Ticket: 1256 For `notify`, "file is currently locked" and "no such file or directory" is indication that the previous "failed" SDK call actually worked. Tell the user to check the transactions. This is the band aid until odysee-api/401 is addressed.
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// @flow
import * as tus from 'tus-js-client';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { makeUploadRequest } from './publish-v1';
import { makeResumableUploadRequest } from './publish-v2';
import { PUBLISH_TIMEOUT_BUT_LIKELY_SUCCESSFUL } from 'constants/errors';
// A modified version of Lbry.apiCall that allows
// to perform calling methods at arbitrary urls
// and pass form file fields
export default function apiPublishCallViaWeb(
apiCall: (any, any, any, any) => any,
token: string,
method: string,
params: FileUploadSdkParams,
resolve: Function,
reject: Function
) {
const { file_path: filePath, preview, remote_url: remoteUrl } = params;
const isMarkdown = filePath && typeof filePath === 'object' && filePath.type === 'text/markdown';
if (!filePath && !remoteUrl) {
return apiCall(method, params, resolve, reject);
let fileField = filePath;
if (preview) {
// Send dummy file for the preview. The tx-fee calculation does not depend on it.
const dummyContent = 'x';
fileField = new File([dummyContent], 'dummy.md', { type: 'text/markdown' });
// Putting a dummy value here, the server is going to process the POSTed file
// and set the file_path itself
if (fileField) {
params.file_path = '__POST_FILE__';
// Add a random ID to serve as the redux key.
// If it already exists, then it is a resumed session.
if (!params.guid) {
params.guid = uuid();
const useV1 = remoteUrl || isMarkdown || preview || !tus.isSupported;
// Note: both function signature (params) should match.
const makeRequest = useV1 ? makeUploadRequest : makeResumableUploadRequest;
return makeRequest(token, params, fileField, preview)
.then((xhr) => {
let error;
if (xhr && xhr.response) {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 && !xhr.response.error) {
return resolve(xhr.response.result);
} else if (xhr.response.error) {
if (xhr.responseURL.endsWith('/notify')) {
// Temp handling until odysee-api/issues/401 is addressed.
const errMsg = xhr.response.error.message;
if (errMsg === 'file currently locked' || errMsg.endsWith('no such file or directory')) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(PUBLISH_TIMEOUT_BUT_LIKELY_SUCCESSFUL));
error = new Error(xhr.response.error.message);
} else {
error = new Error(__('Upload likely timed out. Try a smaller file while we work on this.'));
if (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);