It was not meant to be used for these cases -- wasting resources creating and going through the cache for each simple direct access.
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// @flow
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { selectMyClaims, selectPendingClaims } from 'redux/selectors/claims';
type State = { livestream: any };
const selectState = (state: State) => state.livestream || {};
// select non-pending claims without sources for given channel
export const makeSelectLivestreamsForChannelId = (channelId: string) =>
createSelector(selectState, selectMyClaims, (livestreamState, myClaims = []) => {
return myClaims
(claim) =>
claim.value_type === 'stream' &&
claim.value &&
!claim.value.source &&
claim.confirmations > 0 &&
claim.signing_channel &&
claim.signing_channel.claim_id === channelId
.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp); // newest first
export const selectFetchingLivestreams = (state: State) => selectState(state).fetchingById;
export const selectViewersById = (state: State) => selectState(state).viewersById;
export const makeSelectIsFetchingLivestreams = (channelId: string) =>
createSelector(selectFetchingLivestreams, (fetchingLivestreams) => Boolean(fetchingLivestreams[channelId]));
export const makeSelectViewersForId = (channelId: string) =>
createSelector(selectViewersById, (viewers) => viewers[channelId]);
export const makeSelectPendingLivestreamsForChannelId = (channelId: string) =>
createSelector(selectPendingClaims, (pendingClaims) => {
return pendingClaims.filter(
(claim) =>
claim.value_type === 'stream' &&
claim.value &&
!claim.value.source &&
claim.signing_channel &&
claim.signing_channel.claim_id === channelId
export const selectActiveLivestreams = (state: State) => selectState(state).activeLivestreams;
export const makeSelectIsActiveLivestream = (uri: string) =>
createSelector(selectState, (state) => {
const activeLivestreamValues = (state.activeLivestreams && Object.values(state.activeLivestreams)) || [];
// $FlowFixMe
return Boolean(activeLivestreamValues.find((v) => v.latestClaimUri === uri));
export const makeSelectActiveLivestreamUris = (uri: string) =>
createSelector(selectState, (state) => {
const activeLivestreamValues = (state.activeLivestreams && Object.values(state.activeLivestreams)) || [];
const uris = [];
activeLivestreamValues.forEach((v) => {
// $FlowFixMe
if (v.latestClaimUri) uris.push(v.latestClaimUri);
return uris;