## Issue 211 - CSS load-order problem ## Notes It is unlikely that we'll need to support different brands in the future, so simplifying the code and number of files so that we don't have to handle the various import paths. Will probably make things easier for the css-splitting work too.
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109 lines
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// Both of these should probably die and become variables as well
$spacing-vertical: 2rem;
$spacing-width: 36px;
$breakpoint-xxsmall: 450px;
$breakpoint-xsmall: 600px;
$breakpoint-small: 900px;
$breakpoint-medium: 1150px;
$breakpoint-large: 1600px;
:root {
--border-radius: 10px;
--height-input: 2.5rem;
--height-button: 2.5rem;
--height-checkbox: 24px;
--height-radio: 24px;
--height-badge: 24px;
// Spacing
--spacing-xxs: calc(2rem / 5);
--spacing-xs: calc(2rem / 4);
--spacing-s: calc(2rem / 3);
--spacing-m: calc(2rem / 2);
--spacing-l: 2rem;
--spacing-xl: 3rem;
--spacing-xxl: 4rem;
// Aspect ratio
--aspect-ratio-bluray: 41.6666666667%; // 12:5
--aspect-ratio-panavision: 36.3636363636%; // 11:4
--aspect-ratio-sd: 75%; // 4:3
--aspect-ratio-standard: 56.25%; // 16:9
// Type
--font-mono: 'Fira Code';
--font-sans: Inter;
--font-serif: Georgia;
--font-weight-base: 400;
--font-weight-light: 300;
--font-weight-bold: 700;
--font-base: 14px;
--font-body: 1rem;
--font-xxsmall: 0.65rem;
--font-xsmall: 0.7344rem;
--font-small: 0.8571rem;
--font-large: 1.3rem;
--font-title: 1.71rem;
--font-heading: 2.94rem;
// Width & spacing
--page-max-width: 1280px;
--page-max-width--filepage: 1700px;
--mac-titlebar-height: 24px;
--mobile: 600px;
--side-nav-width: 230px;
--side-nav-width--micro: 125px;
--spacing-main-padding: var(--spacing-xl);
--floating-viewer-width: 32rem;
--floating-viewer-height: 18rem; // 32 * 9/16
--floating-viewer-info-height: 5rem;
--floating-viewer-container-height: calc(var(--floating-viewer-height) + var(--floating-viewer-info-height));
--option-select-width: 8rem;
// Text
--text-max-width: 660px;
--text-link-padding: 4px;
// Tabs
--tab-indicator-size: 0.5rem;
// Header
// This is tied to the floating player so it knows where to attach to
// ui/component/fileRenderFloating/view.jsx
--header-height: 80px;
// Inline Player
--inline-player-max-height: calc(100vh - var(--header-height) - var(--spacing-l) * 2);
// Card
--card-radius: var(--border-radius);
--card-max-width: 1000px;
--card-box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
// Modal
--modal-width: 550px;
// Animation :)
--animation-duration: 0.2s;
--animation-style: ease-in-out;
// Image
--thumbnail-preview-height: 100px;
--thumbnail-preview-width: 177px;
--cover-photo-height: 210px;
--channel-thumbnail-width: 10rem;
--channel-thumbnail-width--small: 4rem;
--file-list-thumbnail-width: 10rem;
--tag-height: 1.5rem;
--livestream-comments-width: 30rem;
@media (max-width: $breakpoint-small) {
:root {
--font-body: 0.8rem;