infiinte-persistence 4c57cdd99f Block mature content when accessed directly from URL
## Issue:
Fixes 4549 `Mature content + navigating to URLs directly`
_If a user navigates to mature content directly, we currently show the page even if mature content setting is not enabled. With our recent mature content verification setting, we should hide the page until the user turns it on - we can prompt directly on the file page._

## Changes:
1. Show basic info of the claim like URL and Title, so that user knows which page is being blocked.
2. Initially, I had 2 "boxes" -- one for the title and another for the message. It felt a bit messy, so `FileTitle` was augmented to house everything in one box.
2020-07-24 16:59:02 -04:00

184 lines
5.5 KiB

// @flow
import * as React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import Page from 'component/page';
import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes';
import ClaimUri from 'component/claimUri';
import FileTitle from 'component/fileTitle';
import FileRenderInitiator from 'component/fileRenderInitiator';
import FileRenderInline from 'component/fileRenderInline';
import FileRenderDownload from 'component/fileRenderDownload';
import Card from 'component/common/card';
import FileDetails from 'component/fileDetails';
import FileValues from 'component/fileValues';
import FileDescription from 'component/fileDescription';
import WaitUntilOnPage from 'component/common/wait-until-on-page';
import RecommendedContent from 'component/recommendedContent';
import CommentsList from 'component/commentsList';
import CommentCreate from 'component/commentCreate';
import YoutubeBadge from 'component/youtubeBadge';
export const FILE_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'file-page__video-container';
type Props = {
claim: StreamClaim,
costInfo: ?{ includesData: boolean, cost: number },
fileInfo: FileListItem,
uri: string,
fetchFileInfo: string => void,
fetchCostInfo: string => void,
setViewed: string => void,
isSubscribed: boolean,
channelUri: string,
renderMode: string,
markSubscriptionRead: (string, string) => void,
obscureNsfw: boolean,
isMature: boolean,
class FilePage extends React.Component<Props> {
componentDidMount() {
const { uri, fetchFileInfo, fetchCostInfo, setViewed, isSubscribed } = this.props;
if (isSubscribed) {
// always refresh file info when entering file page to see if we have the file
// this could probably be refactored into more direct components now
// @if TARGET='app'
// @endif
// See for discussion
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
const { isSubscribed, uri, fileInfo, setViewed, fetchFileInfo } = this.props;
if (!prevProps.isSubscribed && isSubscribed) {
if (prevProps.uri !== uri) {
// @if TARGET='app'
if (prevProps.uri !== uri && fileInfo === undefined) {
// @endif
removeFromSubscriptionNotifications() {
// Always try to remove
// If it doesn't exist, nothing will happen
const { markSubscriptionRead, uri, channelUri } = this.props;
markSubscriptionRead(channelUri, uri);
renderFilePageLayout(uri: string, mode: string, cost: ?number) {
const { claim } = this.props;
const channelClaimId = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.claim_id : null;
if (RENDER_MODES.FLOATING_MODES.includes(mode)) {
return (
<ClaimUri uri={uri} />
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<div className={FILE_WRAPPER_CLASS}>
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
{/* playables will be rendered and injected by <FileRenderFloating> */}
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
return (
<ClaimUri uri={uri} />
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
<FileRenderDownload uri={uri} isFree={cost === 0} />
if (RENDER_MODES.TEXT_MODES.includes(mode)) {
return (
<ClaimUri uri={uri} />
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInline uri={uri} />
return (
<ClaimUri uri={uri} />
<YoutubeBadge channelClaimId={channelClaimId} includeSyncDate={false} />
<FileRenderInitiator uri={uri} />
<FileRenderInline uri={uri} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} />
renderBlockedPage() {
const { uri } = this.props;
return (
<ClaimUri uri={uri} />
<FileTitle uri={uri} isNsfwBlocked />
render() {
const { uri, renderMode, costInfo, obscureNsfw, isMature } = this.props;
if (obscureNsfw && isMature) {
return this.renderBlockedPage();
return (
<Page className="file-page">
<div className={classnames('section card-stack', `file-page__${renderMode}`)}>
{this.renderFilePageLayout(uri, renderMode, costInfo ? costInfo.cost : null)}
<div className="section columns">
<div className="card-stack">
<FileDescription uri={uri} />
<FileValues uri={uri} />
<FileDetails uri={uri} />
title={__('Leave a Comment')}
<CommentCreate uri={uri} />
<CommentsList uri={uri} />
<RecommendedContent uri={uri} />
export default FilePage;