- and some changes to activeLivestream redux since it would return undefined if fetching and no claim, so now it returns null when no activeLivestream is found
1031 lines
32 KiB
1031 lines
32 KiB
// @flow
// This file has a lot of FlowFixMe comments
// It's due to Flow's support of Object.{values,entries}
// https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2221
// We could move to es6 Sets/Maps, but those are not recommended for redux
// https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/issues/1499
// Unsure of the best solution at the momentf
// - Sean
import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types';
import mergeClaim from 'util/merge-claim';
type State = {
createChannelError: ?string,
createCollectionError: ?string,
channelClaimCounts: { [string]: number },
claimsByUri: { [string]: string },
byId: { [string]: Claim },
pendingById: { [string]: Claim }, // keep pending claims
resolvingUris: Array<string>,
reflectingById: { [string]: ReflectingUpdate },
myClaims: ?Array<string>,
myChannelClaims: ?Array<string>,
myCollectionClaims: ?Array<string>,
abandoningById: { [string]: boolean },
fetchingChannelClaims: { [string]: number },
fetchingMyChannels: boolean,
fetchingMyCollections: boolean,
fetchingClaimSearchByQuery: { [string]: boolean },
purchaseUriSuccess: boolean,
myPurchases: ?Array<string>,
myPurchasesPageNumber: ?number,
myPurchasesPageTotalResults: ?number,
fetchingMyPurchases: boolean,
fetchingMyPurchasesError: ?string,
claimSearchByQuery: { [string]: Array<string> },
claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: { [string]: Array<boolean> },
creatingChannel: boolean,
creatingCollection: boolean,
paginatedClaimsByChannel: {
[string]: {
all: Array<string>,
pageCount: number,
itemCount: number,
[number]: Array<string>,
updateChannelError: ?string,
updateCollectionError: ?string,
updatingChannel: boolean,
updatingCollection: boolean,
pendingChannelImport: string | boolean,
repostLoading: boolean,
repostError: ?string,
fetchingClaimListMinePageError: ?string,
myClaimsPageResults: Array<string>,
myClaimsPageNumber: ?number,
myClaimsPageTotalResults: ?number,
isFetchingClaimListMine: boolean,
isCheckingNameForPublish: boolean,
checkingPending: boolean,
checkingReflecting: boolean,
latestByUri: { [string]: any },
const reducers = {};
const defaultState = {
byId: {},
claimsByUri: {},
paginatedClaimsByChannel: {},
channelClaimCounts: {},
fetchingChannelClaims: {},
resolvingUris: [],
myChannelClaims: undefined,
myCollectionClaims: [],
myClaims: undefined,
myPurchases: undefined,
myPurchasesPageNumber: undefined,
myPurchasesPageTotalResults: undefined,
purchaseUriSuccess: false,
fetchingMyPurchases: false,
fetchingMyPurchasesError: undefined,
fetchingMyChannels: false,
fetchingMyCollections: false,
abandoningById: {},
pendingById: {},
reflectingById: {},
claimSearchError: false,
claimSearchByQuery: {},
claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: {},
fetchingClaimSearchByQuery: {},
updateChannelError: '',
updateCollectionError: '',
updatingChannel: false,
creatingChannel: false,
createChannelError: undefined,
updatingCollection: false,
creatingCollection: false,
createCollectionError: undefined,
pendingChannelImport: false,
repostLoading: false,
repostError: undefined,
fetchingClaimListMinePageError: undefined,
myClaimsPageResults: [],
myClaimsPageNumber: undefined,
myClaimsPageTotalResults: undefined,
isFetchingClaimListMine: false,
isFetchingMyPurchases: false,
isCheckingNameForPublish: false,
checkingPending: false,
checkingReflecting: false,
latestByUri: {},
// ****************************************************************************
// Helpers
// ****************************************************************************
function isObjEmpty(object: any) {
return Object.keys(object).length === 0;
function resolveDelta(original: any, delta: any) {
if (isObjEmpty(delta)) {
// Don't invalidate references when there are no changes, so return original.
return original;
} else {
// When there are changes: create a new object, spread existing references,
// and overwrite specific items with new data.
return { ...original, ...delta };
function claimHasNewData(original, fresh) {
// Don't blow away 'is_my_output' just because the next query didn't ask for it.
const ignoreIsMyOutput = original.is_my_output !== undefined && fresh.is_my_output === undefined;
// Something is causing the tags to be re-ordered differently
// (https://github.com/OdyseeTeam/odysee-frontend/issues/116#issuecomment-962747147).
