We currently handle major errors through ErrorBoundary. If the error is network related, ErrorBoundary ends up blank if it's components are lazy-loaded.
It won't work with the hardcoded value.
Still waiting for commentron (error code + data) enhancement. It's pretty weird having to parse the number, then add it back in.
## Issue
Sub item in <6119 Creator Settings: beyond "Muted Words">
## Changes
- Removed the existing 5s min gap on livestreams.
- Enabled the 'slow mode min gap' in Creator Settings
This change now affects both comments in claims and livestream comments.
## Issue
The loading circle wasn't showing up, causing confusion.
Splitting CSS doesn't seem trivial as there seems to be a huge dependency on the load order. Pretty much similar to what this person is facing https://lihautan.com/css-code-splitting/#the-problem
## Change
This reverts videojs-specific changes from 4d638bcf.
## Issue
When seeking on a video, RecommendedContent gets re-rendered, which causes the 20 ClaimPreviews to be re-rendered, several times. ClaimPreview has lots of children, plus it's constantly checking against the blacklist, among other things.
## Fix
The culprit seems to be the `recommendedContent` array -- the address may be different, but the contents are the same.
Do a deep compare instead.
- [x] (6332) The IntersectionObserver method of lazy-loading loads cached images visibly late on slower devices. Previously, it was also showing the "broken image" icon briefly, which we mended by placing a dummy transparent image as the initial src.
- Reverted that ugly transparent image fix.
- Use the browser's built-in `loading="lazy"` instead. Sorry, Safari.
- [x] Size-optimization did not take "device pixel ratio" into account.
- When resizing an image through the CDN, we can't just take the dimensions of the tag in pixels directly -- we need to take zooming into account, otherwise the image ends up blurry.
- Previously, we quickly disabled optimization for the channel avatar in the Channel Page because of this. Now that we know the root-cause, the change was reverted and we now go through the CDN with appropriate sizes. This also improves our Web Vital scores.
- [x] Size-optimization wasn't really implemented for all ChannelThumbnail instances.
- The CDN-optimized size was hardcoded to the largest instance, so small images like sidebar thumbnails are still loading images that are unnecessarily larger.
- There's a little-bit of hardcoding of values from CSS here, but I think it's a ok compromise (not something we change often). It also doesn't need to be exact -- the "device pixel ratio" calculate will ensure it's slightly larger than what we need.
- [x] Set `width` and `height` of `<img>` to improve CLS.
- Addresses Ligthhouse complaints, although technically the shifting was addressed at the `ClaimPreviewTile` level (sub-container dimensions are well defined).
- Notes: the values don't need to be the final CSS-adjusted sizes. It just needs to be in the right aspect ratio to help the browser pre-allocate space to avoid shifts.
- [x] Add option to disable lazy-load Channel Thumbnails
- The guidelines mentioned that items that are already in the viewport should not enable `loading="lazy"`.
- We have a few areas where it doesn't make sense to lazy-load (e.g. thumbnail in Header, channel selector dropdown, publish preview, etc.).
## Issue
The scroll listener never unregisters, and is always registering itself on every scroll. I believe it was done that way to also handle the case of "element is already in viewport when mounted".
## Change
Tried to separate both "element is already in viewport when mounted" and "element scrolled into viewport" into different effects.
The timeout value used is a bit arbitrary, but is needed because the initial size is (0, 0), and to debounce any layout shifts. Reasoning: If an element is explicitly placed under this wrapper, the additional delay is acceptable since it's meant to be lazy-loaded anyway.