lbcdblocknotify: support multiple stratum server #100

peterpan0708 wants to merge 1 commit from peterpan0708/lbcdblocknotify-support-multi-stratum-server into master

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -10,56 +11,73 @@ import (
type stratumFlag []string
var (
lbcdHomeDir = lbcutil.AppDataDir("lbcd", false)
defaultCert = filepath.Join(lbcdHomeDir, "rpc.cert")
stratumList stratumFlag
var (
coinid = flag.String("coinid", "1425", "Coin ID")
stratumServer = flag.String("stratum", "", "Stratum server")
stratumPass = flag.String("stratumpass", "", "Stratum server password")
rpcserver = flag.String("rpcserver", "localhost:9245", "LBCD RPC server")
rpcuser = flag.String("rpcuser", "rpcuser", "LBCD RPC username")
rpcpass = flag.String("rpcpass", "rpcpass", "LBCD RPC password")
rpccert = flag.String("rpccert", defaultCert, "LBCD RPC certificate")
notls = flag.Bool("notls", false, "Connect to LBCD with TLS disabled")
run = flag.String("run", "", "Run custom shell command")
quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Do not print logs")
coinid = flag.String("coinid", "1425", "Coin ID")
stratumPass = flag.String("stratumpass", "", "Stratum server password")
rpcserver = flag.String("rpcserver", "localhost:9245", "LBCD RPC server")
rpcuser = flag.String("rpcuser", "rpcuser", "LBCD RPC username")
rpcpass = flag.String("rpcpass", "rpcpass", "LBCD RPC password")
rpccert = flag.String("rpccert", defaultCert, "LBCD RPC certificate")
notls = flag.Bool("notls", false, "Connect to LBCD with TLS disabled")
run = flag.String("run", "", "Run custom shell command")
quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Do not print logs")
func main() {
flag.Var(&stratumList, "stratum", "--stratum=stratum1 --stratum=stratum2")
for _, stratum := range stratumList {
go func(stratum string) {
// Setup notification handler
b := newBridge(stratum, *stratumPass, *coinid)
// Setup notification handler
b := newBridge(*stratumServer, *stratumPass, *coinid)
if len(*run) > 0 {
// Check if ccommand exists.
strs := strings.Split(*run, " ")
cmd := strs[0]
_, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s not found: %s", cmd, err)
b.customCmd = *run
if len(*run) > 0 {
// Check if ccommand exists.
strs := strings.Split(*run, " ")
cmd := strs[0]
_, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s not found: %s", cmd, err)
b.customCmd = *run
// Start the eventt handler.
roylee17 commented 2022-10-18 21:08:03 +02:00 (Migrated from
flag.Var(&stratumList, "stratum", "Stratum server list server[:port].  -stratum stratum1:3333,stratum2:3333")
``` flag.Var(&stratumList, "stratum", "Stratum server list server[:port]. -stratum stratum1:3333,stratum2:3333") ```
go b.start()
// Adaptater receives lbcd notifications, and emit events.
adpt := adapter{b}
client := newLbcdClient(*rpcserver, *rpcuser, *rpcpass, *notls, adpt)
go func() {
err := <-b.errorc
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s", err)
// Wait until the client either shuts down gracefully (or the user
// terminates the process with Ctrl+C).
// Start the eventt handler.
go b.start()
// Adaptater receives lbcd notifications, and emit events.
adpt := adapter{b}
client := newLbcdClient(*rpcserver, *rpcuser, *rpcpass, *notls, adpt)
go func() {
err := <-b.errorc
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s", err)
// Wait until the client either shuts down gracefully (or the user
// terminates the process with Ctrl+C).
quit := make(chan bool)
func (f *stratumFlag) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", []string(*f))
func (f *stratumFlag) Set(value string) error {
*f = append(*f, value)
return nil