* Fix avatar occasionally stuck in spaceman ## Issue Sometimes, we'll see a channel profile (e.g. in upper-right, in channel selector) stuck in the fallback Spaceman image. This is due to OptimizedImage always starting with a blank src, and updated later when the mounted size has been determined. ChannelThumbnail, which uses OptimizedImage, captured the `onError` due to blank src. ## Fix Don't mount the <img> until the optimum size has been determined. * FileThumbnail: skip resolve if thumbnail url is specified * UriIndicator: skip resolve if channel info is specified * Notifications: disable batch resolve + use fetched data if available + fallback to resolve if n/a The fallback is using the individual resolve when no direct data is provided and claim is undefined.
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// @flow
import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types';
- First-in, first-out queue
- Simple messages that are shown in response to user interactions
- Never saved
- If they are the result of errors, use the isError flag when creating
- For errors that should interrupt user behavior, use Error
declare type ToastParams = {
message: string,
title?: string,
linkText?: string,
linkTarget?: string,
isError?: boolean,
declare type Toast = {
id: string,
params: ToastParams,
declare type DoToast = {
data: Toast,
- List of notifications based on user interactions/app notifications
- Always saved, but can be manually deleted
- Can happen in the background, or because of user interaction (ex: publish confirmed)
declare type Notification = {
id: string, // Unique id
dateCreated: number,
isRead: boolean, // Used to display "new" notifications that a user hasn't seen yet
source?: string, // The type/area an notification is from. Used for sorting (ex: publishes, transactions)
// We may want to use priority/isDismissed in the future to specify how urgent a notification is
// and if the user should see it immediately
// isDissmied: boolean,
// priority?: number
declare type DoNotification = {
data: Notification,
declare type DoEditNotification = {
data: {
notification: Notification,
declare type DoDeleteNotification = {
data: {
id: string, // The id to delete
- First-in, first-out queue
- Errors that should interupt user behavior
- For errors that can be shown without interrupting a user, use Toast with the isError flag
declare type ErrorNotification = {
title: string,
text: string,
declare type DoError = {
data: ErrorNotification,
declare type DoDismissError = {
declare type NotificationState = {
notifications: Array<Notification>,
errors: Array<ErrorNotification>,
toasts: Array<Toast>,
declare type WebNotification = {
active_at: string,
created_at: string,
id: number,
is_app_readable: boolean,
is_device_notified: boolean,
is_emailed: boolean,
is_read: boolean,
is_seen: boolean,
notification_parameters: {
device: {
analytics_label: string,
image_url: string,
is_data_only: boolean,
name: string,
placeholders: ?string,
target: string,
text: string,
title: string,
type: string,
dynamic: {
comment_author: string,
comment_author_thumbnail?: string,
reply_author: string,
hash: string,
claim_title: string,
claim_thumbnail?: string,
comment?: string,
channel_url: string,
channel_thumbnail?: string,
email: {},
notification_rule: string,
type: string,
updated_at: string,
user_id: number,
group_count?: number,
declare type NotificationCategory = {
name: string,
types: ?Array<string>,