2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
// @flow
import React from 'react';
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
import Button from 'component/button';
import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail';
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
import ClaimList from 'component/claimList';
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
import ClaimPreviewTitle from 'component/claimPreviewTitle';
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
import DebouncedInput from 'component/common/debounced-input';
import Empty from 'component/common/empty';
import Page from 'component/page';
import Spinner from 'component/spinner';
import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons';
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
import { SIDEBAR_SUBS_DISPLAYED } from 'constants/subscriptions';
2022-05-16 14:42:17 +08:00
import useClaimListInfiniteScroll from 'effects/use-claimList-infinite-scroll';
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
function getFilteredUris(uris, filterQuery) {
if (filterQuery) {
const filterQueryLowerCase = filterQuery.toLowerCase();
return uris.filter((uri) => uri.toLowerCase().includes(filterQueryLowerCase));
return null;
// ****************************************************************************
// ChannelsFollowingManage
// ****************************************************************************
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
const FOLLOW_PAGE_SIZE = 30;
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
type Props = {
subscribedChannelUris: Array<string>,
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
lastActiveSubs: ?Array<Subscription>,
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
doResolveUris: (uris: Array<string>, returnCachedClaims: boolean, resolveReposts: boolean) => void,
2022-03-07 10:41:54 +08:00
doFetchLastActiveSubs: (force?: boolean, count?: number) => void,
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
export default function ChannelsFollowingManage(props: Props) {
2022-03-07 10:41:54 +08:00
const { subscribedChannelUris, lastActiveSubs, doResolveUris, doFetchLastActiveSubs } = props;
2022-05-16 14:42:17 +08:00
const { uris, page, isLoadingPage, bumpPage } = useClaimListInfiniteScroll(
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
// Filtered query and their uris.
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
const [filterQuery, setFilterQuery] = React.useState('');
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
const [filteredUris, setFilteredUris] = React.useState(null);
async function resolveUris(uris) {
return doResolveUris(uris, true, false);
React.useEffect(() => {
const filteredUris = getFilteredUris(uris, filterQuery);
if (filteredUris) {
resolveUris(filteredUris).finally(() => setFilteredUris(filteredUris));
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps, (only need to respond to 'filterQuery')
}, [filterQuery]);
2022-03-07 10:41:54 +08:00
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
return (
<Page className="followManage-wrapper" noFooter>
<div className="card__title-section">
<div className="card__title"> {__('Followed Channels')}</div>
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
{page < 0 ? (
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
<div className="main--empty">
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
<Spinner delayed />
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
) : uris && uris.length === 0 ? (
<Empty padded text="No followed channels." />
) : (
<DebouncedInput icon={ICONS.SEARCH} placeholder={__('Filter')} onChange={setFilterQuery} inline />
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00
{filteredUris && <ClaimList uris={filteredUris} />}
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
{!filteredUris && lastActiveSubs && lastActiveSubs.length === SIDEBAR_SUBS_DISPLAYED && (
<div className="card__title-section">
<div className="card__subtitle"> {__('Recently Active')}</div>
<div className="followManage-wrapper__activeSubs">
{lastActiveSubs.map((sub) => {
return (
<div key={sub.uri} className="navigation-link__wrapper navigation__subscription">
className="navigation-link navigation-link--with-thumbnail"
<ChannelThumbnail xsmall uri={sub.uri} hideStakedIndicator />
<div className="navigation__subscription-title">
<ClaimPreviewTitle uri={sub.uri} />
<span dir="auto" className="channel-name">
2022-03-01 14:40:35 +08:00
{!filteredUris && uris.length > 0 && (
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
<div className="card__title-section">
<div className="card__subtitle"> {__('All Channels')}</div>
uris={uris.slice(0, (page + 1) * FOLLOW_PAGE_SIZE)}
page={page + 1}
2022-05-16 14:42:17 +08:00
2022-03-04 15:15:23 +08:00
2022-03-01 11:19:20 +08:00