* Resolve claim and stream types when there is a filter
## Symptom
Channel Page 'Content Type' filter not working
## Issue
The Advanced Filter work by placing a `?content=` URL param. The list component then parses it and makes the `claim_search` params accordingly. But:
1. There is a mix up in how the list component treats `?content=`.
- The original code seems to treat this as a way to define the type externally but only for a list without `claimType` defined via code. In other words, if `claimType="something"`, `?content=` is ignored.
- On the other hand, the Advanced Filter relies on `?content=` being used.
2. `?content=` is then split between `claimType` and `streamType`. The current code does not check if the split makes sense, e.g. if `?content=channel` and `streamType=['video']`, these 2 are incompatible and produces no results.
## Change
1. I'm not really sure what's the original intention, but let's just make `?content=` as an override/filter.
2. `?content=` should probably be limited to always be a subset of `claimType` and `streamType`. But this seems complicated to do, so for now let's just make always override/filter everything. For that, we need to make sure the filtered `claimType` -- `streamType` combo makes sense.
* Fix 'Channel' filter not working in Wild West
## Cause
The Wild West list defines `release_time` to be 1 week ago. As long as this parameter exists, a channel `claim_search` produces no results (I thought channels have creation dates?). That is why an unfiltered Wild West never showed Channel Tiles.
## Change
The existing `release_time` handling does seem to hint that we should not set the parameter when searching for Channels. Expanded that to consider the final (filtered) claim type, not just the original.