logic.globalDict["garage-crates"]
# Spawn objects
if "LightSpawn" in object:
name = object["LightSpawn"]
if name == "LightStand":
if settings.get("poles"):
spawnObject = Opt.RegisterObject(object, spawnAtDistance)
spawnObject["name"] = object["LightSpawn"]
spawnObject["scaling"] = [1,1,1]
spawnObject["suspendDynamics"] = object.get("suspendDynamics", True)
elif "Gate" in name:
if settings.get("fences"):
spawnObject = Opt.RegisterObject(object, spawnAtDistance)
spawnObject["name"] = object["LightSpawn"]
spawnObject["scaling"] = [1,1,1]
spawnObject["suspendDynamics"] = object.get("suspendDynamics", True)
spawnObject = Opt.RegisterObject(object, spawnAtDistance)
spawnObject["name"] = object["LightSpawn"]
spawnObject["scaling"] = [1,1,1]
spawnObject["suspendDynamics"] = object.get("suspendDynamics", True)
# Trees
elif "Tree" in object.name:
if settings.get("trees"):
treeObject = Opt.RegisterObject(object, spawnAtDistance)
treeObject["lods"] = {
"NormalTreeTrunk": 100,
#"TreeLowres": 200, # The model is ugly
"TreeBillboard": 5000
treeObject["name"] = "TreeBillboard"
treeObject["scaling"] /= 1.603
elif "Palm" in object.name:
if settings.get("trees"):
treeObject = Opt.RegisterObject(object, spawnAtDistance)
treeObject["lods"] = {
"NormalPalmTrunk": 100,
"PalmLow": 200,
"PalmCutout": 5000
treeObject["name"] = "PalmCutout"
treeObject["scaling"] /= 1.445
# Elevators
elif "Elevator" in object:
elevator = {"elevator":object,
"radius":object.get("Radius", 5),
for level in range(10):
if "Level"+str(level) in object:
for door in scene.objects:
if door.get("ElevatorDoor") == object["Elevator"]:
# Door's motion matrix
doorObject = GenerateDoorObject(door)
elevator["doors"][door["Level"]] = doorObject
bge.logic.globalDict["elevators"][object["Elevator"]] = elevator
elif "Door" in object:
doorObject = GenerateDoorObject(object)
if object["Door"] not in bge.logic.globalDict["doors"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["doors"][object["Door"]] = {"doors":[],
if "Radius" in object:
bge.logic.globalDict["doors"][object["Door"]]["radius"] = object["Radius"]
bge.logic.globalDict["doors"][object["Door"]]["position"] = object.position.copy()
elif "ambiance-sound" in object:
# Precalculating objects for smoothness
preData = {"MetalGate_good":100,
"LightStand": 50,
"Moria's Bed":1,
"Moria's Bed.001":1,
"Sparkle": 100,
"Smoke": 20,
"LightStand.Borked.Head": 5,
"LightStand.Borked.Tail": 5,
"GatePart.Level0": 50,
"GatePart.Level1": 50,
"Fire": 200,
"Road Blocker": 12
print("Precalculating... ")
for n, object in enumerate(preData):
for i in range( preData[object] ):
Reuse.Create(object, selfDestructFrames = 1, selfDestructInactive = False )
# Exiting scene
def OnExit():
print("\nScene Spawn Totals:\n")
for obj in Reuse.amounts:
precached = preData.get(obj, 0)
cached = Reuse.amounts[obj]
d = cached - precached
if d > 0:
dc = clr["tdrd"]
d = "+"+str(d)
elif d <= 0:
dc = clr["tdgr"]
print(" "+clr["bold"]+obj+clr["norm"]+" Exited with"+clr["bold"], cached, clr["norm"]+", Started with"+clr["bold"], precached, clr["norm"]+", Difference"+dc, d , clr["norm"] )
bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics-timer"] = 100
bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics"] = True
# Running multiplayer daemon
if settings.get("multiplayer"):
multiplayer = threading.Thread(target=Multiplayer_Client.MainLoop)
if bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics-timer"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics-timer"] -= 2
elif bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["restore-physics"] = False
loading.visible = False
#dpos = dani.position.copy()
#dpos.z += 0.5
# dani,
# 1)
settings = bge.logic.globalDict["settings"]
# Updating all the objects
#if changedCamSurroundCars:
Opt.ScheduleTask("Scene Chunk Updates", 0.85, Opt.UpdateScene,
cam, spawnAtDistance, cam.orientation.to_euler())
# Running the story of the game
Script.Run(scene, dani)
