Anthony 7bb5df97fd Stripe 2
show visible card and add remove card button

show your transactions even if you dont have a card

fix presentational issues

show your transactions even if you dont have a card

fix presentational issues

add link to channel section

update yarn

show donation location

add remove card modal still needs completion and also changed how stripe is used on settings stripe card page

add confirm remove card modal to router

move bank account stuff to settings page

move account functionality to settings page

continuing to move account transactions to settings

list transactions for creator

updating copy

touchup tip error

do a better job autofocusing


show an error on the card page if api returns 500

building out frontend for comment tip

display dollar sign if its a fiat tip

more frontend work

more frontend work

more frontend bug fixes

working with hardcoded payment intent id

working but with one bug


add toast if payment fails

add add card button

cant get claim id but otherwise done

more frontend work

call is working

show fiat for livestream comments

add is fiat on comments

round and show values properly

dont allow review if tiperror

copy displaying properly

disable buttons conditionally properly

remove card button working

remove card working with a workaround by refreshing page


send toast when tip on comment

jeremy frontend changes

only show cart on lbc
2021-07-17 13:19:33 -04:00

345 lines
12 KiB

// @flow
import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons';
import React from 'react';
import Button from 'component/button';
import Card from 'component/common/card';
import Page from 'component/page';
import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc';
import { URL, WEBPACK_WEB_PORT, STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY } from 'config';
import moment from 'moment';
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
let stripeEnvironment = 'test';
// if the key contains pk_live it's a live key
// update the environment for the calls to the backend to indicate which environment to hit
if (STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY.indexOf('pk_live') > -1) {
stripeEnvironment = 'live';
let successStripeRedirectUrl, failureStripeRedirectUrl;
let successEndpoint = '/$/settings/tip_account';
let failureEndpoint = '/$/settings/tip_account';
if (isDev) {
successStripeRedirectUrl = 'http://localhost:' + WEBPACK_WEB_PORT + successEndpoint;
failureStripeRedirectUrl = 'http://localhost:' + WEBPACK_WEB_PORT + failureEndpoint;
} else {
successStripeRedirectUrl = URL + successEndpoint;
failureStripeRedirectUrl = URL + failureEndpoint;
type Props = {
source: string,
user: User,
type State = {
error: boolean,
loading: boolean,
content: ?string,
stripeConnectionUrl: string,
// alreadyUpdated: boolean,
accountConfirmed: boolean,
accountPendingConfirmation: boolean,
accountNotConfirmedButReceivedTips: boolean,
unpaidBalance: number,
pageTitle: string,
class StripeAccountConnection extends React.Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
error: false,
content: null,
loading: true,
accountConfirmed: false,
accountPendingConfirmation: false,
accountNotConfirmedButReceivedTips: false,
unpaidBalance: 0,
stripeConnectionUrl: '',
pageTitle: 'Add Payout Method',
accountTransactions: [],
// alreadyUpdated: false,
componentDidMount() {
const { user } = this.props;
// $FlowFixMe
this.experimentalUiEnabled = user && user.experimental_ui;
var that = this;
function getAndSetAccountLink(stillNeedToConfirmAccount) {
return_url: successStripeRedirectUrl,
refresh_url: failureStripeRedirectUrl,
environment: stripeEnvironment,
).then((accountLinkResponse) => {
// stripe link for user to navigate to and confirm account
const stripeConnectionUrl = accountLinkResponse.url;
// set connection url on frontend
// show the account confirmation link if not created already
if (stillNeedToConfirmAccount) {
accountPendingConfirmation: true,
// call the account status endpoint
environment: stripeEnvironment,
