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4 commits

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@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ const DEFAULT_TIP_AMOUNTS = [1, 5, 25, 100];
const MAXIMUM_FIAT_TIP = 1000;
const DEFAULT_TIP_ERROR = __('Sorry, there was an error in processing your payment!');
const TAB_BOOST = 'TabBoost';
const TAB_FIAT = 'TabFiat';
const TAB_LBC = 'TabLBC';
@ -64,20 +66,48 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
} = props;
const [presetTipAmount, setPresetTipAmount] = usePersistedState('comment-support:presetTip', DEFAULT_TIP_AMOUNTS[0]);
const [customTipAmount, setCustomTipAmount] = usePersistedState('comment-support:customTip', 1.0);
const [useCustomTip, setUseCustomTip] = usePersistedState('comment-support:useCustomTip', false);
const [tipError, setTipError] = React.useState();
const [isConfirming, setIsConfirming] = React.useState(false);
// only allow certain creators to receive tips
const [canReceiveFiatTip, setCanReceiveFiatTip] = React.useState(); // dont persist because it needs to be calc'd per creator
// show things conditionally based on if a user has a card already
const [hasCardSaved, setHasSavedCard] = usePersistedState('comment-support:hasCardSaved', false);
// show the tip error on the frontend
const [tipError, setTipError] = React.useState();
// denote which tab to show on the frontend
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = usePersistedState(TAB_LBC);
// handle default active tab
React.useEffect(() => {
// force to boost tab if it's someone's own upload
if (claimIsMine) {
} else {
// or set LBC tip as the default if none is set yet
if (!activeTab || activeTab === 'undefined') {
}, []);
// alphanumeric claim id
const { claim_id: claimId } = claim;
// channel name used in url
const { channelName } = parseURI(uri);
const activeChannelName = activeChannelClaim &&;
const activeChannelId = activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.claim_id;
const [canReceiveFiatTip, setCanReceiveFiatTip] = React.useState(); // dont persist because it needs to be calc'd per creator
const [hasCardSaved, setHasSavedCard] = usePersistedState('comment-support:hasCardSaved', false);
// setup variables for tip API
// setup variables for backend tip API
let channelClaimId, tipChannelName;
// if there is a signing channel it's on a file
if (claim.signing_channel) {
@ -114,7 +144,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
}, [channelClaimId, isAuthenticated, stripeEnvironment]);
// check if creator has an account saved
// focus tip element if it exists
React.useEffect(() => {
const tipInputElement = document.getElementById('tip-input');
if (tipInputElement) {
@ -122,6 +152,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
}, []);
// check if user can receive tips
React.useEffect(() => {
if (channelClaimId && stripeEnvironment) {
@ -147,11 +178,13 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
}, [channelClaimId, stripeEnvironment]);
// if user has no balance, used to show conditional frontend
const noBalance = balance === 0;
// the tip amount, based on if a preset or custom tip amount is being used
const tipAmount = useCustomTip ? customTipAmount : presetTipAmount;
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = React.useState(TAB_BOOST);
// get type of claim (stream/channel/repost/collection) for display on frontend
function getClaimTypeText() {
if (claim.value_type === 'stream') {
return __('Content');
@ -167,6 +200,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
const claimTypeText = getClaimTypeText();
// icon to use or explainer text to show per tab
let iconToUse;
let explainerText = '';
if (activeTab === TAB_BOOST) {
@ -231,7 +265,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
}, [tipAmount, balance, setTipError, activeTab]);
// make call to the backend to send lbc or fiat
function sendSupportOrConfirm(instantTipMaxAmount = null) {
// send a tip
if (!isConfirming && (!instantTipMaxAmount || !instantTipEnabled || tipAmount > instantTipMaxAmount)) {
@ -271,6 +305,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
} else if (isConfirming) {
let sendAnonymously = !activeChannelClaim || incognito;
// hit backend to send tip
@ -297,10 +332,12 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
.catch(function (error) {
let displayError = 'Sorry, there was an error in processing your payment!';
if (error.message !== 'payment intent failed to confirm') {
// show error message from Stripe if one exists (being passed from backend by Beamer's API currently)
let displayError;
if (error.message) {
displayError = error.message;
} else {
displayError = DEFAULT_TIP_ERROR;
doToast({ message: displayError, isError: true });
@ -385,6 +422,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
// if it's a valid number display it, otherwise do an empty string
const displayAmount = !isNan(tipAmount) ? amountToShow : '';
// build button text based on tab
if (activeTab === TAB_BOOST) {
return claimIsMine
? __('Boost Your %claimTypeText%', { claimTypeText })
@ -396,12 +434,14 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
// dont allow user to click send button
function shouldDisableAmountSelector(amount) {
return (
(amount > balance && activeTab !== TAB_FIAT) || (activeTab === TAB_FIAT && (!hasCardSaved || !canReceiveFiatTip))
// showed on confirm page above amount
function setConfirmLabel() {
if (activeTab === TAB_LBC) {
return __('Tipping Credit');
@ -530,6 +570,7 @@ function WalletSendTip(props: Props) {
<ChannelSelector />
{/* prompt to save a card */}
{activeTab === TAB_FIAT && !hasCardSaved && (
<h3 className="add-card-prompt">
<Button navigate={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_CARD}`} label={__('Add a Card')} button="link" />{' '}

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@ -361,12 +361,14 @@ class SettingsStripeCard extends React.Component<Props, State> {
backout={{ title: __(pageTitle), backLabel: __('Back') }}
{/* if Stripe javascript didn't load */}
{scriptFailedToLoad && (
<div className="error__text">{__('There was an error connecting to Stripe. Please try again later.')}</div>
{/* initial markup to show while getting information */}
{currentFlowStage === 'loading' && (
<div className="headerCard toConfirmCard">
<Card title={__('Connect your card with Odysee')} subtitle={__('Getting your card connection status...')} />
@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ class SettingsStripeCard extends React.Component<Props, State> {
<br />
label={__('Remove Card')}
onClick={(e) => {
@ -419,16 +421,15 @@ class SettingsStripeCard extends React.Component<Props, State> {
label={__('View Transactions')}
style={{marginLeft: '10px'}}
label={__('View Transactions')}
<br />