# Multiplayer scene updates
spawnedCarModels = bge.logic.globalDict["spawnedCarModels"]
spawnedCars = len( bge.logic.globalDict["allcars"] )
Opt.ScheduleTask("Car Updates", 0.80, Vehicle.SpawnLogic,
#print("Cars:", spawnedCars)
# SpawnsCloseEnough = []
# for i in camSurroundCars:
# SpawnsCloseEnough += bge.logic.globalDict["spawns"].get(i, [])
# for spawnPoint in SpawnsCloseEnough:
# inview = cam.pointInsideFrustum(spawnPoint["position"]) == cam.INSIDE
# distance = cam.getDistanceTo(spawnPoint["position"])
# # Car information
# carModel = spawnPoint["spawn"]
# carBehaviour = spawnPoint.get("npc")
# carRace = spawnPoint.get("race")
# # If this is a road npc, we want to choose a random car model
# if carBehaviour == "npc":
# carModel = numpy.random.choice(NPC_cars, p=NPC_cars_probability)
# toSpawn = spawnPoint["to_spawn"] and inview and spawnAtDistance / 2 < distance < spawnAtDistance and spawnedCars < maxCars
# else:
# toSpawn = spawnPoint["to_spawn"] and inview and distance < spawnAtDistance
# # Trying not to add any more cars than nessesary
# if toSpawn and carModel in Reuse.amounts and not Reuse.reuse.get(carModel):
# force_add = False
# # Making sure that the race still works
# if carRace and not dani.get("race"):
# for car in bge.logic.globalDict["allcars"]:
# if car.name == carModel:
# if not car.get("active"):
# Reuse.Delete(car, inactive=True)
# else:
# force_add = True
# break
# if carRace:
# force_add = True
# if not force_add:
# continue
# # Spawning a car
# if toSpawn:
# def AddCar(carModel, carBehaviour, carRace, spawnPoint):
# print("Spawning Car at distance from Dani:", dani.getDistanceTo(spawnPoint["position"]))
# # Making car
# car, new = Reuse.Create(carModel, declarenew=True)
# # If you claimed the car, one more car!
# if car["active"]:
# car, new = Reuse.Create(carModel, declarenew=True)
# Vehicle.Spawn(car,
# spawnPoint["position"],
# spawnPoint["orientation"],
# color="pallete")
# if carBehaviour == "npc":
# car.setLinearVelocity([0,-15,0], True)
# else:
# car["spawnPoint"] = spawnPoint
# car["npc"] = carBehaviour
# car["anger"] = random.random()
# car["enemy"] = ""
# car["chased"] = False
# car["engine"] = 0
# car["launchtime"] = 300
# if carRace:
# car["race"] = carRace
# car["racing"] = False
# car["checkpoint"] = 0
# car["rescue"] = bge.logic.globalDict["races"][carRace]["starters"][0]["location"]
# car["lap"] = 0
# car["blown"] = False
# bge.logic.globalDict["races"][carRace]["racers"].append(car)
# bge.logic.globalDict["races"][carRace]["racer_spawns"].append(spawnPoint)
# # Cars are deformable during game, so we will need to restore them
# Vehicle.Fix(car)
# # Scheduling it for a task
# if not Reuse.reuse.get(carModel):
# Opt.ScheduleTask("Adding Car ["+carModel+"]", 0.80, AddCar,
# carModel, carBehaviour, carRace, spawnPoint)
# else:
# AddCar(carModel, carBehaviour, carRace, spawnPoint)
# spawnPoint["to_spawn"] = False
# spawnPoint["to_spawn_timer"] = 500
# # If player is standing still keep spawning cars near by
# if not spawnPoint["to_spawn"] and spawnPoint["to_spawn_timer"]:
# spawnPoint["to_spawn_timer"] -= 1
# elif not spawnPoint["to_spawn"] and carBehaviour == "npc":
# spawnPoint["to_spawn"] = True
# # Removing cars that were deleted
# for car in bge.logic.globalDict["allcars"]:
# try:
# car.position
# except:
# bge.logic.globalDict["allcars"].remove(car)
# Seeing on what level dani is.
def atLevel(object):
levelis = 0
closest = 1000
for n, i in enumerate(elevator["levels"]):
dist = object.position[2] - i
if dist < 0: dist *= -1
if dist < closest:
closest = dist
levelis = n
return levelis
for elevatorname in bge.logic.globalDict["elevators"]:
elevator = bge.logic.globalDict["elevators"][elevatorname]
# Seeing if Dani is anywhere near an elevator
eloc = elevator["elevator"].position.copy()
eloc[2] = dani.position[2]
if dani.getDistanceTo(eloc) < elevator["radius"]:
# If dani not at the same level as the elevator
if atLevel(dani) != atLevel(elevator["elevator"]):
toprint = "Press L to call Elevator."
