Copy path, open, and backup buttons for wallet on Help page #2587

ghost wants to merge 3 commits from wallet-backup-buttons-master into master
7 changed files with 374 additions and 7 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 570a7c7a7e - Show all commits

View file

@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ function PublishAdvanced(props: Props) {
<option value="tr">{__('Turkish')}</option>
<option value="pl">{__('Polish')}</option>
<option value="ms">{__('Malay')}</option>
<option value="pt">{__('Portuguese')}</option>
<option value="tr">{__('Turkish')}</option>
<option value="vi">{__('Vietnamese')}</option>
<option value="th">{__('Thai')}</option>
<option value="ar">{__('Arabic')}</option>
<option value="cs">{__('Czech')}</option>
<option value="hr">{__('Croatian')}</option>
<option value="km">{__('Cambodian')}</option>
<option value="ko">{__('Korean')}</option>
<option value="no">{__('Norwegian')}</option>
<option value="ro">{__('Romanian')}</option>
<option value="zh">{__('Chinese')}</option>
<option value="hi">{__('Hindi')}</option>
<option value="el">{__('Greek')}</option>

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import PublishPage from './view';
const select = state => ({
name: makeSelectPublishFormValue('name')(state),
channel: makeSelectPublishFormValue('channel')(state),
bid: makeSelectPublishFormValue('bid')(state),
uri: makeSelectPublishFormValue('uri')(state),
isStillEditing: selectIsStillEditing(state),
isResolvingUri: selectIsResolvingPublishUris(state),

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function PublishText(props: Props) {
placeholder={__('My description for this and that')}
onChange={value => updatePublishForm({ description: advancedEditor ? value : })}
onChange={value => updatePublishForm({ description: advancedEditor ? value : })}
<div className="card__actions">
<Button button="link" onClick={toggleMarkdown} label={advancedEditor ? 'Simple Editor' : 'Advanced Editor'} />

View file

@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ export const doUploadThumbnail = (filePath: string, thumbnailBuffer: Uint8Array)
export const doPrepareEdit = (claim: StreamClaim, uri: string, fileInfo: FileListItem) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
const { name, amount, channel_name: channelName, value } = claim;
const { name, amount, value } = claim;
const channelName = (claim && claim.signing_channel && claim.signing_channel.normalized_name) || null;
const {
@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ export const doPrepareEdit = (claim: StreamClaim, uri: string, fileInfo: FileLis
const publishData: UpdatePublishFormData = {
channel: channelName,
bid: Number(amount),
contentIsFree: !fee.amount,
@ -174,6 +173,10 @@ export const doPrepareEdit = (claim: StreamClaim, uri: string, fileInfo: FileLis
nsfw: isClaimNsfw(claim),
if (channelName) {
publishData['channel'] = channelName;
// Make sure custom liscence's are mapped properly
// If the license isn't one of the standard licenses, map the custom license and description/url
if (!CC_LICENSES.some(({ value }) => value === license)) {

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const defaultState = {
isNight: false,
languages: { en: 'English', pl: 'Polish' }, // temporarily hard code these so we can advance i18n testing
languages: { en: 'English', pl: 'Polish', id: 'Bahasa Indonesia' }, // temporarily hard code these so we can advance i18n testing
daemonSettings: {},

View file

@ -293,5 +293,70 @@
"Your comment": "Your comment",
"Post": "Post",
"Channel": "Channel",
"No modifier provided after separator %s.": "No modifier provided after separator %s."
