## Issue
5204: Don't autoplay when commenting/video off screen
## Change
Previously, the checking was only done during a scroll event. We also need to check if the user has already scroll down before the component was invoked.
## Issue
- The previous regex uses lookback (I think ES2018?) which Safari has yet to implement.
- There were a few bugs in the previous regex too, like missing out multiple timestamps in a line, or parsing "62:02" as "2:02" (although YT does this as well).
- The previous method searched too deep (matchAll) on each 'locate' call, which was wasteful.
Clearer display of takeover amounts
Repost from empty search result, from top page, or from claim
review changes
final touches
empty comment copy
validation cleanup
## Issue
5130: Support mailto hyperlinks / urls in markdown
## Change
The markdown components already support mailto, just that the logic here ended up making it a 'ClaimLink'
## Issue
5090: When sorting channels, switching between Trending/Top/New returns viewer to the top of the page
## Approach
- Add an optional parameter to `ClaimListDiscover/Header` to add an additional anchor ID when building a new search URL.
- Clients then add the anchor ID on the desired location.
- The code that handles the scrolling then checks if the `location` contains an anchor hash. If it does, we'll scroll to that element; else, the existing behavior will be used.
## Issues
(1) 4783: New search query does not reset to the top
(2) The current way that Tag Search resets the position can be overridden by the AppRouter's call.
## Approach
Listen to `search` changes as well. This basically covers any search param changes.
Components should probably not call `window.scrollTo` directly as the AppRouter's call might override it.