if toprint not in bge.logic.globalDict.get("done-prints",[]):
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = toprint
# Pressing L to call it
if 34 in bge.logic.globalDict["keys"]:
elevator["going_to"] = atLevel(dani)
elevator["closing_doors"] = True
toprint = "Press 0-"+str(len(elevator["levels"])-1)+" activate the elevator."
if toprint not in bge.logic.globalDict["done-prints"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = toprint
numbers = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]
for num in numbers:
if num in bge.logic.globalDict["keys"] and numbers.index(num) < len(elevator["levels"]):
elevator["going_to"] = numbers.index(num)
elevator["closing_doors"] = True
# Elevator coming
if elevator.get("going_to") != None and not elevator.get("closing_doors"):
destination = elevator["levels"][elevator["going_to"]]
position = elevator["elevator"].position[2]
if destination < position:
elevator["elevator"].position[2] -= 0.1 * elevator["elevator"].get("speedFactor", 1)
elevator["elevator"].position[2] += 0.1 * elevator["elevator"].get("speedFactor", 1)
if round(destination, 1) == round(position, 1):
elevator["going_to"] = None
elevator["closing_doors"] = True
# Doors
if elevator.get("closing_doors"):
cancelBucket = []
# If elevator is moving, all doors should be closed.
if elevator.get("going_to") != None:
openLevel = -1
openLevel = atLevel(elevator["elevator"])
for level in elevator["doors"]:
door = elevator["doors"][level]
# The elevator is at the current door's level,
# the door should be open.
if level == openLevel:
openClose = "Open"
openClose = "Closed"
onTarget = OpenCloseDoor(door, openClose)
if all(cancelBucket):
elevator["closing_doors"] = False
# DOOR ( in general )
for doorname in bge.logic.globalDict["doors"]:
doors = bge.logic.globalDict["doors"][doorname]
if doors.get("doOpenClose"):
cancelBucket = []
for door in doors["doors"]:
onTarget = OpenCloseDoor(door, doors["OpenClosed"])
if all(cancelBucket):
doors["doOpenClose"] = False
if doors.get("OpenClosed", "Closed") == "Closed" and dani.getDistanceTo(doors["position"]) < doors["radius"]:
doors["OpenClosed"] = "Open"
doors["doOpenClose"] = True
elif doors.get("OpenClosed") == "Open" and dani.getDistanceTo(doors["position"]) > doors["radius"]:
doors["OpenClosed"] = "Closed"
doors["doOpenClose"] = True
# Sound
if doors.get("doOpenClose"):
device = bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"]
for n, door in enumerate(doors["doors"]):
s = "//sfx/home_door.ogg"
code = str(n)+s
if code not in bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][code] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath(s)),
sound = bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][code]
sound["play"] = device.play(sound["sound"])
sound["play"].location = door["door"].position
sound["play"].velocity = door["door"].getLinearVelocity()
sound["play"].relative = False
sound["play"].distance_maximum = 100
sound["play"].distance_reference = 1
sound["play"].attenuation = 1
sound["play"].pitch = random.uniform(1, 2)
sound["play"].volume = 0.3
cam_parent = scene.objects["DaniCam_Parent"]
wheelup = cont.sensors["wheel_up"]
wheeldown = cont.sensors["wheel_down"]
if wheelup.status:
cam_parent.scaling /= 1.1
elif wheeldown.status and cam_parent.scaling[0] < 20:
cam_parent.scaling *= 1.1
cheat_spawn = scene.objects["Dani_Cheater"]
keys = bge.logic.keyboard
bge.logic.globalDict["keys"] = []
for keyn in keys.inputs:
key = keys.inputs[keyn]
if key.active:
keys = bge.logic.mouse
bge.logic.globalDict["mouse"] = []
for keyn in keys.inputs:
key = keys.inputs[keyn]
if key.active:
keys = bge.logic.globalDict["keys"]
# Control release
if "mouse-active" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["mouse-active"] = True
if keycodes["Tab"] in keys and not bge.logic.globalDict.get("mouse-active-timer"):
bge.logic.globalDict["mouse-active"] = not bge.logic.globalDict["mouse-active"]
bge.logic.globalDict["mouse-active-timer"] = 10
if bge.logic.globalDict.get("mouse-active-timer"):
bge.logic.globalDict["mouse-active-timer"] -= 1
if keys and settings.get("dev-cheats"):
#print("Key pressed code:",keys.events)
if "cheat" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
for i in keys:
if i != bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-1]:
cheats = {
"NeonSpeedsterBox": "NEONSPEDSTER",
"RedKissBox": "REDKIS",
"DarkShadowBox": "DARKSHADOW",
"TruckBox": "THETRUCK",
"HatchBack01Box": "HATCHBACK1",
for i in cheats:
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len(cheats[i])):]
numericalcode = []
for letter in cheats[i]:
if code == numericalcode:
print("Spawning:", i)
car = Vehicle.Spawn(i,
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "A Vehicle Is Waiting For You, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
teleportations = [
#[[-75.19, 1028, 0], "RACETRACK"],
[[-68.35, 946.6, 4.738], "RACETRACK"],
[[-752.78, -937.4, 411.08], "HOUSE"],
[[-755.1, -1041, 405.8], "GARAGE"],
[[-792.10,-980.60, 405.50], "PARKING"],
[[-937.3, -277.1, 257.7], "MANSION"],
[[-254.4, -508.1, 189.2], "BIGBUILDING"],
[[232.9, -120.4, 42.22], "NEARSEA"],
[[229.9, -811.9, 175.3], "PITOSTATUE"],
[[659.4, -616.1,202.9], "CONSTRUCTION"],
[[-2.122, 1322, 99.85], "TOWER0"],
[[-172.4, 1147, 99.68], "TOWER1"],
[[200, 1204, 100], "TOWER2"],
[[12.19, 1127, 139.3], "TOWER3"],
[[148.4, 941.7, 98.83], "TOWER4"],
[[-725, -984.6, 409.2], "CINEMA"]
for i in teleportations:
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len(i[1])):]
numericalcode = []
for letter in i[1]:
if code == numericalcode:
if not dani.get("driving"):
Character_Controll.ChangeCameraTarget(dani.children["Dani_cam_Target"], 100, [1,1,1])
dani.position = i[0]
dani["driving"].position = i[0]
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Teleportation Finished, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Money code
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("givememoney")):]
if code == [29, 31, 44, 27, 35, 27, 35, 37, 36, 27, 47]:
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Enjoy The Money, Sir."
# Puruit code
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("pursuit")):]
if code == [38, 43, 40, 41, 43, 31, 42]:
bge.logic.globalDict["pursuit-cheat"] = not bge.logic.globalDict["pursuit-cheat"]
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
if bge.logic.globalDict["pursuit-cheat"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Everybody Hates You, Sir. At Your Request, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Everybody Stopped Hating You, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Derby code
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("derby")):]
if code == [26, 27, 40, 24, 47]:
bge.logic.globalDict["derby-cheat"] = not bge.logic.globalDict["derby-cheat"]
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
if bge.logic.globalDict["derby-cheat"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Everybody Is Crazy, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Everybody Stopped Being Crazy, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Gravity code
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("gravity")):]
if code == [29, 40, 23, 44, 31, 42, 47]:
bge.logic.globalDict["gravity"] = not bge.logic.globalDict["gravity"]
if bge.logic.globalDict["gravity"]:
bge.constraints.setGravity(0, 0, -9.8)
bge.constraints.setGravity(0, 0, 0)
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
if bge.logic.globalDict["gravity"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "We're Back To Earth, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "We're Up In Space, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Explosion code
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("bom")):]
if code == [24,37,35]:
expos = cheat_spawn.position.copy()
expos[2] = dani.position[2]
Destruction.Explosion(expos, mass=10, size=10)
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Boom! , Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
# no ding here, the boom is enough
# Fix car code:
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("fixcar")):]
if code == [28, 31, 46, 25, 23, 40]:
car = dani.get("driving")
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "The Car is like New, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Color Car code:
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("colorcar")):]
if code == [25, 37, 34, 37, 40, 25, 23, 40]:
car = dani.get("driving")
Vehicle.SmartColor(car, color="pallete")
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "The Car is colored, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
# Color Car code:
code = bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"][-(len("carnpc")):]
if code == [25, 23, 40, 36, 38, 25]:
car = dani.get("driving")
car["target"] = []
car["npc"] = "npc"
car["active"] = False
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "The Car is NPC, Sir."