"No modifier provided after separator %s.": "No modifier provided after separator %s.",
"Incompatible Daemon": "Incompatible Daemon",
"Incompatible daemon running": "Incompatible daemon running",
"Close App and LBRY Processes": "Close App and LBRY Processes",
"Continue Anyway": "Continue Anyway",
"This app is running with an incompatible version of the LBRY protocol. You can still use it, but there may be issues. Re-run the installation package for best results.": "This app is running with an incompatible version of the LBRY protocol. You can still use it, but there may be issues. Re-run the installation package for best results.",
"Update ready to install": "Update ready to install",
"Install now": "Install now",
"Upgrade available": "Upgrade available",
"LBRY Leveled Up": "LBRY Leveled Up",
"Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"Skip": "Skip",
"An updated version of LBRY is now available.": "An updated version of LBRY is now available.",
"Your version is out of date and may be unreliable or insecure.": "Your version is out of date and may be unreliable or insecure.",
"Want to know what has changed?": "Want to know what has changed?",
"release notes": "release notes",
"Remove from your library": "Remove from your library",
"Got it!": "Got it!",
"The better your tags are, the easier it will be for people to discover your content.": "The better your tags are, the easier it will be for people to discover your content.",
"No tags added": "No tags added",
"You are currently editing a claim.": "You are currently editing a claim.",
"If you don't choose a file, the file from your existing claim": "If you don't choose a file, the file from your existing claim",
"will be used.": "will be used.",
"My description for this and that": "My description for this and that",
"Upload your thumbnail to": "Upload your thumbnail to",
"You are currently editing this claim. If you change the URL, you will need to reselect a file.": "You are currently editing this claim. If you change the URL, you will need to reselect a file.",
"Add a price to this file": "Add a price to this file",
"Additional Options": "Additional Options",
"Checking the winning claim amount...": "Checking the winning claim amount...",
"If you bid more than": "If you bid more than",
"when someone navigates to": "when someone navigates to",
"it will load your published content": "it will load your published content",
"However, you can get a longer version of this URL for any bid": "However, you can get a longer version of this URL for any bid",
"Choose a thumbnail": "Choose a thumbnail",
"URI does not include name.": "URI does not include name.",
"Editing...": "Editing...",
"Success": "Success",
"The updates will take a few minutes to appear for other LBRY users. Until then it will be listed as \"pending\" under your published files.": "The updates will take a few minutes to appear for other LBRY users. Until then it will be listed as \"pending\" under your published files.",
"Choose a file": "Choose a file",
"A name is required": "A name is required",
"This file is downloaded.": "This file is downloaded.",
"It looks like you haven't published anything to LBRY yet.": "It looks like you haven't published anything to LBRY yet.",
"Publish something new": "Publish something new",
"View it on": "View it on",
"New thumbnail": "New thumbnail",
"Add to your library": "Add to your library",
"Follow": "Follow",
"Claim sequence must be a number.": "Claim sequence must be a number.",
"A title is required": "A title is required",
"Clearing": "Clearing",
"A deposit amount is required": "A deposit amount is required",
"Deposit cannot be 0": "Deposit cannot be 0",
"Upload Thumbnail": "Upload Thumbnail",
"Confirm Thumbnail Upload": "Confirm Thumbnail Upload",
"Upload": "Upload",
"Are you sure you want to upload this thumbnail to": "Are you sure you want to upload this thumbnail to",
"Uploading thumbnail": "Uploading thumbnail",
"Please wait for thumbnail to finish uploading": "Please wait for thumbnail to finish uploading",
"API connection string": "API connection string",
"Method": "Method",
"Parameters": "Parameters",
"Error code": "Error code",
"Error message": "Error message",
"Error data": "Error data",
"Error": "Error",
"We're sorry that LBRY has encountered an error. This has been reported and we will investigate the problem.": "We're sorry that LBRY has encountered an error. This has been reported and we will investigate the problem."

