2016-11-22 14:19:08 -06:00
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import lbry from './lbry.js';
2017-03-30 19:00:33 -04:00
import lbryio from './lbryio.js';
2016-12-29 04:41:28 -05:00
import lighthouse from './lighthouse.js';
2016-11-22 14:19:08 -06:00
import App from './app.js';
import SplashScreen from './component/splash.js';
2017-04-10 08:32:40 -04:00
import SnackBar from './component/snack-bar.js';
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
import {AuthOverlay} from './component/auth.js';
2016-11-22 14:19:08 -06:00
2017-05-05 05:15:58 -04:00
const {remote, ipcRenderer} = require('electron');
2017-03-17 07:41:01 -04:00
const contextMenu = remote.require('./menu/context-menu');
2017-03-08 03:56:34 -05:00
2016-11-22 14:19:08 -06:00
2017-03-17 07:41:01 -04:00
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event) => {
contextMenu.showContextMenu(remote.getCurrentWindow(), event.x, event.y,
2017-05-08 05:04:11 -04:00
let openUri = null;
function onOpenUriRequested(event, uri) {
* If an external app requests a URI while we're still on the splash screen, we store it to
* later pass into the App component.
openUri = uri;
ipcRenderer.on('open-uri-requested', onOpenUriRequested);
2017-03-30 19:00:33 -04:00
let init = function() {
2017-01-05 17:30:36 -05:00
window.lbry = lbry;
2017-03-08 01:23:07 -05:00
window.lighthouse = lighthouse;
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
2016-12-29 04:41:28 -05:00
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
lbry.connect().then(function(isConnected) {
lbryio.authenticate() //start auth process as soon as soon as we can get an install ID
2017-04-10 08:32:40 -04:00
function onDaemonReady() {
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
window.sessionStorage.setItem('loaded', 'y'); //once we've made it here once per session, we don't need to show splash again
2017-05-08 05:04:11 -04:00
ipcRenderer.removeListener('open-uri-requested', onOpenUriRequested); // <App /> will handle listening for URI requests once it's loaded
ReactDOM.render(<div>{ lbryio.enabled ? <AuthOverlay/> : '' }<App {... openUri ? {openUri: openUri} : {}} /><SnackBar /></div>, canvas)
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
2017-04-10 08:32:40 -04:00
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('loaded') == 'y') {
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
2017-01-24 22:20:41 -05:00
} else {
2017-04-09 11:06:23 -04:00
ReactDOM.render(<SplashScreen message="Connecting" onLoadDone={onDaemonReady} />, canvas);
2017-01-24 22:20:41 -05:00
2016-03-14 18:05:24 -04:00
2017-04-01 02:36:45 -04:00