bge.logic.globalDict["cheat"] = [0]
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
for racename in bge.logic.globalDict["races"]:
race = bge.logic.globalDict["races"][racename]
pointer = scene.objects["PointingArrow"]
posindicator = scene.objects["Dani_Pos_Indicator"]
timeindicator = scene.objects["Dani_Time_Indicator"]
lapindicator = scene.objects["Dani_Lap_Indicator"]
reward = race.get("reward", 1000)
bid = reward / (race.get("amount-racers", 1)+1)
after = race.get("after")
during = race.get("during")
duringcheck = dani.get("race") == after and Script.Story.get(during)
aftercheck = duringcheck or after in Script.Story["passed"] or not after
# Show them on the map
if ( not dani.get("race") and aftercheck and Money.Have(bid)) or duringcheck:
Map.Show(race["starters"][0]["location"], icon="Map_Circle", color=[0.01,0.01,1], ID=racename)
if not race["started"] and ( ( not dani.get("race") and Money.Have(bid) ) or duringcheck ) and race["racers"] and aftercheck:
for starter in race["starters"]:
if not starter["cylinder"] and dani.getDistanceTo(starter["location"]) < spawnAtDistance:
starter["cylinder"] = Reuse.Create("Starter.Cylinder")
starter["cylinder"].position = starter["location"]
starter["cylinder"].orientation = starter["rotation"]
starter["cylinder"].scaling[0] = starter["radius"]
starter["cylinder"].scaling[1] = starter["radius"]
if dani.getDistanceTo(starter["location"]) < starter["radius"]:
NPC_type_cars = bge.logic.globalDict.get("NPC_type_cars", {})
cartype = race.get("type")
if dani["driving"] and dani["driving"].name in NPC_type_cars.get(cartype,[]):
if not duringcheck:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Press R to start the race.\nEverybody bids $"+str(int(bid))+"\nWinner gets $"+str(int(race.get("reward")))
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Press R to start the race."
if keycodes["R"] in keys:
if not duringcheck:
race["started"] = True
starter["cylinder"] = None
race["start-time"] = bge.logic.getRealTime()
for racer in race["racers"]:
racer["racing"] = True
racer["launchtime"] = 100
racer["race"] = racename
# Testing
racer["npc"] = "racer"
racer["active"] = False
# Beam of energy
racer["beam"] = scene.addObject("Racer.Indicator", "Racer.Indicator")
dani["race"] = racename
dani["checkpoint"] = 0
dani["lap"] = 0
posindicator.visible = True
pointer.visible = True
timeindicator.visible = True
lapindicator.visible = True
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "Come here with a "+cartype+" to race."
# If this race is going
elif dani.get("race") == racename:
nextcheck = race["checkpoints"][dani["checkpoint"]]
nextcheckpoint = race["checkpoints"][ ( dani.get("checkpoint") + 1 ) % len(race["checkpoints"]) ]
# Alight the arrow to the checkpoint
tocheck = pointer.getVectTo(nextcheck["location"])
pointer.alignAxisToVect(tocheck[1], 1, 0.1)
# Alighn the arrow to the next checkpoint if close enough to it.
if cam.pointInsideFrustum(nextcheck["location"]) == cam.INSIDE:
tonextcheck = pointer.getVectTo(nextcheckpoint["location"])
pointer.alignAxisToVect(tonextcheck[1], 1, min(1, max(0, 1-(tocheck[0]/500))) ** 5 )
# Align the arrow vertically
pointer.alignAxisToVect( (0,0,1), 2, 1.0 )
# Time of the race
currentRaceTime = bge.logic.getRealTime() - race["start-time"]
formattedTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=currentRaceTime))[:-4]
while formattedTime.startswith("0") or formattedTime.startswith(":"):
formattedTime = formattedTime[1:]
if formattedTime.startswith("."):
formattedTime = "0"+formattedTime
timeindicator["Text"] = formattedTime
lapindicator["Text"] = str(dani["lap"]+1)+"/"+str(race["laps"])
if not nextcheck["cylinder"] and dani.getDistanceTo(nextcheck["location"]) < spawnAtDistance:
nextcheck["cylinder"] = Reuse.Create("Tag.Cylinder")
nextcheck["cylinder"].position = nextcheck["location"]
nextcheck["cylinder"].orientation = nextcheck["rotation"]
nextcheck["cylinder"].scaling[0] = nextcheck["radius"] * 0.8
nextcheck["cylinder"].scaling[1] = nextcheck["radius"] * 0.8