static/locales/id.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
"Thumbnail Image": "Gambar Thumbnail",
"OK": "OK",
"Cancel": "Batalkan",
"Show More...": "Tampilkan Lebih Banyak",
"Show Less": "Tampilkan Lebih Sedikit",
"Starting up": "Memulaikan",
"Connecting": "Menghubungkan",
"Blockchain Sync": "Sinkronisasi Blockchain",
"Catching up with the blockchain": "Mengejar dengan blockchain",
"Navigate back": "Arahkan Kembali",
"Navigate forward": "Arahkan Ke depan",
"Menu": "Menu",
"Your wallet": "Dompetmu",
"Publish content": "Terbitkan Konten",
"Publish": "Terbitkan",
"Discover": "Menemukan",
"Subscriptions": "Langganan",
"Publishes": "Menerbitkan",
"Library": "Perpustakaan",
"Overview": "Ikhtisar",
"Invite": "Undang",
"Rewards": "Hadiah",
"Send & Recieve": "Kirim & Terima",
"Transactions": "Transaksi",
"Settings": "Pengaturan",
"Help": "Bantuan",
"Failed to load landing content.": "Gagal mendaratkan konten",
"Hi There": "Hai Disana",
"Using LBRY is like dating a centaur. Totally normal up top, and": "Menggunakan LBRY seperti berkencan dengan centaur. Benar-benar normal di bagian atas, dan",
"way different": "cara yang berbeda",
"underneath.": "di bawah",
"Up top, LBRY is similar to popular media sites.": "Di bagian atas, LBRY mirip dengan situs media populer.",
"Below, LBRY is controlled by users -- you -- via blockchain and decentralization.": "Di bawah ini, LBRY dikendalikan oleh pengguna - Anda - melalui blockchain dan desentralisasi.",
"I'm In": "Saya masuk",
"You Are Awesome!": "Kamu Luar Biasa",
"Check out some of the neat content below me. I'll see you around!": "Lihat beberapa konten rapi di bawah saya. Sampai jumpa lagi!",
"Lets Get Started": "Mari Memulai",
"Not Now": "Tidak Saat ini",
"Don't Miss Out": "Jangan sampai ketinggalan",
"We'll let you know about LBRY updates, security issues, and great new content.": "Kami akan memberi tahu Anda tentang pembaruan LBRY, masalah keamanan, dan konten baru yang hebat.",
"Your email address will never be sold and you can unsubscribe at any time.": "Alamat email Anda tidak akan pernah dijual dan Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan kapan saja.",
"Subscribe": "Berlangganan",
"No subscriptions... yet.": "Belum ada langganan ...",
"I'll tell you where the good channels are if you find me a wheel.": "Saya akan memberi tahu Anda di mana saluran yang baik jika Anda menemukan roda saya.",
"Explore": "Jelajahi",
"It looks like you haven't published anything to LBRY yet.": "Sepertinya Anda belum mempublikasikan apa pun ke LBRY.",
"Publish something new": "Terbitkan sesuatu yang baru",
"Invite a Friend": "Undang Teman",
"When your friends start using LBRY, the network gets stronger!": "Saat teman Anda mulai menggunakan LBRY, jaringan menjadi lebih kuat!",
"Or share this link with your friends": "Atau bagikan tautan ini dengan teman-teman Anda",
"Earn": "Dapatkan",
"rewards": "Hadiah",
"for inviting your friends.": "untuk mengundang teman-temanmu.",
"Read our": "Baca Seputar",
"FAQ": "FAQ kami",
"to learn more about referrals": "untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang referal",
"Power To The People": "Kekuatan Untuk Rakyat",
"LBRY is powered by the users. More users, more power… and with great power comes great responsibility.": "LBRY diberdayakan oleh pengguna. Lebih banyak pengguna, lebih banyak kekuatan ... dan dengan kekuatan besar datang tanggung jawab besar.",
"Checking your invite status": "Memeriksa status undangan Anda",
"Humans Only": "Hanya Manusia",
"Rewards are for human beings only.": "Hadiah hanya untuk manusia.",
"You'll have to prove you're one of us before you can claim any rewards.": "Anda harus membuktikan bahwa Anda adalah salah satu dari kami sebelum dapat mengklaim hadiah apa pun.",
"Custom Code": "Kode Khusus",
