Make error modals display full screen properly #113

alexliebowitz merged 1 commit from fix-error-modals into master 2017-05-05 15:00:10 +02:00
alexliebowitz commented 2017-05-05 06:46:27 +02:00 (Migrated from

Was not passing in the generic modal-overlay class. (ExpandableModal doesn't provide it automatically so you can omit it and make a totally custom overlay if you want.)

Was not passing in the generic modal-overlay class. (ExpandableModal doesn't provide it automatically so you can omit it and make a totally custom overlay if you want.)
alexliebowitz (Migrated from reviewed 2017-05-05 06:50:38 +02:00
@ -30,3 +30,3 @@
className={(this.props.className || '') + ' modal'}
overlayClassName={[null, undefined, ""].indexOf(this.props.overlayClassName) === -1 ? this.props.overlayClassName : 'modal-overlay'}>
overlayClassName={![null, undefined, ""].includes(this.props.overlayClassName) ? this.props.overlayClassName : 'modal-overlay'}>
alexliebowitz (Migrated from commented 2017-05-05 06:50:38 +02:00

No logic problem here, just updating to use the ES6 function

No logic problem here, just updating to use the ES6 function
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Reference: LBRYCommunity/lbry-desktop#113
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