Map.Show(nextcheck["location"], icon="Map_Circle", color=[1,0.3,0], ID="RaceCheckpoint")
Map.Show(nextcheckpoint["location"], icon="Map_Circle", color=[1,0.1,0], ID="RaceCheckpoint2")
if dani.getDistanceTo(nextcheck["location"]) < nextcheck["radius"]*1.5:
if not nextcheck.get("OnLoop"):
dani["prevrescue"] = dani.get("rescue")
dani["rescue"] = nextcheck["location"]
dani["rescueTo"] = dani["checkpoint"]
nextcheck["cylinder"] = None
# Logging speed for better AI
#if "raceData" not in race:
nextcheck["speed"] = -dani["driving"].localLinearVelocity[1]
nextcheck["time"] = currentRaceTime
nextcheck["rot"] = list(dani["driving"].orientation.to_euler())
#if race["positions"].index(dani) == 0:
# race["raceData"]["speed"][dani["checkpoint"]] = -dani["driving"].localLinearVelocity[1]
# race["raceData"]["time"][dani["checkpoint"]] = currentRaceTime
# race["raceData"]["rotz"][dani["checkpoint"]] = dani["driving"].orientation.to_euler()[2]
dani["checkpoint"] += 1
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].play(bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["checkpoint"]["sound"]) # Play a Ding
if dani["checkpoint"] == len(race["checkpoints"]):
dani["checkpoint"] = 0
dani["lap"] += 1
print('"'+racename+'" : {')
print('"speed": [')
for c in race["checkpoints"]:
for c in race["checkpoints"]:
for c in race["checkpoints"]:
# If finished race
if dani["lap"] == race["laps"]:# or not dani["driving"]:
dani["race"] = None
race["started"] = False
posindicator.visible = False
timeindicator.visible = False
pointer.visible = False
lapindicator.visible = False
race["racer_spawns"] = []
for racer in race["racers"]:
racer["npc"] = "npc"
race["racers"] = []
if nextcheck["cylinder"]:
nextcheck["cylinder"] = None
# If won
if race["positions"].index(dani) == 0:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "You've Won This Race!\nTime: "+formattedTime+"\nReward: $"+str(int(race.get("reward", 0)))
Money.Recieve(race.get("reward", 0))
# If finished
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = "You finished number "+str(race["positions"].index(dani)+1) + " Time: "+formattedTime
Script.StatusText(" ")
positions = []
for racer in race["racers"]:
racer["into_race"] = [race["laps"] - racer["lap"], len(race["checkpoints"]) - racer["checkpoint"], racer.getDistanceTo(race["checkpoints"][racer["checkpoint"]]["location"])]
positions.append([racer["into_race"], racer])
dani["into_race"] = [race["laps"] - dani["lap"], len(race["checkpoints"]) - dani["checkpoint"], dani.getDistanceTo(race["checkpoints"][dani["checkpoint"]]["location"])]
positions.append([dani["into_race"], dani])
positions = sorted(positions)
race["positions"] = []
for position, racer in positions:
posindicator["Text"] = str(race["positions"].index(dani)+1)
# The positions text ( with Dani's car being Bold and yellow )
pt = ""
bold = []
for n, p in enumerate(race["positions"]):
n += 1
if p == dani:
try: t = dani.get("driving", "On Foot")["specs"]["name"]+" | "+str(n)+"\n"
except: t = str(dani.get("driving", "On Foot"))+" | "+str(n)+"\n"
bold = range(len(pt), len(pt)+len(t))
try: t = p["specs"]["name"]+" | "+str(n)+"\n"
except: t = str(p)+" | "+str(n)+"\n"
pt = pt + t
Script.StatusText(pt, bold)
# Messages
if "done-prints" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["done-prints"] = []
if bge.logic.globalDict.get("print") and bge.logic.globalDict.get("last_print") != bge.logic.globalDict["print"]:
for line in bge.logic.globalDict["print"].split("\n"):
print(" "+clr["bold"]+clr["tdyl"]+line+clr["norm"])
#scene.objects["Messages"]["Text"] = str(bge.logic.globalDict.get("print"))
scene.objects["Messages"].blenderObject.data.body = str(bge.logic.globalDict.get("print"))
scene.objects["Messages"].playAction("MessagesAction", 0, 100)
bge.logic.globalDict["print-change-size"] = True
bge.logic.globalDict["last_print"] = bge.logic.globalDict["print"]
if bge.logic.globalDict["print"] not in bge.logic.globalDict["done-prints"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = ""
elif bge.logic.globalDict.get("print-change-size"):
