Naomi comment websockets increase slow mode time to 5 seconds fix to prevent duplicate comments update livestream details fix channel pin electron boom fix rebase prune unused icons updating meme updating meme update livestream for naomi fix rebase DigitalCashNetwork remove electroboom pin Slavguns Joel So he can edit his claims add streamTypes param to claimTilesDiscover so following section can search for all types of content fix typo
299 lines
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299 lines
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// @flow
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Route, Redirect, Switch, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import SettingsPage from 'page/settings';
import SettingsNotificationsPage from 'page/settingsNotifications';
import SettingsAdvancedPage from 'page/settingsAdvanced';
import HelpPage from 'page/help';
// @if TARGET='app'
import BackupPage from 'page/backup';
// @endif
// @if TARGET='web'
import Code2257Page from 'web/page/code2257';
// @endif
import ReportPage from 'page/report';
import ShowPage from 'page/show';
import PublishPage from 'page/publish';
import DiscoverPage from 'page/discover';
import HomePage from 'page/home';
import InvitedPage from 'page/invited';
import RewardsPage from 'page/rewards';
import FileListPublished from 'page/fileListPublished';
import InvitePage from 'page/invite';
import SearchPage from 'page/search';
import LibraryPage from 'page/library';
import WalletPage from 'page/wallet';
import TagsFollowingPage from 'page/tagsFollowing';
import ChannelsFollowingPage from 'page/channelsFollowing';
import ChannelsFollowingDiscoverPage from 'page/channelsFollowingDiscover';
import TagsFollowingManagePage from 'page/tagsFollowingManage';
import ListBlockedPage from 'page/listBlocked';
import FourOhFourPage from 'page/fourOhFour';
import SignInPage from 'page/signIn';
import SignUpPage from 'page/signUp';
import PasswordResetPage from 'page/passwordReset';
import PasswordSetPage from 'page/passwordSet';
import SignInVerifyPage from 'page/signInVerify';
import ChannelsPage from 'page/channels';
import LiveStreamSetupPage from 'page/livestreamSetup';
import EmbedWrapperPage from 'page/embedWrapper';
import TopPage from 'page/top';
import Welcome from 'page/welcome';
import CreatorDashboard from 'page/creatorDashboard';
import RewardsVerifyPage from 'page/rewardsVerify';
import CheckoutPage from 'page/checkoutPage';
import ChannelNew from 'page/channelNew';
import RepostNew from 'page/repost';
import BuyPage from 'page/buy';
import NotificationsPage from 'page/notifications';
import SignInWalletPasswordPage from 'page/signInWalletPassword';
import YoutubeSyncPage from 'page/youtubeSync';
import LiveStreamPage from 'page/livestream';
import { LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM } from 'constants/comment';
import { parseURI, isURIValid } from 'lbry-redux';
import { SITE_TITLE, WELCOME_VERSION } from 'config';
// Tell the browser we are handling scroll restoration
if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
type Props = {
currentScroll: number,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
location: { pathname: string, search: string, hash: string },
history: {
action: string,
entries: { title: string }[],
goBack: () => void,
goForward: () => void,
index: number,
length: number,
location: { pathname: string },
push: (string) => void,
state: {},
replaceState: ({}, string, string) => void,
listen: (any) => () => void,
uri: string,
title: string,
welcomeVersion: number,
hasNavigated: boolean,
setHasNavigated: () => void,
setReferrer: (string) => void,
hasUnclaimedRefereeReward: boolean,
homepageData: any,
type PrivateRouteProps = Props & {
component: any,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
function PrivateRoute(props: PrivateRouteProps) {
const { component: Component, isAuthenticated, } = props;
return (
render={(props) =>
isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=${props.location.pathname}`} />
function AppRouter(props: Props) {
const {
location: { pathname, search, hash },
} = props;
const { entries } = history;
const entryIndex = history.index;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
const resetScroll = urlParams.get('reset_scroll');
const hasLinkedCommentInUrl = urlParams.get(LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM);
const dynamicRoutes = Object.values(homepageData).filter(
(potentialRoute: any) => potentialRoute && potentialRoute.route
// For people arriving at settings page from deeplinks, know whether they can "go back"
useEffect(() => {
const unlisten = history.listen((location, action) => {
if (action === 'PUSH') {
if (!hasNavigated && setHasNavigated) setHasNavigated();
return unlisten;
}, [hasNavigated, setHasNavigated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasNavigated && hasUnclaimedRefereeReward && !isAuthenticated) {
const valid = isURIValid(uri);
if (valid) {
const { path } = parseURI(uri);
if (path !== 'undefined') setReferrer(path);
}, [hasNavigated, uri, hasUnclaimedRefereeReward, setReferrer, isAuthenticated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (uri) {
const { channelName, streamName } = parseURI(uri);
if (typeof title !== 'undefined' && title !== '') {
document.title = title;
} else if (streamName) {
document.title = streamName;
} else if (channelName) {
document.title = channelName;
