forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
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# Installing LBRY
The recommended way to install LBRY is to use an installer. We provide installers for all major operating systems. See the [README](
These instructions are for installing from source code, which is recommended if you are interested in doing development work or LBRY is not available on your operating system (good luck, TempleOS users).
## Prerequisites
Before starting, you'll need to install some additional libraries depending on your operating system.
### OS X Prerequisites
Install [xcode command line tools]( and [homebrew](
Remaining dependencies can then be installed by running:
brew install mpfr libmpc
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
### Linux Prerequisites
On Ubuntu (we recommend 16.04), install the following:
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev build-essential python2.7 python2.7-dev \
python-pip git python-virtualenv libssl-dev libffi-dev
If you're running another Linux flavor, install the equivalent of the above packages for your system.
### Windows Prerequisites
Install [mingw32]( base and c++ compiler.
Add C:\MinGW\bin to the windows PATH.
Enable distutils to compile with mingw32 by creating a distutils.cfg file in *PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils* containing:
compiler = mingw32
If using virtualenv, which is recommended, copy the *PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils* directory to the virtualenv.
It's recommended to use [Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages]( for as many of the required packages as possible.
Currently, available binaries include:
- Cython
- Twisted
- Zope.interface
- pywin32
- Yapsy
- cx_Freeze
- requests
- gmpy
Install the above binaries with `pip install *.whl`
Install pywin32 system files by run `python.exe Scripts\ -install` from an elevated command prompt.
Finally, you'll need [miniupnpc]( Download the source and compile with MinGW by running `mingw32make.bat`. Then install the module by running `python install`.
## Installation
To install:
git clone
cd lbry
virtualenv lbry-venv
source lbry-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --editable .
To start LBRY, run `lbrynet-daemon` in a terminal.
To verify your install, `which lbrynet-daemon` should return a path inside of the `lbry-venv` folder created by the `virtualenv` command.
## Making a Change
If you are not already inside the virtual environment, run:
source lbry-venv/bin/activate
Then run:
pip install --editable .
This will update `lbrynet-daemon` and other executables.