# Changing the size of the element under the text
# This is done in a different frame, because we need
# to let it update the depsgraph with the text dimensions.
camscale = scene.objects["DaniCam_Parent"].scaling[0]
textSize = scene.objects["Messages"].blenderObject.dimensions
thingSize = scene.objects["Message_Background"].blenderObject.dimensions
thingScale = scene.objects["Message_Background"].worldScale
textSize = mathutils.Vector((
textSize.x + ( 0.04 * camscale ),
textSize.y + ( 0.02 * camscale ),
thingSize = mathutils.Vector((
thingSize.x / thingScale.x,
thingSize.y / thingScale.y,
thingSize.z / thingScale.z
thingScale = mathutils.Vector((
textSize.x / thingSize.x,
textSize.y / thingSize.y,
1.0 # It doesn't matter, and making it 0 collapes the object
scene.objects["Message_Background"].worldScale = thingScale
point = Vehicle.RelativePoint(scene.objects["Messages"],
(-0.007 * camscale,
(-0.010 * camscale) + (textSize.y / 2),
scene.objects["Message_Background"].worldPosition = point
bge.logic.globalDict["print-change-size"] = False
if "SoundDevice" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"] = aud.Device()
bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"].distance_model = aud.DISTANCE_MODEL_INVERSE_CLAMPED
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"] = {}
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["active"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/active.ogg")),
# Angry pursuit sounds
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds_angry_start"] = []
for i in range(8):
i += 1
i = str(i)
if len(i) < 2:
i = "0"+i
i = "//sfx/voices/angry_pursuit/start_"+i+".ogg"
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][i] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath(i)),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds_angry_hit"] = []
for i in range(5):
i += 1
i = str(i)
if len(i) < 2:
i = "0"+i
i = "//sfx/voices/angry_pursuit/hit_"+i+".ogg"
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][i] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath(i)),
# Dani voices
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_yelling"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/yelling.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_entering"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/entering.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_ohno"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/ohno.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_ohnoindeed"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/ohnoindeed.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_wearesinking"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/wearesinking.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_ohgod"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/ohgod.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_jump"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/jump.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_land"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/land.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["dani_walk"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/dani/walk.ogg")),
# Jack voices
bge.logic.globalDict["JackBoxVoices"] = {"crash":[],
"near" :[],
JV = bge.logic.globalDict["JackBoxVoices"]
JF = bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/voices/jack/")
for t in ["crash", "near", "speed"]:
for f in os.listdir(JF):
if f.startswith(t) and f.endswith(".ogg"):
name = f.replace(".ogg", "")
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["jack_"+name] = {"sound":aud.Sound(JF+f),
# Car Sounds
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["door"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/door.ogg")),
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["tire_pop"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/tire_pop.ogg")),
# Race sounds
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]["checkpoint"] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath("//sfx/checkpoint.ogg")),
device = bge.logic.globalDict["SoundDevice"]
device.listener_location = scene.active_camera.worldPosition
device.listener_orientation = scene.active_camera.worldOrientation.to_quaternion()
device.listener_velocity = scene.active_camera.getLinearVelocity()
for i in bge.logic.globalDict["sound-ambiances"]:
s = i["ambiance-sound"]
#s = "//sfx/ambiance/forest.ogg"
if s not in bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"]:
bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][s] = {"sound":aud.Sound(bge.logic.expandPath(s)),
sound = bge.logic.globalDict["sounds"][s]
if not sound["play"] or not sound["play"].status:
sound["play"] = device.play(sound["sound"])
scale = i.scaling[0]
distance = i.getDistanceTo(dani)
if inCinema:
sound["inCinema"] = sound.get("inCinema", 1) * 0.95
elif sound.get("inCinema", 1) < 1:
if sound["inCinema"] < 0.1:
sound["inCinema"] = 0.1
sound["inCinema"] = sound.get("inCinema", 1) * 1.05
sound["play"].volume = max(0, min(1, (1-(distance / scale ))*5))*i.get("volume", 1) * sound.get("inCinema", 1)
########## LODS FOR CHUNKS OF THE ROAD #############
if "LODchunks" not in bge.logic.globalDict:
bge.logic.globalDict["LODchunks"] = {"TheRacetrack":{
"name":"Papses Racetrack"
"name":"Dune Town"
"name":"Looparound 8\nDani's Home"
chunks = bge.logic.globalDict["LODchunks"]
for chunkname in chunks:
chunk = chunks[chunkname]
if chunk["now"] == "low" and dani.getDistanceTo(chunk["object"]) < chunk["radius"]:
print(consoleForm(chunk["object"]), "is now highres.")