// Just do a length comparison for now, which covers 99% of cases while we
// figure out what's causing the order to change.
const ignoreTags =
original &&
original.value &&
original.value.tags &&
original.value.tags.length &&
fresh &&
fresh.value &&
fresh.value.tags &&
fresh.value.tags.length &&
original.value.tags.length !== fresh.value.tags.length;
const excludeKeys = (key, value) => {
if (key === 'confirmations' || (ignoreTags && key === 'tags') || (ignoreIsMyOutput && key === 'is_my_output')) {
return undefined;
return value;
const originalStringified = JSON.stringify(original, excludeKeys);
const freshStringified = JSON.stringify(fresh, excludeKeys);
return originalStringified !== freshStringified;
* Adds the new value to the delta if the value is different from the original.
* @param original The original state object.
* @param delta The delta state object containing a list of changes.
* @param key
* @param newValue
function updateIfValueChanged(original, delta, key, newValue) {
if (original[key] !== newValue) {
delta[key] = newValue;
* Adds the new claim to the delta if the claim contains changes that the GUI
* would care about.
* @param original The original state object.
* @param delta The delta state object containing a list of changes.
* @param key
* @param newClaim
function updateIfClaimChanged(original, delta, key, newClaim) {
if (!original[key] || claimHasNewData(original[key], newClaim)) {
delta[key] = newClaim;
// ****************************************************************************
// handleClaimAction
// ****************************************************************************
function handleClaimAction(state: State, action: any): State {
const { resolveInfo }: ClaimActionResolveInfo = action.data;
const byUriDelta = {};
const byIdDelta = {};
const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts);
const pendingById = state.pendingById;
let newResolvingUrls = new Set(state.resolvingUris);
let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims);
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([url, resolveResponse]) => {
// $FlowFixMe
const { claimsInChannel, stream, channel: channelFromResolve, collection } = resolveResponse;
const channel = channelFromResolve || (stream && stream.signing_channel);
if (stream) {
if (pendingById[stream.claim_id]) {
byIdDelta[stream.claim_id] = mergeClaim(stream, state.byId[stream.claim_id]);
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, stream.claim_id, stream);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, url, stream.claim_id);
// If url isn't a canonical_url, make sure that is added too
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, stream.canonical_url, stream.claim_id);
// Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, stream.permanent_url, stream.claim_id);
if (stream.is_my_output) {
if (channel && channel.claim_id) {
if (!stream) {
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, url, channel.claim_id);
if (claimsInChannel) {
channelClaimCounts[url] = claimsInChannel;
channelClaimCounts[channel.canonical_url] = claimsInChannel;
if (pendingById[channel.claim_id]) {
byIdDelta[channel.claim_id] = mergeClaim(channel, state.byId[channel.claim_id]);
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, channel.claim_id, channel);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, channel.permanent_url, channel.claim_id);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, channel.canonical_url, channel.claim_id);
if (collection) {
if (pendingById[collection.claim_id]) {
byIdDelta[collection.claim_id] = mergeClaim(collection, state.byId[collection.claim_id]);
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, collection.claim_id, collection);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, url, collection.claim_id);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, collection.canonical_url, collection.claim_id);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, collection.permanent_url, collection.claim_id);
if (collection.is_my_output) {
if (!stream && !channel && !collection && !pendingById[state.claimsByUri[url]]) {
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, url, null);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
resolvingUris: Array.from(newResolvingUrls),
...(!state.myClaims || myClaimIds.size !== state.myClaims.length ? { myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds) } : {}),
// ****************************************************************************
// Reducers
// ****************************************************************************
reducers[ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { uris }: { uris: Array<string> } = action.data;
const oldResolving = state.resolvingUris || [];
const newResolving = oldResolving.slice();
uris.forEach((uri) => {
if (!newResolving.includes(uri)) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
resolvingUris: newResolving,
reducers[ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return {
...handleClaimAction(state, action),
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_STARTED] = (state: State): State =>
Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetchingClaimListMine: true,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { result }: { result: ClaimListResponse } = action.data;
