This was happening because the transition of the query from undefined -> '' was registering as a search being typed
299 lines
8.6 KiB
299 lines
8.6 KiB
var fetchResultsStyle = {
color: '#888',
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: '1.2em'
var SearchActive = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div style={fetchResultsStyle}>
<BusyMessage message="Looking up the Dewey Decimals" />
var searchNoResultsStyle = {
textAlign: 'center'
}, searchNoResultsMessageStyle = {
fontStyle: 'italic',
marginRight: '5px'
var SearchNoResults = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<section style={searchNoResultsStyle}>
<span style={searchNoResultsMessageStyle}>No one has checked anything in for {this.props.query} yet.</span>
<Link label="Be the first" href="?publish" />
var SearchResults = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var rows = [];
this.props.results.forEach(function(result) {
var mediaType = lbry.getMediaType(result.value.content_type);
<SearchResultRow key={} name={} title={result.value.title} imgUrl={result.value.thumbnail}
description={result.value.description} cost={result.cost} nsfw={result.value.nsfw}
mediaType={mediaType} />
return (
searchRowStyle = {
height: (24 * 7) + 'px',
overflowY: 'hidden'
searchRowCompactStyle = {
height: '180px',
searchRowImgStyle = {
maxWidth: '100%',
maxHeight: (24 * 7) + 'px',
display: 'block',
marginLeft: 'auto',
marginRight: 'auto'
searchRowTitleStyle = {
fontWeight: 'bold'
searchRowTitleCompactStyle = {
fontSize: '1.25em',
lineHeight: '1.15',
searchRowCostStyle = {
float: 'right',
searchRowDescriptionStyle = {
color : '#444',
marginTop: '12px',
fontSize: '0.9em'
var SearchResultRow = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
downloading: false,
isHovered: false,
handleMouseOver: function() {
isHovered: true,
handleMouseOut: function() {
isHovered: false,
render: function() {
var obscureNsfw = !lbry.getClientSetting('showNsfw') && this.props.nsfw;
if (!this.props.compact) {
var style = searchRowStyle;
var titleStyle = searchRowTitleStyle;
} else {
var style = Object.assign({}, searchRowStyle, searchRowCompactStyle);
var titleStyle = Object.assign({}, searchRowTitleStyle, searchRowTitleCompactStyle);
return (
<section className={ 'card ' + (obscureNsfw ? 'card-obscured ' : '') + (this.props.compact ? 'card-compact' : '')} onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseOver} onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseOut}>
<div className="row-fluid card-content" style={style}>
<div className="span3">
<a href={'/?show=' +}><img src={this.props.imgUrl || '/img/default-thumb.svg'} alt={'Photo for ' + (this.props.title ||} style={searchRowImgStyle} /></a>
<div className="span9">
<span style={searchRowCostStyle}>
<CreditAmount amount={this.props.cost} isEstimate={!this.props.available}/>
<div className="meta"><a href={'/?show=' +}>lbry://{}</a></div>
<h3 style={titleStyle}>
<a href={'/?show=' +}>
<TruncatedText {...this.props.compact ? {limit: 50} : {}}>
{this.props.mediaType == 'video' ? <WatchLink streamName={} button="primary" /> : null}
<DownloadLink streamName={} button="text" />
<p style={searchRowDescriptionStyle}>
<TruncatedText {... this.props.compact ? {limit: 123} : {}}>
!obscureNsfw || !this.state.isHovered ? null :
<div className='card-overlay'>
This content is Not Safe For Work.
To view adult content, please change your <Link href="?settings" label="Settings" />.
var featuredContentItemContainerStyle = {
position: 'relative',
var FeaturedContentItem = React.createClass({
resolveSearch: false,
propTypes: {
name: React.PropTypes.string,
getInitialState: function() {
return {
metadata: null,
title: null,
amount: 0.0,
overlayShowing: false,
componentWillUnmount: function() {
this.resolveSearch = false;
componentDidMount: function() {
this.resolveSearch = true;
|, function(results) {
var result = results[0];
var metadata = result.value;
if (this.resolveSearch)
metadata: metadata,
amount: result.cost,
available: result.available,
title: metadata && metadata.title ? metadata.title : ('lbry://' +,
render: function() {
if (this.state.metadata === null) {
// Still waiting for metadata, skip render
return null;
return (<div style={featuredContentItemContainerStyle}>
<SearchResultRow name={} title={this.state.title} imgUrl={this.state.metadata.thumbnail || '/img/default-thumb.svg'}
description={this.state.metadata.description} mediaType={lbry.getMediaType(this.state.metadata.content_type)}
cost={this.state.amount} nsfw={this.state.metadata.nsfw} available={this.state.available} compact />
var featuredContentLegendStyle = {
fontSize: '12px',
color: '#aaa',
verticalAlign: '15%',
var FeaturedContent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="row-fluid">
<div className="span6">
<h3>Featured Content</h3>
<FeaturedContentItem name="what" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="itsadisaster" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="rickandmortyrapgod" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="coloradobridge" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="LooseCannon" />
<div className="span6">
<h3>Community Content <ToolTipLink style={featuredContentLegendStyle} label="What's this?"
tooltip='Community Content is a public space where anyone can share content with the rest of the LBRY community. Bid on the names "one," "two," "three," "four" and "five" to put your content here!' /></h3>
<FeaturedContentItem name="one" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="two" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="three" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="four" />
<FeaturedContentItem name="five" />
var DiscoverPage = React.createClass({
userTypingTimer: null,
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (this.props.query != this.state.query)
handleSearchChanged: function() {
searching: true,
query: this.props.query,
|, this.searchCallback);
componentDidMount: function() {
document.title = "Discover";
if (this.props.query) {
// Rendering with a query already typed
getInitialState: function() {
return {
results: [],
query: this.props.query,
searching: this.props.query && this.props.query.length > 0
searchCallback: function(results) {
if (this.state.searching) //could have canceled while results were pending, in which case nothing to do
results: results,
searching: false //multiple searches can be out, we're only done if we receive one we actually care about
render: function() {
return (
{ this.state.searching ? <SearchActive /> : null }
{ !this.state.searching && this.props.query && this.state.results.length ? <SearchResults results={this.state.results} /> : null }
{ !this.state.searching && this.props.query && !this.state.results.length ? <SearchNoResults query={this.props.query} /> : null }
{ !this.props.query && !this.state.searching ? <FeaturedContent /> : null }