146 lines
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146 lines
4.7 KiB
import { WEBPACK_ELECTRON_PORT } from 'config';
import { app, BrowserWindow, dialog, shell, screen } from 'electron';
import isDev from 'electron-is-dev';
import windowStateKeeper from 'electron-window-state';
import setupBarMenu from './menu/setupBarMenu';
import * as PAGES from '../ui/constants/pages';
export default appState => {
// Get primary display dimensions from Electron.
const { width, height } = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize;
// Load the previous state with fallback to defaults.
const windowState = windowStateKeeper({
defaultWidth: width,
defaultHeight: height,
const windowConfiguration = {
backgroundColor: '#270f34', // Located in src/scss/init/_vars.scss `--color-background--splash`
minWidth: 950,
minHeight: 600,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
titleBarStyle: 'hiddenInset',
show: false,
// Create the window using the state information.
x: windowState.x,
y: windowState.y,
// If state is undefined, create window as maximized.
width: windowState.width === undefined ? width : windowState.width,
height: windowState.height === undefined ? height : windowState.height,
icon: 'static/img/tray/windows/tray.png',
webPreferences: {
// Disable renderer process's webSecurity on development to enable CORS.
webSecurity: !isDev,
plugins: true,
const lbryProto = 'lbry://';
const lbryProtoQ = 'lbry://?';
const rendererURL = isDev ? `http://localhost:${WEBPACK_ELECTRON_PORT}` : `file://${__dirname}/index.html`;
let window = new BrowserWindow(windowConfiguration);
// Let us register listeners on the window, so we can update the state
// automatically (the listeners will be removed when the window is closed)
// and restore the maximized or full screen state.
let deepLinkingURI;
if ((process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'linux') && String(process.argv[1]).startsWith('lbry')) {
[, deepLinkingURI] = process.argv || '';
// Keep only command line / deep linked arguments
// Windows normalizes URIs when they're passed in from other apps. On Windows, this tries to
// restore the original URI that was typed.
// - If the URI has no path, Windows adds a trailing slash. LBRY URIs can't have a slash with no
// path, so we just strip it off.
// - In a URI with a claim ID, like lbry://channel#claimid, Windows interprets the hash mark as
// an anchor and converts it to lbry://channel/#claimid. We remove the slash here as well.
// - ? also interpreted as an anchor, remove slash also.
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
deepLinkingURI = deepLinkingURI
.replace(/\/$/, '')
.replace('/#', '#')
.replace('/?', '?');
} else {
deepLinkingURI = appState.macDeepLinkingURI || '';
// is it a lbry://? pointing to an app page
if (deepLinkingURI.includes(lbryProtoQ)) {
let path = deepLinkingURI.substr(lbryProtoQ.length);
let page = path.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? path.substring(0, path.indexOf('?')) : path;
if (Object.values(PAGES).includes(page)) {
deepLinkingURI = deepLinkingURI.replace(lbryProtoQ, '#/$/');
} else {
deepLinkingURI = '';
// else is it a claim
} else if (deepLinkingURI.includes(lbryProto)) {
deepLinkingURI = deepLinkingURI.replace(lbryProto, '#');
} else {
deepLinkingURI = '';
window.loadURL(rendererURL + deepLinkingURI);
window.on('close', event => {
if (!appState.isQuitting && !appState.autoUpdateAccepted) {
if (window.isFullScreen()) {
window.once('leave-full-screen', () => {
} else {
window.on('focus', () => {
window.webContents.send('window-is-focused', null);
window.on('unresponsive', () => {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Wait', 'Quit'],
title: 'LBRY Unresponsive',
defaultId: 1,
message: 'LBRY is not responding. Would you like to quit?',
cancelId: 0,
buttonIndex => {
if (buttonIndex === 1) app.quit();
window.once('ready-to-show', () => {
window.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
if (isDev) {
window.webContents.on('crashed', () => {
window = null;
window.webContents.on('new-window', (event, url) => {
return window;