2024-04-29 18:41:37 +02:00

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# Free Competitors
![Free Competitors Interface](screen_shot_01.png)
**Free Competitors** is an advanced server software that facilitates the discovery of open-source alternatives to proprietary software, enhancing user sovereignty over software choices. This platform also provides comparisons within the open-source ecosystem itself.
## Available Instances
- **Primary Web Instance**: [Visit Here](
- **Tor Network Instance**: [Access via Tor](https://xhxcyntzwnbkdkpqqjmlsy7kmjgqubgtyghuh5yyd5j4ne54dbgdgkyd.onion/)
## Naming Rationale
While the term "Alternative" implies a parity between choices, and "Replacement" suggests a preference, "Competitor" is chosen to denote equality and challenge the norm of proprietary defaults. We encourage community input for more inclusive or accurate terminology.
## Licensing
**Free Competitors** is distributed under the AGPLv3 license or later, ensuring all modifications remain free and open. A straightforward mechanism is provided for users to comply with these terms through our source code publication feature. For detailed terms, please refer to the LICENSE file.
## Installation and Setup
### Requirements
- Python 3.x installed on your server
### Installation Steps
1. Obtain the latest version:
git clone [repository-url]
2. Enter the project directory:
cd free_competitors
3. Initiate the service:
Adjust `config.json` as necessary to define the operational parameters of the service.
### Continuous Integration
Maintain your service with our auto-update script, which integrates the latest developments every five minutes:
import time
import os
while True:
time.sleep(300) # Checks for updates every 300 seconds
os.system("git pull") # Updates from the main branch
## Get Involved
Contributions to **Free Competitors** are highly valued. For those looking to contribute code, report bugs, or suggest features, please visit our GitHub issues page. Alternatively, engage with our developers directly on [Matrix]( at ``.