const claims = result.items;
const page = result.page;
const totalItems = result.total_items;
const byIdDelta = {};
const byUriDelta = {};
const pendingByIdDelta = {};
let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims);
let urlsForCurrentPage = [];
claims.forEach((claim: Claim) => {
const { permanent_url: permanentUri, claim_id: claimId, canonical_url: canonicalUri } = claim;
if (claim.type && claim.type.match(/claim|update/)) {
if (claim.confirmations < 1) {
pendingByIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
if (state.byId[claimId]) {
byIdDelta[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, state.byId[claimId]);
} else {
byIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, claim);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, permanentUri, claimId);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, canonicalUri, claimId);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetchingClaimListMine: false,
myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds),
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
pendingById: resolveDelta(state.pendingById, pendingByIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
myClaimsPageResults: urlsForCurrentPage,
myClaimsPageNumber: page,
myClaimsPageTotalResults: totalItems,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State =>
Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingMyChannels: true });
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claims }: { claims: Array<ChannelClaim> } = action.data;
let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims);
const pendingByIdDelta = {};
let myChannelClaims;
const byIdDelta = {};
const byUriDelta = {};
const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts);
if (!claims.length) {
// $FlowFixMe
myChannelClaims = null;
} else {
myChannelClaims = new Set(state.myChannelClaims);
claims.forEach((claim) => {
const { meta } = claim;
const { claims_in_channel: claimsInChannel } = meta;
const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId, confirmations } = claim;
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, canonicalUrl, claimId);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, permanentUrl, claimId);
channelClaimCounts[canonicalUrl] = claimsInChannel;
channelClaimCounts[permanentUrl] = claimsInChannel;
// $FlowFixMe
if (confirmations < 1) {
pendingByIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
if (state.byId[claimId]) {
byIdDelta[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, state.byId[claimId]);
} else {
byIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, claim);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
pendingById: resolveDelta(state.pendingById, pendingByIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
fetchingMyChannels: false,
myChannelClaims: myChannelClaims ? Array.from(myChannelClaims) : null,
myClaims: myClaimIds ? Array.from(myClaimIds) : null,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
fetchingMyChannels: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({
fetchingMyCollections: true,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claims }: { claims: Array<CollectionClaim> } = action.data;
const myClaims = state.myClaims || [];
let myClaimIds = new Set(myClaims);
const pendingByIdDelta = {};
let myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set([]);
const byIdDelta = {};
const byUriDelta = {};
if (claims.length) {
myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set(state.myCollectionClaims);
claims.forEach((claim) => {
const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId, confirmations } = claim;
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, canonicalUrl, claimId);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, permanentUrl, claimId);
// $FlowFixMe
// we don't want to overwrite a pending result with a resolve
if (confirmations < 1) {
pendingByIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
if (state.byId[claimId]) {
byIdDelta[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, state.byId[claimId]);
} else {
byIdDelta[claimId] = claim;
} else {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, claim);
return {
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
pendingById: resolveDelta(state.pendingById, pendingByIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
fetchingMyCollections: false,
myCollectionClaims: Array.from(myCollectionClaimsSet),
myClaims: myClaimIds ? Array.from(myClaimIds) : null,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State): State => {
return { ...state, fetchingMyCollections: false };
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { uri, page } = action.data;
const fetchingChannelClaims = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingChannelClaims);
fetchingChannelClaims[uri] = page;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
currentChannelPage: page,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const {
}: {
uri: string,
claims: Array<StreamClaim>,
claimsInChannel?: number,
page: number,
totalPages: number,
} = action.data;
// byChannel keeps claim_search relevant results by page. If the total changes, erase it.
