Sean Yesmunt 19fb7d7f06 new layout 🕺
2020-09-29 17:12:32 -04:00

115 lines
3.9 KiB

// React Feather icons
// Note: Icons should be named for their purpose, rather than the actual icon.
// The goal being to reduce multiple uses of the same icon for different purposes.
export const REWARDS = 'Award';
export const LOCAL = 'Folder';
export const ALERT = 'AlertCircle';
export const COPY = 'Clipboard';
export const ARROW_LEFT = 'ChevronLeft';
export const ARROW_RIGHT = 'ChevronRight';
export const DOWNLOAD = 'Download';
export const PUBLISH = 'UploadCloud';
export const REMOVE = 'X';
export const ADD = 'Plus';
export const SUBTRACT = 'Subtract';
export const EDIT = 'Edit';
export const DELETE = 'Trash';
export const REPORT = 'Flag';
export const HELP = 'HelpCircle';
export const CHAT = 'MessageCircle';
export const FEEDBACK = 'MessageSquare';
export const SEARCH = 'Search';
export const CHANNEL = 'AtSign';
export const REFRESH = 'RefreshCw';
export const HISTORY = 'Clock';
export const HOME = 'Home';
export const OVERVIEW = 'Activity';
export const WALLET = 'List';
export const PHONE = 'Phone';
export const COMPLETE = 'Check';
export const COMPLETED = 'CheckCircle';
export const SUBSCRIBE = 'Heart';
export const UNSUBSCRIBE = 'BrokenHeart';
export const UNLOCK = 'Unlock';
export const LOCK = 'Lock';
export const WEB = 'Globe';
export const SHARE = 'Share2';
export const EXTERNAL = 'ExternalLink';
export const PLAY = 'Play';
export const FACEBOOK = 'Facebook';
export const TWITTER = 'Twitter';
export const TELEGRAM = 'Telegram';
export const REDDIT = 'Reddit';
export const LINKEDIN = 'LinkedIn';
export const EMBED = 'Embed';
export const MORE = 'More';
export const SHARE_LINK = 'ShareLink';
export const ACCOUNT = 'User';
export const SETTINGS = 'Settings';
export const INVITE = 'Users';
export const FILE = 'File';
export const FULLSCREEN = 'Maximize';
export const OPTIONS = 'Sliders';
export const YES = 'ThumbsUp';
export const NO = 'ThumbsDown';
export const UP = 'ChevronUp';
export const DOWN = 'ChevronDown';
export const SECURE = 'Lock';
export const MENU = 'Menu';
export const BACKUP = 'Database';
export const TRANSACTIONS = 'FileText';
export const LBRY = 'Lbry';
export const DISCOVER = 'Compass';
export const VISUALIZER_ON = 'Eye';
export const VISUALIZER_OFF = 'EyeOff';
export const MUSIC_DETAILS_ON = 'AlignLeft';
export const MUSIC_DETAILS_OFF = 'AlignLeft';
export const MUSIC_ART_ON = 'Image';
export const MUSIC_ART_OFF = 'Image';
export const MUSIC_ALBUM = 'Disc';
export const MUSIC_ARTIST = 'Mic';
export const MUSIC_SONG = 'Music';
export const MUSIC_EQUALIZER = 'Sliders';
export const LIGHT = 'Sun';
export const DARK = 'Moon';
export const LIBRARY = 'Folder';
export const TAG = 'Tag';
export const SUPPORT = 'TrendingUp';
export const BLOCK = 'Slash';
export const UNBLOCK = 'Circle';
export const VIEW = 'View';
export const EYE = 'Eye';
export const EYE_OFF = 'EyeOff';
export const SIGN_OUT = 'SignOut';
export const SIGN_IN = 'SignIn';
export const SIGN_UP = 'Key';
export const TRENDING = 'Trending';
export const TOP = 'Top';
export const NEW = 'New';
export const MORE_VERTICAL = 'MoreVertical';
export const IMAGE = 'Image';
export const AUDIO = 'HeadPhones';
export const VIDEO = 'Video';
export const VOLUME_MUTED = 'VolumeX';
export const TEXT = 'FileText';
export const DOWNLOADABLE = 'Downloadable';
export const POST = 'Post';
export const REPOST = 'Repeat';
export const VALIDATED = 'Check';
export const SLIDERS = 'Sliders';
export const SCIENCE = 'Science';
export const ANALYTICS = 'BarChart2';
export const PURCHASED = 'Key';
export const CIRCLE = 'Circle';
export const PINNED = 'Pinned';
export const BUY = 'Buy';
export const SEND = 'Send';
export const RECEIVE = 'Receive';
export const CAMERA = 'Camera';
export const OPEN_LOG = 'FilePlus';
export const OPEN_LOG_FOLDER = 'Folder';
export const LBRY_STATUS = 'BarChart';
export const NOTIFICATION = 'Bell';
export const LAYOUT = 'Layout';