} else {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
} else {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
// @if TARGET='app'
entries[entryIndex].title = document.title;
// @endif
return () => {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
}, [entries, entryIndex, title, uri]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasLinkedCommentInUrl) {
if (hash && history.action === 'PUSH') {
const id = hash.replace('#', '');
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
window.scrollTo(0, element.offsetTop);
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll);
}, [currentScroll, pathname, search, hash, resetScroll, hasLinkedCommentInUrl]);
// react-router doesn't decode pathanmes before doing the route matching check
// We have to redirect here because if we redirect on the server, it might get encoded again
// in the browser causing a redirect loop
const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(pathname) + search;
if (decodedUrl !== pathname + search) {
return <Redirect to={decodedUrl} />;
return (
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
{welcomeVersion < WELCOME_VERSION && <Route path="/*" component={Welcome} />}
{/* @endif */}
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISH}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISHED}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} />
<Route path={`/`} exact component={HomePage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.DISCOVER}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WILD_WEST}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />
{/* $FlowFixMe */}
{ RowDataItem) => (
component={(routerProps) => <DiscoverPage {...routerProps} dynamicRouteProps={dynamicRouteProps} />}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_SIGNIN}`} exact component={SignInPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_RESET}`} exact component={PasswordResetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_SET}`} exact component={PasswordSetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}/*`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WELCOME}`} exact component={Welcome} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.HELP}`} exact component={HelpPage} />
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.BACKUP}`} exact component={BackupPage} />
{/* @endif */}
{/* @if TARGET='web' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CODE_2257}`} exact component={Code2257Page} />
{/* @endif */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_VERIFY}`} exact component={SignInVerifyPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SEARCH}`} exact component={SearchPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.TOP}`} exact component={TopPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS}`} exact component={SettingsPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_ADVANCED}`} exact component={SettingsAdvancedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/:referrer`} exact component={InvitedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CHECKOUT}`} exact component={CheckoutPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.YOUTUBE_SYNC}`} component={YoutubeSyncPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} component={TagsFollowingPage} />
component={isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? ChannelsFollowingPage : DiscoverPage}
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={SettingsNotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}`} component={InvitePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNEL_NEW}`} component={ChannelNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPOST_NEW}`} component={RepostNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} component={FileListPublished} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CREATOR_DASHBOARD}`} component={CreatorDashboard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} component={PublishPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT}`} component={ReportPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS}`} exact component={RewardsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS_VERIFY}`} component={RewardsVerifyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIBRARY}`} component={LibraryPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING_MANAGE}`} component={TagsFollowingManagePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_BLOCKED_MUTED}`} component={ListBlockedPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.WALLET}`} exact component={WalletPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNELS}`} component={ChannelsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`} component={LiveStreamSetupPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.BUY}`} component={BuyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={NotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_WALLET_PASSWORD}`} component={SignInWalletPasswordPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName/:claimId`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`} component={LiveStreamPage} />
{/* Below need to go at the end to make sure we don't match any of our pages first */}
<Route path="/:claimName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/:claimName/:streamName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/*" component={FourOhFourPage} />
export default withRouter(AppRouter);