show superchats in order properly
scroll properly when switching tabs
calculate fiat tips properly
sum up lbc amounts
refactor code a bit remove why isnt this working bit
bugfix cant tip fiat if no lbc balance
add toast when someone does a tip for a comment
add error toast for card page
show error on account connection page
automatically truncate to two decimals
close to working perfectly
show decimals value better
increase size of input value
one bug left but almost working perfectly
reverse so newest transactions come first
fixing bug caused by floating point precision
eslint fixes
remove unused conditional
get stuff ready for merge
bugfix and cleanup
requested changes
fixing flow errors
fix last flow error and touchups
fiat and lbc tabs coming along
support setting currency as the default tab via query param
add wallet fiat balance
fixing naming
add fiat transactions
using es6 to populate data
should be fine but keeps crashing
transaction listing working
add no transactions thing
about to add a third tab
add third tab
add card last 4 to transaction history
some renaming
show payments successfully
show filler for subscriptions
display if no transactions or subs
working but in the wrong component
approaching something thats working
showing total tipped amount
about to add last couple features
More touchups
adding last features
calculate the total amount of unique creators tipped
couple touchups
remove transaction listings from settings
add view transactions buttons
small optimization
add subscriptions section
fix lot of linting errors and make command more userful
show visible card and add remove card button
show your transactions even if you dont have a card
fix presentational issues
show your transactions even if you dont have a card
fix presentational issues
add link to channel section
update yarn
show donation location
add remove card modal still needs completion and also changed how stripe is used on settings stripe card page
add confirm remove card modal to router
move bank account stuff to settings page
move account functionality to settings page
continuing to move account transactions to settings
list transactions for creator
updating copy
touchup tip error
do a better job autofocusing
show an error on the card page if api returns 500
building out frontend for comment tip
display dollar sign if its a fiat tip
more frontend work
more frontend work
more frontend bug fixes
working with hardcoded payment intent id
working but with one bug
add toast if payment fails
add add card button
cant get claim id but otherwise done
more frontend work
call is working
show fiat for livestream comments
add is fiat on comments
round and show values properly
dont allow review if tiperror
copy displaying properly
disable buttons conditionally properly
remove card button working
remove card working with a workaround by refreshing page
send toast when tip on comment
jeremy frontend changes
only show cart on lbc
about to test something
generate programatically
beginning of the frontend
stripe integration page seems to be working
add user
put functionality behind conditional tag
connect frontend working well
adding environment variables to save success and failure url
final clean up
adding credit card page
seems to be coming along
calls successfully coming from the frontend
fixing up frontend
cleaning up
frontend coming along
client secret working
basic frontend in place
adding tip page
adding more to the tip frontend
frontend almost done
tabs coming along
one last thing to do for frontend
adding explainer text as custom function
putting finishing touches on tabs
support tabs working well
disable fiat toggle when card not connected
fix frontend gui bug
bugfix and pull out label function
fix symbol for tip gui
modal when card is not yet saved
fix fiat disabled bug
knowing whether card is added programatically
sending tip with frontend
tip functionality working
show unpaid balance
add frontend for card add section
update frontend
update frontend
change to use react instead of css
update how stripe is instantiated
fix bug
use customer setup
coming along
working but needs optimization
persist if card is saved
adding anonymous tip functionality
fix nan bug
build stripe endpoints programatically
show for all users for time being
allow the stripe key to automatically switch to live environment
fix jslint
fix channel page support button
better docs
show customer transactions on frontend
basic table in place
various page updates per jeremys notes
showing card details
nicer tip history table
add better prompt to add card on file viewer page
some linting
put connect account behind fiat enabled
no persist fiat mode
wallet calls
tip stuff