"Are you a supermodel or rockstar that received a custom reward code? Claim it here.": "Apakah Anda seorang supermodel atau rockstar yang menerima kode hadiah khusus? Klaim di sini.",
"Get": "Mendapatkan",
"Go To Invites": "Pergi ke Undangan",
"Enter Code": "Masukan Kode",
"Send Credits": "Kirim Kredit",
"Send LBC to your friends or favorite creators": "Kirim LBC ke teman atau pembuat favorit Anda",
"Amount": "Jumlah",
"LBC": "LBC",
"Recipient address": "Alamat Penerima",
"Send": "Kirim",
"Receive Credits": "Menerima Kredit",
"Use this wallet address to receive credits sent by another user (or yourself).": "Gunakan alamat dompet ini untuk menerima kredit yang dikirim oleh pengguna lain (atau diri Anda sendiri).",
"Address copied.": "Alamat disalin.",
"Get New Address": "Mendapatkan Alamat Baru",
"Show QR code": "Tampilkan kode QR",
"You can generate a new address at any time, and any previous addresses will continue to work. Using multiple addresses can be helpful for keeping track of incoming payments from multiple sources.": "Anda dapat menghasilkan alamat baru kapan saja, dan alamat mana pun sebelumnya akan terus berfungsi. Menggunakan banyak alamat dapat membantu untuk melacak pembayaran yang masuk dari berbagai sumber.",
"Transaction History": "Riwayat Transaksi",
"Looks like you don't have any transactions": "Sepertinya Anda tidak memiliki transaksi",
"Refresh": "Menyegarkan",
"Loading transactions": "Memuat Transaksi",
"Download Directory": "Unduhan Direktori",
"LBRY downloads will be saved here.": "Unduhan LBRY akan disimpan di sini.",
"Max Purchase Price": "Harga Maksimum Pembelian",
"No Limit": "Tanpa Batasan",
"Choose limit": "Pilih Batasan",
"This will prevent you from purchasing any content over a certain cost, as a safety measure.": "Ini akan mencegah Anda membeli konten apa pun dengan biaya tertentu, sebagai tindakan pengamanan.",
"Purchase Confirmations": "Konfirmasi Pembelian",
"Always confirm before purchasing content": "Selalu konfirmasikan sebelum membeli konten",
"Only confirm purchases over a certain price": "Hanya konfirmasi pembelian dengan harga tertentu",
"When this option is chosen, LBRY won't ask you to confirm downloads below your chosen price.": "Ketika opsi ini dipilih, LBRY tidak akan meminta Anda untuk mengonfirmasi unduhan di bawah harga yang Anda pilih.",
"Content Settings": "Pengaturan Konten",
"Show NSFW content": "Perlihatkan Konten NSFW",
"NSFW content may include nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, or other adult content. By displaying NSFW content, you are affirming you are of legal age to view mature content in your country or jurisdiction. ": "Konten NSFW dapat mencakup ketelanjangan, seksualitas yang intens, kata-kata kotor, atau konten dewasa lainnya. Dengan menampilkan konten NSFW, Anda menegaskan bahwa Anda cukup umur untuk melihat konten dewasa di negara atau wilayah hukum Anda.",
"Notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"Show Desktop Notifications": "Tampilkan Pemberitahuan Desktop",
"Get notified when a publish is confirmed, or when new content is available to watch.": "Dapatkan pemberitahuan saat publikasi dikonfirmasi, atau ketika konten baru tersedia untuk ditonton.",
"Share Diagnostic Data": "Bagikan Diagnosa Data",
"Help make LBRY better by contributing analytics and diagnostic data about my usage.": "Bantu menjadikan LBRY lebih baik dengan menyumbangkan analitik dan data diagnostik tentang penggunaan saya.",
"You will be ineligible to earn rewards while diagnostics are not being shared.": "Anda tidak memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan hadiah saat diagnosa tidak dibagikan.",
"Appearance": "Penampilan",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Automatic dark mode (9pm to 8am)": "Mode gelap otomatis (9pm hingga 8am)",
"Wallet Security": "Keamanan Dompet",
