zeppi bec50829c1 updated code
about to test something

generate programatically

beginning of the frontend

stripe integration page seems to be working

add user

put functionality behind conditional tag

connect frontend working well

adding environment variables to save success and failure url



final clean up

adding credit card page

seems to be coming along

calls successfully coming from the frontend

fixing up frontend

cleaning up

frontend coming along

client secret working

basic frontend in place

adding tip page

adding more to the tip frontend

frontend almost done

tabs coming along

one last thing to do for frontend

adding explainer text as custom function

putting finishing touches on tabs

support tabs working well

disable fiat toggle when card not connected

fix frontend gui bug

bugfix and pull out label function

fix symbol for tip gui

modal when card is not yet saved

fix fiat disabled bug

knowing whether card is added programatically

sending tip with frontend

tip functionality working

show unpaid balance

add frontend for card add section

update frontend

update frontend


change to use react instead of css

update how stripe is instantiated

fix bug

use customer setup

coming along

working but needs optimization

persist if card is saved

adding anonymous tip functionality

fix nan bug

build stripe endpoints programatically

show for all users for time being

allow the stripe key to automatically switch to live environment



fix jslint

fix channel page support button

better docs

show customer transactions on frontend

basic table in place

various page updates per jeremys notes

showing card details

nicer tip history table

add better prompt to add card on file viewer page

some linting


put connect account behind fiat enabled

no persist fiat mode

wallet calls

tip stuff
2021-07-03 14:42:37 -04:00

337 lines
16 KiB

// @flow
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Route, Redirect, Switch, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import { LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM } from 'constants/comment';
import { parseURI, isURIValid } from 'lbry-redux';
import { SITE_TITLE, WELCOME_VERSION, SIMPLE_SITE } from 'config';
import LoadingBarOneOff from 'component/loadingBarOneOff';
import HomePage from 'page/home';
// @if TARGET='app'
const BackupPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/backup' /* webpackChunkName: "backup" */));
// @endif
// @if TARGET='web'
const Code2257Page = React.lazy(() => import('web/page/code2257'));
// @endif
// Chunk: "secondary"
const SignInPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/signIn' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SignInWalletPasswordPage = React.lazy(() =>
import('page/signInWalletPassword' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const SignUpPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/signUp' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SignInVerifyPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/signInVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Chunk: "wallet/secondary"
const BuyPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/buy' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReceivePage = React.lazy(() => import('page/receive' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SendPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/send' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SwapPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/swap' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const WalletPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/wallet' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Chunk: none
const NotificationsPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/notifications' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const CollectionPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/collection' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelNew = React.lazy(() => import('page/channelNew' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelsFollowingDiscoverPage = React.lazy(() =>
import('page/channelsFollowingDiscover' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const ChannelsFollowingPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/channelsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelsPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/channels' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const CheckoutPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/checkoutPage' /* webpackChunkName: "checkoutPage" */));
const CreatorDashboard = React.lazy(() => import('page/creatorDashboard' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const DiscoverPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/discover' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const EmbedWrapperPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/embedWrapper' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const FileListPublished = React.lazy(() => import('page/fileListPublished' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const FourOhFourPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/fourOhFour' /* webpackChunkName: "fourOhFour" */));
const HelpPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/help' /* webpackChunkName: "help" */));
const InvitePage = React.lazy(() => import('page/invite' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const InvitedPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/invited' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LibraryPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/library' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ListBlockedPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/listBlocked' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ListsPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/lists' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LiveStreamSetupPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/livestreamSetup' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LivestreamCurrentPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/livestreamCurrent' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const PasswordResetPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/passwordReset' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const PasswordSetPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/passwordSet' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const PublishPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/publish' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReportContentPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/reportContent' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReportPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/report' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RepostNew = React.lazy(() => import('page/repost' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RewardsPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/rewards' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RewardsVerifyPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/rewardsVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SearchPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/search' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsAdvancedPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/settingsAdvanced' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsStripeCard = React.lazy(() => import('page/settingsStripeCard' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsCreatorPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/settingsCreator' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsNotificationsPage = React.lazy(() =>
import('page/settingsNotifications' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const SettingsPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/settings' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ShowPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/show' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const TagsFollowingManagePage = React.lazy(() =>
import('page/tagsFollowingManage' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const TagsFollowingPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/tagsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const TopPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/top' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const Welcome = React.lazy(() => import('page/welcome' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const YoutubeSyncPage = React.lazy(() => import('page/youtubeSync' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Tell the browser we are handling scroll restoration
if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