.then((accountStatusResponse) => {
const yetToBeCashedOutBalance = accountStatusResponse.total_received_unpaid;
if (yetToBeCashedOutBalance) {
unpaidBalance: yetToBeCashedOutBalance,
environment: stripeEnvironment,
.then((accountListResponse) => {
accountTransactions: accountListResponse,
// if charges already enabled, no need to generate an account link
if (accountStatusResponse.charges_enabled) {
// account has already been confirmed
accountConfirmed: true,
// user has not confirmed an account but have received payments
} else if (accountStatusResponse.total_received_unpaid > 0) {
accountNotConfirmedButReceivedTips: true,
// user has not received any amount or confirmed an account
} else {
// get stripe link and set it on the frontend
// pass true so it updates the frontend
.catch(function (error) {
// errorString passed from the API (with a 403 error)
const errorString = 'account not linked to user, please link first';
// if it's beamer's error indicating the account is not linked yet
if (error.message.indexOf(errorString) > -1) {
// get stripe link and set it on the frontend
} else {
// not an error from Beamer, throw it
throw new Error(error);
render() {
const {
} = this.state;
const { user } = this.props;
if (user.fiat_enabled) {
return (
<Page backout={{ title: pageTitle, backLabel: __('Done') }} noFooter noSideNavigation>
title={<div className="table__header-text">{__('Connect a bank account')}</div>}
{/* show while waiting for account status */}
{!accountConfirmed && !accountPendingConfirmation && !accountNotConfirmedButReceivedTips && (
<div className="card__body-actions">
<h3>{__('Getting your bank account connection status...')}</h3>
{/* user has yet to complete their integration */}
{!accountConfirmed && accountPendingConfirmation && (
<div className="card__body-actions">
<h3>{__('Connect your bank account to Odysee to receive donations directly from users')}</h3>
<div className="section__actions">
<a href={stripeConnectionUrl}>
<Button button="secondary" label={__('Connect your bank account')} icon={ICONS.FINANCE} />
{/* user has completed their integration */}
{accountConfirmed && (
<div className="card__body-actions">
<h3>{__('Congratulations! Your account has been connected with Odysee.')}</h3>
{unpaidBalance > 0 ? (
<br />
'Your pending account balance is $%balance% USD.',
{ balance: unpaidBalance / 100 }
) : (
<br />
<h3>{__('Your account balance is $0 USD. When you receive a tip you will see it here.')}</h3>
{accountNotConfirmedButReceivedTips && (
<div className="card__body-actions">
<h3>{__('Congratulations, you have already begun receiving tips on Odysee!')}</h3>
<br />
'Your pending account balance is $%balance% USD.',
{ balance: unpaidBalance / 100 }
<br />
{__('Connect your bank account to be able to cash your pending balance out to your account.')}
<div className="section__actions">
<a href={stripeConnectionUrl}>
<Button button="secondary" label={__('Connect your bank account')} icon={ICONS.FINANCE} />
<br />
{/* customer already has transactions */}
{accountTransactions && accountTransactions.length > 0 && (
title={__('Tip History')}
<div className="table__wrapper">
<table className="table table--transactions">
<th className="date-header">{__('Date')}</th>
<th>{<>{__('Receiving Channel Name')}</>}</th>
<th>{__('Tip Location')}</th>
<th>{__('Amount (USD)')} </th>
<th>{__('Processing Fee')}</th>
<th>{__('Odysee Fee')}</th>
<th>{__('Received Amount')}</th>
{accountTransactions &&
accountTransactions.reverse().map((transaction) => (
<tr key={ + transaction.created_at}>
navigate={'/' + transaction.channel_name + ':' + transaction.channel_claim_id}
navigate={'/' + transaction.channel_name + ':' + transaction.source_claim_id}
label={transaction.channel_claim_id === transaction.source_claim_id ? 'Channel Page' : 'File Page'}
<td>${transaction.tipped_amount / 100}</td>
<td>${transaction.transaction_fee / 100}</td>
<td>${transaction.application_fee / 100}</td>
<td>${transaction.received_amount / 100}</td>
} else {
return <></>; // probably null;
export default StripeAccountConnection;