"Encrypt my wallet with a custom password.": "Enkripsi dompet saya dengan kata sandi khusus.",
"Secure your local wallet data with a custom password.": "Amankan data dompet lokal Anda dengan kata sandi khusus.",
"Lost passwords cannot be recovered.": "Kata sandi yang hilang tidak dapat dipulihkan.",
"Learn more": "Belajarlah lagi",
"Experimental Settings": "Pengaturan Eksperimental",
"Automatically download new content from my subscriptions": "Secara otomatis mengunduh konten baru dari langganan saya",
"The latest file from each of your subscriptions will be downloaded for quick access as soon as it's published.": "File terbaru dari setiap langganan Anda akan diunduh untuk akses cepat segera setelah dipublikasikan.",
"Autoplay media files": "Putar file media secara otomatis",
"Autoplay video and audio files when navigating to a file, as well as the next related item when a file finishes playing.": "Putar otomatis file video dan audio saat bernavigasi ke file, serta item terkait berikutnya saat file selesai diputar.",
"Application Cache": "Cache Aplikasi",
"This will clear the application cache. Your wallet will not be affected.": "Ini akan menghapus cache aplikasi. Dompet Anda tidak akan terpengaruh.",
"Clear Cache": "Hapus Cache",
"Choose Directory": "Pilih Direktori",
"Price": "Harga",
"Currency": "Mata Uang",
"LBRY Credits (LBC)": "LBRY Credits (LBC)",
"US Dollars": "Dollar Amerika",
"You can't publish things quite yet": "Anda belum bisa mempublikasikannya",
"LBRY uses a blockchain, which is a fancy way of saying that users (you) are in control of your data.": "LBRY menggunakan blockchain, yang merupakan cara mewah untuk mengatakan bahwa pengguna (Anda) mengontrol data Anda.",
"Because of the blockchain, some actions require LBRY credits": "Karena blockchain, beberapa tindakan memerlukan kredit LBRY",
"allows you to do some neat things, like paying your favorite creators for their content. And no company can stop you.": "memungkinkan Anda melakukan beberapa hal yang rapi, seperti membayar pembuat konten favorit Anda. Dan tidak ada perusahaan yang bisa menghentikan Anda.",
"LBRY Credits Required": "Diperlukan Kredit LBRY",
" There are a variety of ways to get credits, including more than": "Ada berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan kredit, termasuk lebih dari",
"in free rewards for participating in the LBRY beta.": "dalam hadiah gratis untuk berpartisipasi dalam LBRY beta.",
"Checkout the rewards": "Lihat Hadiahnya",
"Content": "Konten",
"What are you publishing?": "Apa yang Anda terbitkan?",
"to learn more.": "untuk belajar lebih banyak.",
"Title": "Judul",
"Titular Title": "Judul Tituler",
"Description": "Deskripsi",
"Description of your content": "Deskripsi konten Anda",
"Thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"Enter a URL for your thumbnail.": "Masukan URL untuk Thumbnail Anda",
"How much will this content cost?": "Berapa biaya konten ini?",
"Free": "Gratis",
"Choose price": "Pilih harga",
"Anonymous or under a channel?": "Anonim atau di bawah saluran?",
"This is a username or handle that your content can be found under.": "Ini adalah nama pengguna atau alamat konten Anda dapat ditemukan di bawah.",
"Ex. @Marvel, @TheBeatles, @BooksByJoe": "Contoh. @Marvel, @TheBeatles, @BooksByJoe",
"Where can people find this content?": "Di mana orang dapat menemukan konten ini?",
"The LBRY URL is the exact address where people find your content (ex. lbry://myvideo).": "URL LBRY adalah alamat persis tempat orang menemukan konten Anda (mis. Lbry://myvideo).",
"Name": "Nama",
"Deposit (LBC)": "Deposit (LBC)",
"Mature audiences only": "Pemirsa dewasa saja",
"Language": "Bahasa",
"English": "Inggris",
"Chinese": "China",
"French": "Prancis",
"German": "Jerman",
"Japanese": "Jepang",
"Russian": "Rusia",
