jessop e3c2919373 rename lbrytv to web
language and API consts

improve customization
custom homepages
get config from .env.default
custom title and logo

small changes

add pinned item to sidebar

2020-05-25 17:21:02 -04:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

// @flow
import React from 'react';
import { generateStreamUrl } from 'util/web';
export default function useGetThumbnail(
uri: string,
claim: ?Claim,
streamingUrl: ?string,
getFile: string => void,
shouldHide: boolean
) {
// const hasClaim = claim !== undefined;
// $FlowFixMe
const isImage = claim && claim.value && claim.value.stream_type === 'image';
// $FlowFixMe
const isFree = claim && claim.value && (!claim.value.fee || Number(claim.value.fee.amount) <= 0);
let thumbnailToUse;
// @if TARGET='web'
if (claim && isImage && isFree) {
thumbnailToUse = generateStreamUrl(, claim.claim_id);
// @endif
const [thumbnail, setThumbnail] = React.useState(thumbnailToUse);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [thumbnailToUse]);
// @if TARGET='app'
// Temporarily disabled until we can call get with "save_blobs: off"
// React.useEffect(() => {
// if (hasClaim && isImage && isFree) {
// if (streamingUrl) {
// setThumbnail(streamingUrl);
// } else if (!shouldHide) {
// getFile(uri);
// }
// }
// }, [hasClaim, isFree, isImage, streamingUrl, uri, shouldHide]);
// @endif
return thumbnail;