* Factor out lighthouse-result processing code for FYP re-use. The FYP results will be in the same format as LH. * Recsys: add ability to pass in specific uuid to use For FYP, we want to pass the UUID as a param when searching for recommendations. The search comes before the recsys entry creation, so we need to generate the UUID first when searching, and then tell recsys to use that specific ID. * Redux: fetch and store FYP Note that the gid cannot be used as "hash" for the uri list -- it doesn't necessarily change when the list changes, so we can't use it to optimize redux. For now, just always update/render when re-fetched. * UI for FYP * Mark rendered FYPs * Pass the FYP ID down the same way as Collection ID Not ideal, but at least it's in the same pattern as existing code for now. The whole prop-drilling problem with the claim components will be fixed together later. * Include 'gid' and 'uuid' in recommendation search * Allow users to mark recommendations that they dislike * Pass auth-token to all FYP requests + remove beacon use beacons are unreliable and often blocked * Only show FYP for members * FYP readme page * small fixes * fyp Co-authored-by: Thomas Zarebczan <thomas.zarebczan@gmail.com>
389 lines
19 KiB
389 lines
19 KiB
// @flow
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Route, Redirect, Switch, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import { PAGE_TITLE } from 'constants/pageTitles';
import { useIsLargeScreen } from 'effects/use-screensize';
import { lazyImport } from 'util/lazyImport';
import { LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM } from 'constants/comment';
import { parseURI, isURIValid } from 'util/lbryURI';
import { SITE_TITLE, WELCOME_VERSION } from 'config';
import LoadingBarOneOff from 'component/loadingBarOneOff';
import { GetLinksData } from 'util/buildHomepage';
import * as CS from 'constants/claim_search';
import HomePage from 'page/home';
// @if TARGET='app'
const BackupPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/backup' /* webpackChunkName: "backup" */));
// @endif
// @if TARGET='web'
const Code2257Page = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/code2257' /* webpackChunkName: "code2257" */));
const PrivacyPolicyPage = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/privacypolicy' /* webpackChunkName: "privacypolicy" */));
const TOSPage = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/tos' /* webpackChunkName: "tos" */));
const FypPage = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/fyp' /* webpackChunkName: "fyp" */));
const YouTubeTOSPage = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/youtubetos' /* webpackChunkName: "youtubetos" */));
// @endif
const SignInPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signIn' /* webpackChunkName: "signIn" */));
const SignInWalletPasswordPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/signInWalletPassword' /* webpackChunkName: "signInWalletPassword" */)
const SignUpPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signUp' /* webpackChunkName: "signUp" */));
const SignInVerifyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signInVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "signInVerify" */));
const BuyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/buy' /* webpackChunkName: "buy" */));
const ReceivePage = lazyImport(() => import('page/receive' /* webpackChunkName: "receive" */));
const SendPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/send' /* webpackChunkName: "send" */));
const SwapPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/swap' /* webpackChunkName: "swap" */));
const WalletPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/wallet' /* webpackChunkName: "wallet" */));
const NotificationsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/notifications' /* webpackChunkName: "notifications" */));
const CollectionPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/collection' /* webpackChunkName: "collection" */));
const ChannelNew = lazyImport(() => import('page/channelNew' /* webpackChunkName: "channelNew" */));
const ChannelsFollowingDiscoverPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/channelsFollowingDiscover' /* webpackChunkName: "channelsFollowingDiscover" */)
const ChannelsFollowingPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/channelsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "channelsFollowing" */)
const ChannelsFollowingManage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/channelsFollowingManage' /* webpackChunkName: "channelsFollowing" */)
const ChannelsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/channels' /* webpackChunkName: "channels" */));
const CheckoutPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/checkoutPage' /* webpackChunkName: "checkoutPage" */));
const CreatorDashboard = lazyImport(() => import('page/creatorDashboard' /* webpackChunkName: "creatorDashboard" */));
const DiscoverPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/discover' /* webpackChunkName: "discover" */));
const EmbedWrapperPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/embedWrapper' /* webpackChunkName: "embedWrapper" */));
const PopoutChatPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/popoutChatWrapper' /* webpackChunkName: "popoutChat" */));
const FileListPublished = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/fileListPublished' /* webpackChunkName: "fileListPublished" */)
const FourOhFourPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/fourOhFour' /* webpackChunkName: "fourOhFour" */));
const HelpPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/help' /* webpackChunkName: "help" */));
const InvitePage = lazyImport(() => import('page/invite' /* webpackChunkName: "invite" */));
const InvitedPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/invited' /* webpackChunkName: "invited" */));
const LibraryPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/library' /* webpackChunkName: "library" */));
const ListBlockedPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/listBlocked' /* webpackChunkName: "listBlocked" */));
const ListsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/lists' /* webpackChunkName: "lists" */));
const PlaylistsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/playlists' /* webpackChunkName: "lists" */));
const LiveStreamSetupPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/livestreamSetup' /* webpackChunkName: "livestreamSetup" */));
const LivestreamCurrentPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/livestreamCurrent' /* webpackChunkName: "livestreamCurrent" */)
const OdyseeMembershipPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/odyseeMembership' /* webpackChunkName: "odyseeMembership" */)
const OwnComments = lazyImport(() => import('page/ownComments' /* webpackChunkName: "ownComments" */));
const PasswordResetPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordReset' /* webpackChunkName: "passwordReset" */));
const PasswordSetPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordSet' /* webpackChunkName: "passwordSet" */));
const PublishPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/publish' /* webpackChunkName: "publish" */));
const ReportContentPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/reportContent' /* webpackChunkName: "reportContent" */));
const ReportPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/report' /* webpackChunkName: "report" */));
const RepostNew = lazyImport(() => import('page/repost' /* webpackChunkName: "repost" */));
const RewardsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/rewards' /* webpackChunkName: "rewards" */));
const RewardsVerifyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/rewardsVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "rewardsVerify" */));
const SearchPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/search' /* webpackChunkName: "search" */));
const SettingsStripeCard = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/settingsStripeCard' /* webpackChunkName: "settingsStripeCard" */)
const SettingsStripeAccount = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/settingsStripeAccount' /* webpackChunkName: "settingsStripeAccount" */)
const SettingsCreatorPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/settingsCreator' /* webpackChunkName: "settingsCreator" */));
const SettingsNotificationsPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/settingsNotifications' /* webpackChunkName: "settingsNotifications" */)
const SettingsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/settings' /* webpackChunkName: "settings" */));
const ShowPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/show' /* webpackChunkName: "show" */));
const TagsFollowingManagePage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/tagsFollowingManage' /* webpackChunkName: "tagsFollowingManage" */)
const TagsFollowingPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/tagsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "tagsFollowing" */));
const TopPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/top' /* webpackChunkName: "top" */));
const UpdatePasswordPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordUpdate' /* webpackChunkName: "passwordUpdate" */));
const Welcome = lazyImport(() => import('page/welcome' /* webpackChunkName: "welcome" */));
const YoutubeSyncPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/youtubeSync' /* webpackChunkName: "youtubeSync" */));
// Tell the browser we are handling scroll restoration
if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
type Props = {
currentScroll: number,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
location: { pathname: string, search: string, hash: string },
history: {
action: string,
entries: { title: string }[],
goBack: () => void,
goForward: () => void,
index: number,
length: number,
location: { pathname: string },
push: (string) => void,
state: {},
replaceState: ({}, string, string) => void,
listen: (any) => () => void,
uri: string,
title: string,
welcomeVersion: number,
hasNavigated: boolean,
setHasNavigated: () => void,
setReferrer: (?string) => void,
hasUnclaimedRefereeReward: boolean,
homepageData: any,
wildWestDisabled: boolean,
type PrivateRouteProps = Props & {
component: any,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
function PrivateRoute(props: PrivateRouteProps) {
const { component: Component, isAuthenticated, ...rest } = props;
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(props.location.search);
const redirectUrl = urlSearchParams.get('redirect');
return (
render={(props) =>
isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=${redirectUrl || props.location.pathname}`} />
function AppRouter(props: Props) {
const {
location: { pathname, search, hash },
} = props;
const { entries, listen, action: historyAction } = history;
const entryIndex = history.index;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
const resetScroll = urlParams.get('reset_scroll');
const hasLinkedCommentInUrl = urlParams.get(LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM);
const tagParams = urlParams.get(CS.TAGS_KEY);
const isLargeScreen = useIsLargeScreen();
const homeCategoryPages = React.useMemo(() => {
const dynamicRoutes = GetLinksData(homepageData, isLargeScreen).filter(
(potentialRoute: any) => potentialRoute && potentialRoute.route
return dynamicRoutes.map((dynamicRouteProps: RowDataItem) => (
component={(routerProps) => <DiscoverPage {...routerProps} dynamicRouteProps={dynamicRouteProps} />}
}, [homepageData, isLargeScreen]);
// For people arriving at settings page from deeplinks, know whether they can "go back"
useEffect(() => {
const unlisten = listen((location, action) => {
if (action === 'PUSH') {
if (!hasNavigated && setHasNavigated) setHasNavigated();
return unlisten;
}, [listen, hasNavigated, setHasNavigated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasNavigated && hasUnclaimedRefereeReward && !isAuthenticated) {
const valid = isURIValid(uri);
if (valid) {
const { path } = parseURI(uri);
if (path !== 'undefined') setReferrer(path);
}, [hasNavigated, uri, hasUnclaimedRefereeReward, setReferrer, isAuthenticated]);
useEffect(() => {
const getDefaultTitle = (pathname: string) => {
const title = pathname.startsWith('/$/') ? PAGE_TITLE[pathname.substring(3)] : '';
return __(title) || (IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'Odysee');
if (uri) {
const { channelName, streamName } = parseURI(uri);
if (title) {
document.title = title;
} else if (streamName) {
document.title = streamName;
} else if (channelName) {
document.title = channelName;
} else {
document.title = getDefaultTitle(pathname);
} else {
document.title = getDefaultTitle(pathname);
// @if TARGET='app'
entries[entryIndex].title = document.title;
// @endif
}, [pathname, entries, entryIndex, title, uri]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasLinkedCommentInUrl) {
if (hash && historyAction === 'PUSH') {
const id = hash.replace('#', '');
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