const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts);
const paginatedClaimsByChannel = Object.assign({}, state.paginatedClaimsByChannel);
// check if count has changed - that means cached pagination will be wrong, so clear it
const previousCount = paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri] && paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri]['itemCount'];
const byChannel = claimsInChannel === previousCount ? Object.assign({}, paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri]) : {};
const allClaimIds = new Set(byChannel.all);
const currentPageClaimIds = [];
const byIdDelta = {};
const fetchingChannelClaims = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingChannelClaims);
const claimsByUriDelta = {};
if (claims !== undefined) {
claims.forEach((claim) => {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claim.claim_id, claim);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, claimsByUriDelta, claim.canonical_url, claim.claim_id);
byChannel.all = allClaimIds;
byChannel.pageCount = totalPages;
byChannel.itemCount = claimsInChannel;
byChannel[page] = currentPageClaimIds;
paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri] = byChannel;
delete fetchingChannelClaims[uri];
return Object.assign({}, state, {
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, claimsByUriDelta),
currentChannelPage: page,
reducers[ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claimId }: { claimId: string } = action.data;
const abandoningById = Object.assign({}, state.abandoningById);
abandoningById[claimId] = true;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_PENDING_CLAIMS] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claims: pendingClaims }: { claims: Array<Claim> } = action.data;
const byIdDelta = {};
const pendingById = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById);
const byUriDelta = {};
let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims);
const myChannelClaims = new Set(state.myChannelClaims);
// $FlowFixMe
pendingClaims.forEach((claim: Claim) => {
let newClaim;
const { permanent_url: uri, claim_id: claimId, type, value_type: valueType } = claim;
pendingById[claimId] = claim; // make sure we don't need to merge?
const oldClaim = state.byId[claimId];
if (oldClaim && oldClaim.canonical_url) {
newClaim = mergeClaim(oldClaim, claim);
} else {
newClaim = claim;
if (valueType === 'channel') {
if (type && type.match(/claim|update/)) {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, newClaim);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, uri, claimId);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds),
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
myChannelClaims: Array.from(myChannelClaims),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CONFIRMED_CLAIMS] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const {
claims: confirmedClaims,
pending: pendingClaims,
}: { claims: Array<Claim>, pending: { [string]: Claim } } = action.data;
const byIdDelta = {};
confirmedClaims.forEach((claim: GenericClaim) => {
const { claim_id: claimId, type } = claim;
let newClaim = claim;
const oldClaim = state.byId[claimId];
if (oldClaim && oldClaim.canonical_url) {
newClaim = mergeClaim(oldClaim, claim);
if (type && type.match(/claim|update|channel/)) {
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, newClaim);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
pendingById: pendingClaims,
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
reducers[ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUCCEEDED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claimId }: { claimId: string } = action.data;
const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId);
const newMyClaims = state.myClaims ? state.myClaims.slice() : [];
let myClaimsPageResults = null;
const newMyChannelClaims = state.myChannelClaims ? state.myChannelClaims.slice() : [];
const claimsByUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri);
const abandoningById = Object.assign({}, state.abandoningById);
const newMyCollectionClaims = state.myCollectionClaims ? state.myCollectionClaims.slice() : [];
let abandonedUris = [];
Object.keys(claimsByUri).forEach((uri) => {
if (claimsByUri[uri] === claimId) {
delete claimsByUri[uri];
if (abandonedUris.length > 0 && state.myClaimsPageResults) {
myClaimsPageResults = state.myClaimsPageResults.filter((uri) => !abandonedUris.includes(uri));
if (abandoningById[claimId]) {
delete abandoningById[claimId];
const myClaims = newMyClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId);
const myChannelClaims = newMyChannelClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId);
const myCollectionClaims = newMyCollectionClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId);
delete byId[claimId];
return Object.assign({}, state, {
myClaimsPageResults: myClaimsPageResults || state.myClaimsPageResults,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_CHANNEL_ERRORS] = (state: State): State => ({
createChannelError: null,
updateChannelError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({
creatingChannel: true,
createChannelError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
creatingChannel: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
creatingChannel: false,
createChannelError: action.data,
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateChannelError: '',
updatingChannel: true,
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateChannelError: '',
updatingChannel: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateChannelError: action.data.message,
updatingChannel: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_COLLECTION_ERRORS] = (state: State): State => ({
createCollectionError: null,
updateCollectionError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({
creatingCollection: true,
createCollectionError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const myCollections = state.myCollectionClaims || [];
const myClaims = state.myClaims || [];
const { claimId } = action.data;
let myClaimIds = new Set(myClaims);
let myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set(myCollections);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
creatingCollection: false,
myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds),
myCollectionClaims: Array.from(myCollectionClaimsSet),
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
creatingCollection: false,
createCollectionError: action.data.error,
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateCollectionError: '',
updatingCollection: true,
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateCollectionError: '',
updatingCollection: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
updateCollectionError: action.data.error,
updatingCollection: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.IMPORT_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State): State =>
Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: true });
reducers[ACTIONS.IMPORT_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State): State =>
Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: false });
reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_CLAIM_SEARCH_HISTORY] = (state: State): State => {
return {
claimSearchByQuery: {},
claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: {},
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery);
fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[action.data.query] = true;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery);
const claimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQuery);
const claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached);
const { append, query, urls, pageSize } = action.data;
if (append) {
// todo: check for duplicate urls when concatenating?
