177 lines
5.3 KiB
177 lines
5.3 KiB
// @flow
import * as React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import Page from 'component/page';
import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes';
import FileTitle from 'component/fileTitle';
import FileRenderInitiator from 'component/fileRenderInitiator';
import FileRenderInline from 'component/fileRenderInline';
import FileRenderDownload from 'component/fileRenderDownload';
import Card from 'component/common/card';
import FileDetails from 'component/fileDetails';
import FileValues from 'component/fileValues';
import FileDescription from 'component/fileDescription';
import WaitUntilOnPage from 'component/common/wait-until-on-page';
import RecommendedContent from 'component/recommendedContent';
import CommentsList from 'component/commentsList';
import CommentCreate from 'component/commentCreate';
import YoutubeBadge from 'component/youtubeBadge';
export const FILE_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'file-page__video-container';
type Props = {
claim: StreamClaim,
costInfo: ?{ includesData: boolean, cost: number },
fileInfo: FileListItem,
uri: string,
fetchFileInfo: string => void,
fetchCostInfo: string => void,
setViewed: string => void,
isSubscribed: boolean,
channelUri: string,
renderMode: string,
markSubscriptionRead: (string, string) => void,
obscureNsfw: boolean,
isMature: boolean,
class FilePage extends React.Component<Props> {
componentDidMount() {
const { uri, fetchFileInfo, fetchCostInfo, setViewed, isSubscribed } = this.props;
if (isSubscribed) {
// always refresh file info when entering file page to see if we have the file
// this could probably be refactored into more direct components now
// @if TARGET='app'
// @endif
// See https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/pull/1563 for discussion
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
const { isSubscribed, uri, fileInfo, setViewed, fetchFileInfo } = this.props;
if (!prevProps.isSubscribed && isSubscribed) {
if (prevProps.uri !== uri) {
// @if TARGET='app'
if (prevProps.uri !== uri && fileInfo === undefined) {
// @endif
removeFromSubscriptionNotifications() {
// Always try to remove
// If it doesn't exist, nothing will happen
const { markSubscriptionRead, uri, channelUri } = this.props;
markSubscriptionRead(channelUri, uri);
renderFilePageLayout(uri: string, mode: string, cost: ?number) {
const { claim } = this.props;
const channelClaimId = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.claim_id : null;
if (RENDER_MODES.FLOATING_MODES.includes(mode)) {
return (
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<div className={FILE_WRAPPER_CLASS}>
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
{/* playables will be rendered and injected by <FileRenderFloating> */}
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
return (
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
<FileRenderDownload uri={uri} isFree={cost === 0} />
if (RENDER_MODES.TEXT_MODES.includes(mode)) {
return (
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInline uri={uri} />
return (
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInline uri={uri} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
renderBlockedPage() {
const { uri } = this.props;
return (
<FileTitle uri={uri} isNsfwBlocked />
render() {
const { uri, renderMode, costInfo, obscureNsfw, isMature } = this.props;
if (obscureNsfw && isMature) {
return this.renderBlockedPage();
return (
<Page className="file-page">
<div className={classnames('section card-stack', `file-page__${renderMode}`)}>
{this.renderFilePageLayout(uri, renderMode, costInfo ? costInfo.cost : null)}
<div className="section columns">
<div className="card-stack">
<FileDescription uri={uri} />
<FileValues uri={uri} />
<FileDetails uri={uri} />
title={__('Leave a Comment')}
<CommentCreate uri={uri} />
<CommentsList uri={uri} />
<RecommendedContent uri={uri} />
export default FilePage;