"Spanish": "Spanyol",
"Indonesian": "Indonesia",
"Italian": "Italia",
"Dutch": "Belanda",
"Turkish": "Turki",
"Polish": "Polandia",
"Malay": "Malaysia",
"By continuing, you accept the": "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda menerima",
"LBRY Terms of Service": "Ketentuan Layanan LBRY",
"Choose File": "Pilih File",
"No File Chosen": "Tidak ada File Dipilih",
"Thumbnail Preview": "Pratinjau Thumbnail",
"Use thumbnail upload tool": "Gunakan alat unggah thumbnail",
"Anonymous": "Anonim",
"New channel...": "Saluran Baru",
"Create a URL for this content. Simpler names are easier to find and remember.": "Buat URL untuk konten ini. Nama yang lebih sederhana lebih mudah ditemukan dan diingat.",
"Any amount will give you the winning bid.": "Jumlah berapa pun akan memberi Anda tawaran yang menang.",
"This LBC remains yours and the deposit can be undone at any time.": "LBC ini tetap milik Anda dan setoran dapat dibatalkan kapan saja.",
"License (Optional)": "Lisensi (Opsional)",
"None": "Tidak ada",
"Public Domain": "Domain Publik",
"Copyrighted...": "Dilindungi Hak cipta...",
"Other...": "Lainnya...",
"Upload your thumbnail (.png/.jpg/.jpeg/.gif) to": "Unggah Thumbnail Anda (.png/.jpg/.jpeg/.gif) ke",
"": "",
"Recommended size: 800x450 (16:9)": "Ukuran Direkomendasikan: 800x450 (16:9)",
"Choose Thumbnail": "Pilih Thumbnail",
"Enter a thumbnail URL": "Masukan URL thumbnail",
"Read the FAQ": "Baca FAQ",
"Our FAQ answers many common questions.": "FAQ kami menjawab banyak pertanyaan umum.",
"Get Live Help": "Dapatkan Bantuan Langsung",
"Live help is available most hours in the": "Bantuan langsung tersedia hampir setiap jam di",
"channel of our Discord chat room.": "saluran ruang obrolan Discord kami.",
"Join Our Chat": "Bergabunglah dengan Obrolan Kami",
"Report a Bug or Suggest a New Feature": "Laporkan Bug atau Sarankan Fitur Baru",
"Did you find something wrong? Think LBRY could add something useful and cool?": "Apakah Anda menemukan sesuatu yang salah? Pikirkan LBRY dapat menambahkan sesuatu yang berguna dan keren?",
"Submit a Bug Report/Feature Request": "Kirimkan Laporan Bug/Permintaan Fitur",
"Thanks! LBRY is made by its users.": "Terima kasih! LBRY dibuat oleh penggunanya.",
"View your Log": "Lihat Log Anda",
"Did something go wrong? Have a look in your log file, or send it to": "Apakah ada yang salah? Lihatlah file log Anda, atau kirim ke",
"support": "Dukungan",
"Open Log": "Buka Log",
"Open Log Folder": "Buka Folder Log",
"About": "Tentang",
"Your LBRY app is up to date.": "Aplikasi LBRY Anda terbaru.",
"App": "Apl",
"Daemon (lbrynet)": "Daemon (lbrynet)",
"Loading...": "Pemuatan...",
"Connected Email": "Email Terhubung",
"none": "tidak ada",
"set email": "setel email",
"Reward Eligible": "Berhak Hadiah ",
"No": "Tidak",
"Platform": "Platform",
"Installation ID": "ID Instalasi",
"Access Token": "Akses Token",
"View": "Lihat",
"Backup Your LBRY Credits": "Cadangkan LBRY Credits Anda",
"Your LBRY credits are controllable by you and only you, via wallet file(s) stored locally on your computer.": "Kredit LBRY Anda dapat dikontrol oleh Anda dan hanya Anda, melalui file(s) dompet yang disimpan secara lokal di komputer Anda.",
"Currently, there is no automatic wallet backup. If you lose access to these files, you will lose your credits permanently.": "Saat ini, tidak ada cadangan dompet otomatis. Jika Anda kehilangan akses ke file-file ini, Anda akan kehilangan kredit Anda secara permanen.",
"However, it is fairly easy to back up manually. To backup your wallet, make a copy of the folder listed below:": "Namun, cukup mudah untuk membuat cadangan secara manual. Untuk mencadangkan dompet Anda, buat salinan folder yang tercantum di bawah ini:",
