- [x] (6332) The IntersectionObserver method of lazy-loading loads cached images visibly late on slower devices. Previously, it was also showing the "broken image" icon briefly, which we mended by placing a dummy transparent image as the initial src.
- Reverted that ugly transparent image fix.
- Use the browser's built-in `loading="lazy"` instead. Sorry, Safari.
- [x] Size-optimization did not take "device pixel ratio" into account.
- When resizing an image through the CDN, we can't just take the dimensions of the tag in pixels directly -- we need to take zooming into account, otherwise the image ends up blurry.
- Previously, we quickly disabled optimization for the channel avatar in the Channel Page because of this. Now that we know the root-cause, the change was reverted and we now go through the CDN with appropriate sizes. This also improves our Web Vital scores.
- [x] Size-optimization wasn't really implemented for all ChannelThumbnail instances.
- The CDN-optimized size was hardcoded to the largest instance, so small images like sidebar thumbnails are still loading images that are unnecessarily larger.
- There's a little-bit of hardcoding of values from CSS here, but I think it's a ok compromise (not something we change often). It also doesn't need to be exact -- the "device pixel ratio" calculate will ensure it's slightly larger than what we need.
- [x] Set `width` and `height` of `<img>` to improve CLS.
- Addresses Ligthhouse complaints, although technically the shifting was addressed at the `ClaimPreviewTile` level (sub-container dimensions are well defined).
- Notes: the values don't need to be the final CSS-adjusted sizes. It just needs to be in the right aspect ratio to help the browser pre-allocate space to avoid shifts.
- [x] Add option to disable lazy-load Channel Thumbnails
- The guidelines mentioned that items that are already in the viewport should not enable `loading="lazy"`.
- We have a few areas where it doesn't make sense to lazy-load (e.g. thumbnail in Header, channel selector dropdown, publish preview, etc.).
## Issue
The scroll listener never unregisters, and is always registering itself on every scroll. I believe it was done that way to also handle the case of "element is already in viewport when mounted".
## Change
Tried to separate both "element is already in viewport when mounted" and "element scrolled into viewport" into different effects.
The timeout value used is a bit arbitrary, but is needed because the initial size is (0, 0), and to debounce any layout shifts. Reasoning: If an element is explicitly placed under this wrapper, the additional delay is acceptable since it's meant to be lazy-loaded anyway.
about to test something
generate programatically
beginning of the frontend
stripe integration page seems to be working
add user
put functionality behind conditional tag
connect frontend working well
adding environment variables to save success and failure url
final clean up
adding credit card page
seems to be coming along
calls successfully coming from the frontend
fixing up frontend
cleaning up
frontend coming along
client secret working
basic frontend in place
adding tip page
adding more to the tip frontend
frontend almost done
tabs coming along
one last thing to do for frontend
adding explainer text as custom function
putting finishing touches on tabs
support tabs working well
disable fiat toggle when card not connected
fix frontend gui bug
bugfix and pull out label function
fix symbol for tip gui
modal when card is not yet saved
fix fiat disabled bug
knowing whether card is added programatically
sending tip with frontend
tip functionality working
show unpaid balance
add frontend for card add section
update frontend
update frontend
change to use react instead of css
update how stripe is instantiated
fix bug
use customer setup
coming along
working but needs optimization
persist if card is saved
adding anonymous tip functionality
fix nan bug
build stripe endpoints programatically
show for all users for time being
allow the stripe key to automatically switch to live environment
fix jslint
fix channel page support button
better docs
show customer transactions on frontend
basic table in place
various page updates per jeremys notes
showing card details
nicer tip history table
add better prompt to add card on file viewer page
some linting
put connect account behind fiat enabled
no persist fiat mode
wallet calls
tip stuff
## Issue
3779 RSS feed for channels
## Initial implementation details
- RSS only (not atom)
- Grabs latest 10 entries (Beamer have concerns)
## Credit
Referenced the community version mentioned in 3779
- The `rateChange` event now logs the updated speed,
not just the time at which it occurred.
- The `scrub` now (more) accurately logs the position
it came from before the destination.
- The recsys events get consolidated for logical consistency.
## Issue
With autoplay off, clicking on another video from the Recommended section didn't update the video poster.
## Fix
Made a mistake assuming that the whole component will be re-mounted, so was only setting the thumbnail once.
Even with the caching changes, a 150kB thumbnail still takes 1-2s to fetch. This impacts the score.
## Change
(1) Start with a large-enough placeholder image (has to be larger than the final image -- inflating doesn't count), then delay just enough for scoring, then switch to the real thumbnail.
(2) Since we are now doing post-mount stuff, we have the exact dimensions to optimize the claim thumbnail. This reduces the typically-several-MBs thumbnail to kBs.
These are chunks that will be requested immediately after ui.js when opening the homepage, so consolidate them into 1 chunk to reduce network overhead.
More work can/should be done to reduce the secondary chunk.
Make immediate GUI feedback to convey the current status, which can be the following:
- typing
- waiting lighthouse results
- waiting claim resolve
- no results or failed.