infinite-persistence 9f9d0a651b Moderation: resolve chan name or URL instead of using Lighthouse.
While Lighthouse allows looser searching like "Tom from LBRY", it doesn't show the expected results when direct channel name with partial ID is entered to disambiguate.
2021-06-19 17:11:45 +08:00

106 lines
3 KiB

// @flow
import { isNameValid, isURIValid, normalizeURI, parseURI } from 'lbry-redux';
import { URL as SITE_URL, URL_LOCAL, URL_DEV } from 'config';
export function createNormalizedSearchKey(query: string) {
const FROM = '&from=';
// Ignore the "page" (`from`) because we don't care what the last page
// searched was, we want everything.
let normalizedQuery = query;
if (normalizedQuery.includes(FROM)) {
const a = normalizedQuery.indexOf(FROM);
const b = normalizedQuery.indexOf('&', a + FROM.length);
if (b > a) {
normalizedQuery = normalizedQuery.substring(0, a) + normalizedQuery.substring(b);
} else {
normalizedQuery = normalizedQuery.substring(0, a);
return normalizedQuery;
* Returns the "livestream only" version of the given 'options'.
* Currently, the 'has_source' attribute is being used to identify livestreams.
* @param options
* @returns {*}
export function getLivestreamOnlyOptions(options: any) {
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
delete newOptions.has_source;
delete newOptions.stream_types;
newOptions.has_no_source = true;
return newOptions;
* getUriForSearchTerm
* @param term
* @returns {string[]|*[]|(string|string)[]}
export function getUriForSearchTerm(term: string) {
const WEB_DEV_PREFIX = `${URL_DEV}/`;
const ODYSEE_PREFIX = ``;
const includesLbryTvProd = term.includes(WEB_PROD_PREFIX);
const includesOdysee = term.includes(ODYSEE_PREFIX);
const includesLbryTvLocal = term.includes(WEB_LOCAL_PREFIX);
const includesLbryTvDev = term.includes(WEB_DEV_PREFIX);
const wasCopiedFromWeb = includesLbryTvDev || includesLbryTvLocal || includesLbryTvProd || includesOdysee;
const isLbryUrl = term.startsWith('lbry://') && term !== 'lbry://';
const error = '';
const addLbryIfNot = (term) => {
return term.startsWith('lbry://') ? term : `lbry://${term}`;
if (wasCopiedFromWeb) {
let prefix = WEB_PROD_PREFIX;
if (includesLbryTvLocal) prefix = WEB_LOCAL_PREFIX;
if (includesLbryTvDev) prefix = WEB_DEV_PREFIX;
if (includesOdysee) prefix = ODYSEE_PREFIX;
let query = (term && term.slice(prefix.length).replace(/:/g, '#')) || '';
try {
const lbryUrl = `lbry://${query}`;
return [lbryUrl, null];
} catch (e) {
return [query, 'error'];
if (!isLbryUrl) {
if (term.startsWith('@')) {
if (isNameValid(term.slice(1))) {
return [term, null];
} else {
return [term, error];
return [addLbryIfNot(term), null];
} else {
try {
const isValid = isURIValid(term);
if (isValid) {
let uri;
try {
uri = normalizeURI(term);
} catch (e) {
return [term, null];
return [uri, null];
} else {
return [term, null];
} catch (e) {
return [term, 'error'];