if "low" in chunk:
chunk["object"].visible = True
chunk["now"] = "high"
bge.logic.globalDict["print"] = chunk["name"]
elif chunk["now"] == "high" and dani.getDistanceTo(chunk["object"]) > chunk["radius"]:
print(consoleForm(chunk["object"]), "is now lowres.")
if "low" in chunk:
chunk["object"].visible = False
if not dani.get("race"):
chunk["now"] = "low"
############ Camera UI ###########
#Map.Show([0,0,0], icon="Map_Circle")
############ GARAGE ##########
# The idea is that all cars inside of the garage will
# stay in the garage.
garage = scene.objects["GarageColider"]
garageDistance = 70
if dani.getDistanceTo(garage) > garageDistance:
elif dani.getDistanceTo(garage) < garageDistance - 10:
# Crates
# There are crates in the house, in the garage. They are rigid body objects.
# the problem is that when you go far enough away, the ground beneath them
# stops being solid, so we need to deactiave their physics.
crates = bge.logic.globalDict["garage-crates"]
for crate in crates:
if dani.getDistanceTo(crate) > 100:
elif dani.getDistanceTo(crate) < 90:
# Tools
################ DAY NIGHT CYCLE ################
clock = scene.objects["Dani_Clock_Indicator"]
bge.logic.globalDict["time"] = bge.logic.globalDict["start-time"] + ( bge.logic.getRealTime() / 3600 * settings.get("clockspeed", 20) )
while bge.logic.globalDict["time"] > 24:
bge.logic.globalDict["time"] -= 24
timeis = bge.logic.globalDict["time"]
# Printing the clock
hrtext = str(int(timeis))
if len(hrtext) < 2: hrtext = "0" +hrtext
mntext = str(int((timeis-int(timeis))*60))
if len(mntext) < 2: mntext = "0" + mntext
clock["Text"] = hrtext+":"+mntext
# Getting the time outthere
timefactor = timeis / 24
# we want 100 sunlight to be at 12 AM not at 24 hours
#timefactor -= 0.5
#if timefactor < 0: timefactor *= -1
#timefactor *= -2
#timefactor += 1
timecontroller = scene.objects["TimeController"]
timecontroller.position.x = ( timefactor * 100 ) - 100
# Sun rotation
sun = scene.objects["Sun"]
sunrot = sun.worldOrientation.to_euler()
sunrot.y = ( -timefactor * math.pi * 2 ) + math.pi
sun.worldOrientation = sunrot
# trying to limit the next operations a bit
if not bge.logic.globalDict.get("time-update-timer"):
TheCity = scene.objects["TheCity"]
TheCity.blenderObject["time"] = timefactor
TheRacetrack = scene.objects["TheRacetrack"]
TheRacetrack.blenderObject["time"] = timefactor
Water = scene.objects["Water"]
Water.blenderObject["time"] = timefactor
# we want 100 sunlight to be at 12 AM not at 24 hours
timefactor -= 0.5
if timefactor < 0: timefactor *= -1
timefactor *= -2
timefactor += 1
sun.blenderObject.data.energy = 3 * timefactor
bge.logic.globalDict["time-update-timer"] = 500
bge.logic.globalDict["time-update-timer"] -= 1
# Background racetrack / city backdrop calcualtion
city_at = 137
racetrack_at = 630
now_at = float(cam.worldPosition.y)
if now_at > racetrack_at: crFactor = 1.0
elif now_at < city_at: crFactor = 0.0
crFactor = (now_at - city_at) / ( racetrack_at - city_at )
timecontroller.position.y = ( crFactor * 100 ) - 100
# Moving the background up and down depending on the position of
# the camera.
max_z = 39
min_z = -12
now_z = float(cam.worldPosition.z)
move_z = 14
if now_z > max_z: mzFactor = 0.0
elif now_z < min_z: mzFactor = 1.0
mzFactor = 1- ((now_z - min_z) / ( max_z - min_z ))
timecontroller.position.z = ( mzFactor * move_z )
# Now to position the racetrack properly we want to rotate it
p1 = [7.39, -805.686]
p2 = [30 , 95.5932]
cur_x = float(cam.worldPosition.x)
rotFactor = (cur_x - p1[1]) / (p2[1] - p1[1]) * ( p2[0] - p1[0] ) + p1[0]
rotationcontroller = scene.objects["Racetrack_rotaion"]
rotationcontroller.position.x = rotFactor