"Access to these files are equivalent to having access to your credits. Keep any copies you make of your wallet in a secure place.": "Akses ke file-file ini setara dengan memiliki akses ke kredit Anda. Simpan salinan yang Anda buat dari dompet Anda di tempat yang aman.",
"see this article": "lihat artikel ini",
"This is equivalent to a password. Do not post or share this.": "Ini setara dengan kata sandi. Jangan memposting atau membagikan ini.",
"Report an Issue/Request a Feature": "Laporkan Masalah / Minta Fitur",
"Please describe the problem you experienced or the feature you want to see and any information you think might be useful to us. Links to screenshots are great!": "Tolong jelaskan masalah yang Anda alami atau fitur yang ingin Anda lihat dan informasi apa pun yang menurut Anda mungkin berguna bagi kami. Tautan ke tangkapan layar sangat bagus!",
"Description of your issue or feature request": "Deskripsi masalah atau permintaan fitur Anda",
"Submit Report": "Kirim Laporan",
"Developer?": "Pengembang?",
"You can also": "Anda juga bisa",
"submit an issue on GitHub": "kirimkan masalah di GitHub",
"Explore our": "Jelajahi",
"technical resources": "sumber daya teknis kami",
"Join our": "Gabung",
"tech forum": "forum tech kami",
"Search": "Cari",
"These search results are provided by LBRY, Inc.": "Hasil pencarian ini disediakan oleh LBRY, Inc.",
"You get first dibs! There aren't any files here yet.": "Anda mendapatkan yang pertama! Belum ada file di sini.",
"Publish something at": "Terbitkan sesuatu pada",
"Find what you were looking for?": "Temukan yang Anda cari?",
"Yes": "Ya",
"No results": "Tidak ada hasil",
"Invalid character %s in name: %s.": "Karakter salah %s pada nama: %s.",
"Published to": "Diterbitkan untuk",
"Published on": "Diterbitkan pada",
"Send a tip": "Kirim sejumlah tip",
"Share": "Bagikan",
"Play": "Putar",
"Report content": "Laporkan konten",
"Content-Type": "Tipe-Konten",
"Languages": "Bahasa",
"License": "Lisensi",
"Want to comment?": "Ingin berkomentar?",
"More": "Lebih",
"Download": "Unduh",
"Unsubscribe": "Berhenti berlangganan",
"Subscriptions 101": "Berlangganan 101",
"You just subscribed to your first channel. Awesome!": "Anda baru saja berlangganan saluran pertama Anda. Luar biasa!",
"A few quick things to know:": "Beberapa hal cepat untuk diketahui:",
"1) This app will automatically download new free content from channels you are subscribed to. You may configure this in Settings or on the Subscriptions page.": "1) Aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis mengunduh konten gratis baru dari saluran tempat Anda berlangganan. Anda dapat mengonfigurasi ini di Pengaturan atau di halaman Berlangganan.",
"2) If we have your email address, we will send you notifications related to new content. You may configure these emails from the Help page.": "2) Jika kami memiliki alamat email Anda, kami akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan terkait konten baru kepada Anda. Anda dapat mengonfigurasi email-email ini dari halaman Bantuan.",
"Got it": "Dapatkan itu",
"Send a tip to": "Kirim sejumlah tip kepada",
"This will appear as a tip for": "Ini akan muncul sebagai tip untuk",
"Thanks! Comments are coming soon": "Terima kasih! Komentar akan segera hadir",
"Your support has been added. You will be notified when comments are available.": "Dukungan Anda telah ditambahkan. Anda akan diberitahu ketika ada komentar.",
"Web link": "Web link",
"Facebook": "Facebook",
"Twitter": "Twitter",
"View on": "Lihat di",
"LBRY App link": "LBRY App link",
"Done": "Selesai",
"Requesting stream...": "Meminta stream...",
"Connecting...": "Menghubungkan...",
"Downloading stream... not long left now!": "Mengunduh stream... tidak lama lagi sekarang!",
"Downloading: ": "Mengunduh:",
"% complete": "% lengkap",
"Delete this file": "Hapus file ini",
"Delete": "Hapus",
"Downloaded to": "Diunduh ke",
"Open file": "Buka file"