## Issue Closes 3661: Autoplay + Related go into loops ( infinite ) sometimes ## GUI Push the actual "next" item into the top of the list. ## History search 1. Skip if the next item is itself. 2. The URL stored in the history comes in various forms, so a direct comparison won't work. - There's also a weird case where the URL differs by just a little (p.09 vs p-09), but with the same claim ID: lbry://vacuum-tube-computer-p.09-–-building#5212bc8bc63c373e2bf1ebc5b765595ed7b6514d lbry://vacuum-tube-computer-p-09-–-building#5212bc8bc63c373e2bf1ebc5b765595ed7b6514d Check the claim_id as well to cover cases like these.
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import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { makeSelectClaimForUri, makeSelectClaimIsNsfw } from 'lbry-redux';
import { doSearch } from 'redux/actions/search';
import { makeSelectRecommendedContentForUri, selectIsSearching } from 'redux/selectors/search';
import { selectUserVerifiedEmail } from 'redux/selectors/user';
import { makeSelectNextUnplayedRecommended } from 'redux/selectors/content';
import RecommendedVideos from './view';
const select = (state, props) => ({
claim: makeSelectClaimForUri(props.uri)(state),
mature: makeSelectClaimIsNsfw(props.uri)(state),
recommendedContent: makeSelectRecommendedContentForUri(props.uri)(state),
nextRecommendedUri: makeSelectNextUnplayedRecommended(props.uri)(state),
isSearching: selectIsSearching(state),
isAuthenticated: selectUserVerifiedEmail(state),
const perform = (dispatch) => ({
search: (query, options) => dispatch(doSearch(query, options)),
export default connect(select, perform)(RecommendedVideos);