type Props = {
currentScroll: number,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
location: { pathname: string, search: string, hash: string },
history: {
action: string,
entries: { title: string }[],
goBack: () => void,
goForward: () => void,
index: number,
length: number,
location: { pathname: string },
push: (string) => void,
state: {},
replaceState: ({}, string, string) => void,
listen: (any) => () => void,
uri: string,
title: string,
welcomeVersion: number,
hasNavigated: boolean,
setHasNavigated: () => void,
setReferrer: (string) => void,
hasUnclaimedRefereeReward: boolean,
homepageData: any,
type PrivateRouteProps = Props & {
component: any,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
function PrivateRoute(props: PrivateRouteProps) {
const { component: Component, isAuthenticated, } = props;
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const redirectUrl = urlSearchParams.get('redirect');
return (
render={(props) =>
isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=${redirectUrl || props.location.pathname}`} />
function AppRouter(props: Props) {
const {
location: { pathname, search, hash },
} = props;
const { entries, listen, action: historyAction } = history;
const entryIndex = history.index;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
const resetScroll = urlParams.get('reset_scroll');
const hasLinkedCommentInUrl = urlParams.get(LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM);
const dynamicRoutes = Object.values(homepageData).filter(
(potentialRoute: any) => potentialRoute && potentialRoute.route
// For people arriving at settings page from deeplinks, know whether they can "go back"
useEffect(() => {
const unlisten = listen((location, action) => {
if (action === 'PUSH') {
if (!hasNavigated && setHasNavigated) setHasNavigated();
return unlisten;
}, [listen, hasNavigated, setHasNavigated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasNavigated && hasUnclaimedRefereeReward && !isAuthenticated) {
const valid = isURIValid(uri);
if (valid) {
const { path } = parseURI(uri);
if (path !== 'undefined') setReferrer(path);
}, [hasNavigated, uri, hasUnclaimedRefereeReward, setReferrer, isAuthenticated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (uri) {
const { channelName, streamName } = parseURI(uri);
if (title) {
document.title = title;
} else if (streamName) {
document.title = streamName;
} else if (channelName) {
document.title = channelName;
} else {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
} else {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
// @if TARGET='app'
entries[entryIndex].title = document.title;
// @endif
return () => {
document.title = IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY';
}, [entries, entryIndex, title, uri]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasLinkedCommentInUrl) {
if (hash && historyAction === 'PUSH') {
const id = hash.replace('#', '');
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
window.scrollTo(0, element.offsetTop);
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll);
}, [currentScroll, pathname, search, hash, resetScroll, hasLinkedCommentInUrl, historyAction]);
// react-router doesn't decode pathanmes before doing the route matching check
// We have to redirect here because if we redirect on the server, it might get encoded again
// in the browser causing a redirect loop
const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(pathname) + search;
if (decodedUrl !== pathname + search) {
return <Redirect to={decodedUrl} />;
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<LoadingBarOneOff />}>
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
{welcomeVersion < WELCOME_VERSION && <Route path="/*" component={Welcome} />}
{/* @endif */}
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISH}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISHED}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} />
<Route path={`/`} exact component={HomePage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.DISCOVER}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />
{SIMPLE_SITE && <Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WILD_WEST}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />}
{/* $FlowFixMe */}
{ RowDataItem) => (
component={(routerProps) => <DiscoverPage {...routerProps} dynamicRouteProps={dynamicRouteProps} />}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_SIGNIN}`} exact component={SignInPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_RESET}`} exact component={PasswordResetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_SET}`} exact component={PasswordSetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}/*`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WELCOME}`} exact component={Welcome} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.HELP}`} exact component={HelpPage} />
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.BACKUP}`} exact component={BackupPage} />
{/* @endif */}
{/* @if TARGET='web' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CODE_2257}`} exact component={Code2257Page} />
{/* @endif */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_VERIFY}`} exact component={SignInVerifyPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SEARCH}`} exact component={SearchPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.TOP}`} exact component={TopPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS}`} exact component={SettingsPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_ADVANCED}`} exact component={SettingsAdvancedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/:referrer`} exact component={InvitedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CHECKOUT}`} exact component={CheckoutPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT_CONTENT}`} exact component={ReportContentPage} />
<Route {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIST}/:collectionId`} component={CollectionPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.YOUTUBE_SYNC}`} component={YoutubeSyncPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} component={TagsFollowingPage} />
component={isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? ChannelsFollowingPage : DiscoverPage}
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={SettingsNotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_CARD}`} component={SettingsStripeCard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}`} component={InvitePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNEL_NEW}`} component={ChannelNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPOST_NEW}`} component={RepostNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} component={FileListPublished} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CREATOR_DASHBOARD}`} component={CreatorDashboard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} component={PublishPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT}`} component={ReportPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS}`} exact component={RewardsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS_VERIFY}`} component={RewardsVerifyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIBRARY}`} component={LibraryPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LISTS}`} component={ListsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING_MANAGE}`} component={TagsFollowingManagePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_BLOCKED_MUTED}`} component={ListBlockedPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_CREATOR}`} component={SettingsCreatorPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.WALLET}`} exact component={WalletPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNELS}`} component={ChannelsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`} component={LiveStreamSetupPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM_CURRENT}`} component={LivestreamCurrentPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.BUY}`} component={BuyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.RECEIVE}`} component={ReceivePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SEND}`} component={SendPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SWAP}`} component={SwapPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={NotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_WALLET_PASSWORD}`} component={SignInWalletPasswordPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName/:claimId`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
{/* Below need to go at the end to make sure we don't match any of our pages first */}
<Route path="/:claimName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/:claimName/:streamName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/*" component={FourOhFourPage} />
export default withRouter(AppRouter);