2017-01-16 20:40:10 -06:00
- os: osx
# Use generic language for osx
# python 2.7 is broken on osx on travis, so follow we have to specify the installation ourselves
# https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2312#issuecomment-195620855
language: generic
osx_image: xcode7.3
- wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/python-2.7.13-macosx10.6.pkg
2017-01-17 01:02:01 -06:00
- sudo installer -pkg python-2.7.13-macosx10.6.pkg -target /
2017-01-16 20:40:10 -06:00
- pip install -U pip
- pip install pyinstaller
- wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.9.4/node-v6.9.4.pkg
- sudo installer -pkg node-v6.9.4.pkg -target /
2017-01-18 10:32:01 -06:00
- sudo npm install electron-packager -g
2017-01-16 20:40:10 -06:00
- ./build.sh
- electron-packager --electron-version=1.4.14 --overwrite electron LBRY