infinite-persistence 08ebedb4cc
Settings Page: add warning for unsaved settings (#430)
* Settings Page: add warning for unsaved settings

## Issue
When entering Settings Page, sync-loop is disable until user exist Settings Page.  If browser is closed, changes will be lost.

## Change
Add the usual browser-level modal popup.

Note that all modern browsers have stopped supporting customized messages, but I still left the message there for clarity.  Tried to use our own toast for it, but the handler locks all GUI until it is serviced.

* app: remove unused props

* app: use lighter selectors

When all we need is to know if something exists or their count, use the ID version instead of the url/claim version to avoid the heavy transformation.
2021-12-06 09:38:26 -05:00

62 lines
3 KiB

import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader/root';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { selectGetSyncErrorMessage, selectSyncFatalError, selectSyncIsLocked } from 'redux/selectors/sync';
import { doFetchAccessToken, doUserSetReferrer } from 'redux/actions/user';
import { selectUser, selectAccessToken, selectUserVerifiedEmail } from 'redux/selectors/user';
import { selectUnclaimedRewards } from 'redux/selectors/rewards';
import { doFetchChannelListMine, doFetchCollectionListMine, doResolveUris } from 'redux/actions/claims';
import { selectMyChannelClaimIds } from 'redux/selectors/claims';
import { selectSubscriptions } from 'redux/selectors/subscriptions';
import { selectLanguage, selectLoadedLanguages, selectThemePath } from 'redux/selectors/settings';
import {
} from 'redux/selectors/app';
import { selectUploadCount } from 'redux/selectors/publish';
import { doSetLanguage } from 'redux/actions/settings';
import { doSyncLoop } from 'redux/actions/sync';
import { doDownloadUpgradeRequested, doSignIn, doSetActiveChannel, doSetIncognito } from 'redux/actions/app';
import { doFetchModBlockedList, doFetchCommentModAmIList } from 'redux/actions/comments';
import App from './view';
const select = (state) => ({
user: selectUser(state),
accessToken: selectAccessToken(state),
theme: selectThemePath(state),
language: selectLanguage(state),
languages: selectLoadedLanguages(state),
autoUpdateDownloaded: selectAutoUpdateDownloaded(state),
isUpgradeAvailable: selectIsUpgradeAvailable(state),
isReloadRequired: selectIsReloadRequired(state),
syncError: selectGetSyncErrorMessage(state),
syncIsLocked: selectSyncIsLocked(state),
uploadCount: selectUploadCount(state),
rewards: selectUnclaimedRewards(state),
isAuthenticated: selectUserVerifiedEmail(state),
currentModal: selectModal(state),
syncFatalError: selectSyncFatalError(state),
activeChannelId: selectActiveChannelId(state),
myChannelClaimIds: selectMyChannelClaimIds(state),
subscriptions: selectSubscriptions(state),
const perform = (dispatch) => ({
fetchAccessToken: () => dispatch(doFetchAccessToken()),
fetchChannelListMine: () => dispatch(doFetchChannelListMine()),
fetchCollectionListMine: () => dispatch(doFetchCollectionListMine()),
setLanguage: (language) => dispatch(doSetLanguage(language)),
signIn: () => dispatch(doSignIn()),
requestDownloadUpgrade: () => dispatch(doDownloadUpgradeRequested()),
syncLoop: (noInterval) => dispatch(doSyncLoop(noInterval)),
setReferrer: (referrer, doClaim) => dispatch(doUserSetReferrer(referrer, doClaim)),
setActiveChannelIfNotSet: () => dispatch(doSetActiveChannel()),
setIncognito: () => dispatch(doSetIncognito()),
fetchModBlockedList: () => dispatch(doFetchModBlockedList()),
resolveUris: (uris) => dispatch(doResolveUris(uris)),
fetchModAmIList: () => dispatch(doFetchCommentModAmIList()),
export default hot(connect(select, perform)(App));