Discovery fixes #2576
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ function PublishFile(props: Props) {
<FileSelector currentPath={filePath} onFileChosen={handleFileChange} />
{!!isStillEditing && name && (
<p className="help">
{/* @i18nfixme */}
{__("If you don't choose a file, the file from your existing claim")}
{` "${name}" `}
{__('will be used.')}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function PublishFormErrors(props: Props) {
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
<div>{__('Please wait for thumbnail to finish uploading')}</div>
{!!editingURI && !isStillEditing && !filePath && (
<div>{__('You need to reselect a file after changing the LBRY URL')}</div>
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
<div>{__('Please reselect a file after changing the LBRY URL')}</div>
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
![]() Can this be re-written to say "Please"? (also, why is this necessary?) Can this be re-written to say "Please"?
(also, why is this necessary?)
![]() It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim. It shouldn't be, but we aren't currently tracking the previous claim, after you change the name, because that could be another claim.
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ function BidHelpText(props: Props) {
} else if (!amountNeededForTakeover) {
bidHelpText = __('Any amount will give you the winning bid.');
} else {
// @i18nfixme
bidHelpText = `${__('If you bid more than')} ${amountNeededForTakeover} LBC, ${__(
(also, these split strings are basically not worth even calling the function on, but should be tagged either way) `@i18nfixme`
(also, these split strings are basically not worth even calling the function on, but should be tagged either way)
'when someone navigates to'
)} ${uri} ${__('it will load your published content')}. ${__(
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class SelectThumbnail extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
__('Enter a URL for your thumbnail.')
) : (
{__('Upload your thumbnail (.png/.jpg/.jpeg/.gif) to')}{' '}
{__('Upload your thumbnail to')}{' '}
<Button button="link" label={__('')} href="" />.{' '}
{__('Recommended size: 800x450 (16:9)')}
When you notice split i18n strings like this, can you add an annotation of some kind? (I propose