window.scrollTo(0, element.offsetTop);
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll);
}, [currentScroll, pathname, search, hash, resetScroll, hasLinkedCommentInUrl, historyAction]);
// react-router doesn't decode pathanmes before doing the route matching check
// We have to redirect here because if we redirect on the server, it might get encoded again
// in the browser causing a redirect loop
const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(pathname) + search;
if (decodedUrl !== pathname + search) {
return <Redirect to={decodedUrl} />;
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<LoadingBarOneOff />}>
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
{welcomeVersion < WELCOME_VERSION && <Route path="/*" component={Welcome} />}
{/* @endif */}
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISH}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISHED}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} />
<Route path={`/`} exact component={HomePage} />
{(!wildWestDisabled || tagParams) && <Route path={`/$/${PAGES.DISCOVER}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />}
{!wildWestDisabled && <Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WILD_WEST}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_SIGNIN}`} exact component={SignInPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_RESET}`} exact component={PasswordResetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_SET}`} exact component={PasswordSetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}/*`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WELCOME}`} exact component={Welcome} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.HELP}`} exact component={HelpPage} />
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.BACKUP}`} exact component={BackupPage} />
{/* @endif */}
{/* @if TARGET='web' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CODE_2257}`} exact component={Code2257Page} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.PRIVACY_POLICY}`} exact component={PrivacyPolicyPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.TOS}`} exact component={TOSPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.FYP}`} exact component={FypPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.YOUTUBE_TOS}`} exact component={YouTubeTOSPage} />
{/* @endif */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_VERIFY}`} exact component={SignInVerifyPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SEARCH}`} exact component={SearchPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.TOP}`} exact component={TopPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS}`} exact component={SettingsPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/:referrer`} exact component={InvitedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CHECKOUT}`} exact component={CheckoutPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT_CONTENT}`} exact component={ReportContentPage} />
<Route {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIST}/:collectionId`} component={CollectionPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.YOUTUBE_SYNC}`} component={YoutubeSyncPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} component={TagsFollowingPage} />
component={isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? ChannelsFollowingPage : DiscoverPage}
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={SettingsNotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_CARD}`} component={SettingsStripeCard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_ACCOUNT}`} component={SettingsStripeAccount} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_UPDATE_PWD}`} component={UpdatePasswordPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}`} component={InvitePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNEL_NEW}`} component={ChannelNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPOST_NEW}`} component={RepostNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} component={FileListPublished} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CREATOR_DASHBOARD}`} component={CreatorDashboard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} component={PublishPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT}`} component={ReportPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS}`} exact component={RewardsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS_VERIFY}`} component={RewardsVerifyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIBRARY}`} component={LibraryPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LISTS}`} component={ListsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.PLAYLISTS}`} component={PlaylistsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING_MANAGE}`} component={TagsFollowingManagePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_BLOCKED_MUTED}`} component={ListBlockedPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_CREATOR}`} component={SettingsCreatorPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.WALLET}`} exact component={WalletPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNELS}`} component={ChannelsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`} component={LiveStreamSetupPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM_CURRENT}`} component={LivestreamCurrentPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.BUY}`} component={BuyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.RECEIVE}`} component={ReceivePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SEND}`} component={SendPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SWAP}`} component={SwapPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={NotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_WALLET_PASSWORD}`} component={SignInWalletPasswordPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_OWN_COMMENTS}`} component={OwnComments} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.ODYSEE_MEMBERSHIP}`} component={OdyseeMembershipPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.POPOUT}/:channelName/:streamName`} component={PopoutChatPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName/:claimId`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
{/* Below need to go at the end to make sure we don't match any of our pages first */}
<Route path="/:claimName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/:claimName/:streamName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/*" component={FourOhFourPage} />
export default withRouter(AppRouter);