claimSearchByQuery[query] =
claimSearchByQuery[query] && claimSearchByQuery[query].length ? claimSearchByQuery[query].concat(urls) : urls;
} else {
claimSearchByQuery[query] = urls;
// the returned number of urls is less than the page size, so we're on the last page
claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached[query] = urls.length < pageSize;
delete fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[query];
return Object.assign({}, state, {
...handleClaimAction(state, action),
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { query } = action.data;
const claimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQuery);
const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery);
const claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached);
delete fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[query];
if (claimSearchByQuery[query] && claimSearchByQuery[query].length !== 0) {
claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached[query] = true;
} else {
claimSearchByQuery[query] = null;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => {
return {
repostLoading: true,
repostError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { originalClaimId, repostClaim } = action.data;
const byId = { ...state.byId };
const claimsByUri = { ...state.claimsByUri };
const claimThatWasReposted = byId[originalClaimId];
const repostStub = { ...repostClaim, reposted_claim: claimThatWasReposted };
byId[repostStub.claim_id] = repostStub;
claimsByUri[repostStub.permanent_url] = repostStub.claim_id;
return {
repostLoading: false,
repostError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { error } = action.data;
return {
repostLoading: false,
repostError: error,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_REPOST_ERROR] = (state: State): State => {
return {
repostError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.ADD_FILES_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => {
const pendingClaim = action.data;
const { reflectingById } = state;
const claimId = pendingClaim && pendingClaim.claim_id;
reflectingById[claimId] = { fileListItem: pendingClaim, progress: 0, stalled: false };
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reflectingById: reflectingById,
reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_FILES_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => {
const newReflectingById = action.data;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reflectingById: newReflectingById,
reducers[ACTIONS.TOGGLE_CHECKING_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => {
const checkingReflecting = action.data;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reducers[ACTIONS.TOGGLE_CHECKING_PENDING] = (state: State, action): State => {
const checking = action.data;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
checkingPending: checking,
reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => {
return {
fetchingMyPurchases: true,
fetchingMyPurchasesError: null,
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_LATEST_FOR_CHANNEL_DONE] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { uri, results } = action.data;
const latestByUri = Object.assign({}, state.latestByUri);
latestByUri[uri] = results;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { result }: { result: PurchaseListResponse, resolve: boolean } = action.data;
const page = result.page;
const totalItems = result.total_items;
let byIdDelta = {};
let byUriDelta = {};
let urlsForCurrentPage = [];
result.items.forEach((item) => {
if (!item.claim) {
// Abandoned claim
const { claim, ...purchaseInfo } = item;
claim.purchase_receipt = purchaseInfo;
const claimId = claim.claim_id;
const uri = claim.canonical_url;
updateIfClaimChanged(state.byId, byIdDelta, claimId, claim);
updateIfValueChanged(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta, uri, claimId);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
byId: resolveDelta(state.byId, byIdDelta),
claimsByUri: resolveDelta(state.claimsByUri, byUriDelta),
myPurchases: urlsForCurrentPage,
myPurchasesPageNumber: page,
myPurchasesPageTotalResults: totalItems,
fetchingMyPurchases: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { error } = action.data;
return {
fetchingMyPurchases: false,
fetchingMyPurchasesError: error,
reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { uri, purchaseReceipt } = action.data;
let byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId);
let byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri);
let myPurchases = state.myPurchases ? state.myPurchases.slice() : [];
const claimId = byUri[uri];
if (claimId) {
let claim = byId[claimId];
claim.purchase_receipt = purchaseReceipt;
return {
purchaseUriSuccess: true,
reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_FAILED] = (state: State): State => {
return {
purchaseUriSuccess: false,
reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_PURCHASED_URI_SUCCESS] = (state: State): State => {
return {
purchaseUriSuccess: false,
export function claimsReducer(state: State = defaultState, action: any) {
const handler = reducers[action.type];
if (handler) return handler(state, action);
return state;