All <Setting*> components will have an ID that corresponds to the sidebar link. When clicked, we scroll to the position of the card by searching for the element with the ID. It behaves simiar to # anchor navigation. I like this model mainly because in Mobile, users don't need to keep opening the drawer to navigate -- they just need to scroll. This allows us to use the same design for Mobile and App.
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// React Feather icons
// Note: Icons should be named for their purpose, rather than the actual icon.
// The goal being to reduce multiple uses of the same icon for different purposes.
export const REWARDS = 'Award';
export const LOCAL = 'Folder';
export const ALERT = 'AlertCircle';
export const INFO = 'InfoCircle';
export const COPY = 'Clipboard';
export const ARROW_LEFT = 'ChevronLeft';
export const ARROW_RIGHT = 'ChevronRight';
export const DOWNLOAD = 'Download';
export const PUBLISH = 'UploadCloud';
export const FETCH = 'Fetch';
export const REMOVE = 'X';
export const ADD = 'Plus';
export const SUBTRACT = 'Subtract';
export const EDIT = 'Edit';
export const DELETE = 'Trash';
export const REPORT = 'Flag';
export const HELP = 'HelpCircle';
export const CHAT = 'MessageCircle';
export const FEEDBACK = 'MessageSquare';
export const SEARCH = 'Search';
export const CHANNEL = 'AtSign';
export const REFRESH = 'RefreshCw';
export const HISTORY = 'Clock';
export const HOME = 'Home';
export const OVERVIEW = 'Activity';
export const WALLET = 'List';
export const COIN_SWAP = 'CoinSwap';
export const PHONE = 'Phone';
export const COMPLETE = 'Check';
export const COMPLETED = 'CheckCircle';
export const NOT_COMPLETED = 'Circle';
export const SUBSCRIBE = 'Heart';
export const UNSUBSCRIBE = 'BrokenHeart';
export const BELL = 'Bell';
export const BELL_ON = 'BellOn';
export const UNLOCK = 'Unlock';
export const LOCK = 'Lock';
export const WEB = 'Globe';
export const SHARE = 'Share2';
export const EXTERNAL = 'ExternalLink';
export const PLAY = 'Play';
export const FACEBOOK = 'Facebook';
export const TWITTER = 'Twitter';
export const TELEGRAM = 'Telegram';
export const REDDIT = 'Reddit';
export const LINKEDIN = 'LinkedIn';
export const EMBED = 'Embed';
export const MORE = 'More';
export const SHARE_LINK = 'ShareLink';
export const COPY_LINK = 'CopyLink';
export const ACCOUNT = 'User';
export const SETTINGS = 'Settings';
export const FILTER = 'Filter';
export const INVITE = 'Users';
export const FILE = 'File';
export const FULLSCREEN = 'Maximize';
export const OPTIONS = 'Sliders';
export const YES = 'ThumbsUp';
export const NO = 'ThumbsDown';
export const UP = 'ChevronUp';
export const DOWN = 'ChevronDown';
export const SECURE = 'Lock';
export const MENU = 'Menu';
export const BACKUP = 'Database';
export const TRANSACTIONS = 'FileText';
export const LBRY = 'Lbry';
export const LBC = 'LBC';
export const DISCOVER = 'Compass';
export const VISUALIZER_ON = 'Eye';
export const VISUALIZER_OFF = 'EyeOff';
export const MUSIC_DETAILS_ON = 'AlignLeft';
export const MUSIC_DETAILS_OFF = 'AlignLeft';
export const MUSIC_ART_ON = 'Image';
export const MUSIC_ART_OFF = 'Image';
export const MUSIC_ALBUM = 'Disc';
export const MUSIC_ARTIST = 'Mic';
export const MUSIC_SONG = 'Music';
export const MUSIC_EQUALIZER = 'Sliders';
export const LIGHT = 'Sun';
export const DARK = 'Moon';
export const LIBRARY = 'Folder';
export const TAG = 'Tag';
export const SUPPORT = 'TrendingUp';
export const BLOCK = 'Slash';
export const MUTE = 'VolumeX';
export const UNBLOCK = 'Circle';
export const VIEW = 'View';
export const EYE = 'Eye';
export const EYE_OFF = 'EyeOff';
export const SIGN_OUT = 'SignOut';
export const SIGN_IN = 'SignIn';
export const SIGN_UP = 'Key';
export const TRENDING = 'Trending';
export const TOP = 'Top';
export const NEW = 'New';
export const MORE_VERTICAL = 'MoreVertical';
export const IMAGE = 'Image';
export const AUDIO = 'HeadPhones';
export const VIDEO = 'Video';
export const VOLUME_MUTED = 'VolumeX';
export const TEXT = 'FileText';
export const DOWNLOADABLE = 'Downloadable';
export const POST = 'Post';
export const REPOST = 'Repeat';
export const VALIDATED = 'Check';
export const SLIDERS = 'Sliders';
export const SCIENCE = 'Science';
export const ANALYTICS = 'BarChart2';
export const PURCHASED = 'Key';
export const CIRCLE = 'Circle';
export const PINNED = 'Pinned';
export const BUY = 'Buy';
export const SEND = 'Send';
export const RECEIVE = 'Receive';
export const CAMERA = 'Camera';
export const OPEN_LOG = 'FilePlus';
export const OPEN_LOG_FOLDER = 'Folder';
export const LBRY_STATUS = 'BarChart';
export const NOTIFICATION = 'Bell';
export const LAYOUT = 'Layout';
export const REPLY = 'Reply';
export const YOUTUBE = 'Youtube';
export const UPVOTE = 'Upvote';
export const DOWNVOTE = 'Downvote';
export const CONTROVERSIAL = 'Controversial';
export const RABBIT_HOLE = 'Droplet';
export const TECH = 'Speaker';
export const NEWS = 'Aperature';
export const FINANCE = 'DollarSign';
export const ENLIGHTENMENT = 'Anchor';
export const GAMING = 'Gaming';
export const COMMUNITY = 'Community';
export const FIRE_ACTIVE = 'FireActive';
export const SLIME_ACTIVE = 'SlimeActive';
export const FIRE = 'Fire';
export const SLIME = 'Slime';
export const PIN = 'Pin';
export const BEST = 'Best';
export const CREATOR_LIKE = 'CreatorLike';
export const CHEF = 'Chef';
export const ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous';
export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_1 = 'ChannelLevel1';
export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_2 = 'ChannelLevel2';
export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_3 = 'ChannelLevel3';
export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_4 = 'ChannelLevel4';
export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_5 = 'ChannelLevel5';
export const MOVIES = 'Movies';
export const WILD_WEST = 'WildWest';
export const UNIVERSE = 'Universe';
export const CHEESE = 'Cheese';
export const PEACE = 'Peace';
export const PORK_BUN = 'PorkBun';
export const MIND_BLOWN = 'MindBlown';
export const LIVESTREAM = 'Livestream';
export const LIVESTREAM_SOLID = 'LivestreamSolid';
export const LIVESTREAM_MONOCHROME = 'LivestreamMono';
export const STACK = 'stack';
export const TIME = 'time';
export const GLOBE = 'globe';
export const RSS = 'rss';
export const APPEARANCE = 'Appearance';
export const CONTENT = 'Content';
export const STAR = 'star';
export const MUSIC = 'MusicCategory';
export const BADGE_MOD = 'BadgeMod';