infinite-persistence 3b47edc3b9
Livestream category improvements (#7115)
*  Remove old method of displaying active livestreams

Completely remove it for now to make the commit deltas clearer.
We'll replace it with the new method at the end.

* Fetch and store active-livestream info in redux

* Tiles can now query active-livestream state from redux instead of getting from parent.

*  ClaimTilesDiscover: revert and cleanup

## Simplify
- Simplify to just `uris` instead of having multiple arrays (`uris`, `modifiedUris`, `prevUris`)
- The `prevUris` is for CLS prevention. With this removal, the CLS issue is back, but we'll handle it differently later.
- Temporarily disable the view-count fetching. Code is left there so that I don't forget.

## Fix
- `shouldPerformSearch` was never true when `prefixUris` is present. Corrected the logic.
- Aside: prefix and pin is so similar in function. Hm ....

* ClaimTilesDiscover: factor out options

## Change
Move the `option` code outside and passed in as a pre-calculated prop.

## Reason
To skip rendering while waiting for `claim_search`, we need to add `React.memo(areEqual)`. However, the flag that determines if we are fetching `claim_search` (fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[]) depends on the derived options as the key.

Instead of calculating `options` twice, we moved it to the props so both sides can use it.

It also makes the component a bit more readable.

The downside is that the prop-passing might not be clear.

* ClaimTilesDiscover: reduce ~17 renders at startup to just 2.

* ClaimTilesDiscover: fill with placeholder while waiting for claim_search

## Issue
Livestream claims are fetched seperately, so they might already exists. While claim_search is running, the list only consists of livestreams (collapsed).

## Fix
Fill up the space with placeholders to prevent layout shift.

* Add 'useFetchViewCount' to handle fetching from lists

This effect also stashes fetched uris, so that we won't re-fetch the same uris during the same instance (e.g. during infinite scroll).

*  ClaimListDiscover: revert and cleanup

## Revert
- Removed the 'finalUris' stuff that was meant to "pause" visual changes when fetching. I think it'll be cleaner to use React.memo to achieve that.

## Alterations
- Added `renderUri` to make it clear which array that this component will render.
- Re-do the way we fetch view counts now that 'finalUris' is gone. Not the best method, but at least correct for now.

* ClaimListDiscover: add prefixUris, similar to ClaimTilesDiscover

This will be initially used to append livestreams at the top.

*  Re-enable active livestream tiles using the new method

* doFetchActiveLivestreams: add interval check

- Added a default minimum of 5 minutes between fetches. Clients can bypass this through `forceFetch` if needed.

* doFetchActiveLivestreams: add option check

We'll need to support different 'orderBy', so adding an "options check" when determining if we just made the same fetch.

* WildWest: limit livestream tiles + add ability to show more

Most likely this behavior will change in the future, so we'll leave `ClaimListDiscover` untouched and handle the logic at the page level.

This solution uses 2 `ClaimListDiscover` -- if the reduced livestream list is visible, it handles the header; else the normal list handles the header.

* Use better tile-count on larger screens.

Used the same method as how the homepage does it.
2021-09-24 10:26:21 -04:00

309 lines
10 KiB

// @flow
import React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { NavLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import FileThumbnail from 'component/fileThumbnail';
import UriIndicator from 'component/uriIndicator';
import TruncatedText from 'component/common/truncated-text';
import DateTime from 'component/dateTime';
import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail';
import FileViewCountInline from 'component/fileViewCountInline';
import SubscribeButton from 'component/subscribeButton';
import useGetThumbnail from 'effects/use-get-thumbnail';
import { formatLbryUrlForWeb, generateListSearchUrlParams } from 'util/url';
import { formatClaimPreviewTitle } from 'util/formatAriaLabel';
import { parseURI, isURIEqual } from 'lbry-redux';
import PreviewOverlayProperties from 'component/previewOverlayProperties';
import FileDownloadLink from 'component/fileDownloadLink';
import FileWatchLaterLink from 'component/fileWatchLaterLink';
import ClaimRepostAuthor from 'component/claimRepostAuthor';
import ClaimMenuList from 'component/claimMenuList';
import CollectionPreviewOverlay from 'component/collectionPreviewOverlay';
// $FlowFixMe cannot resolve ...
import PlaceholderTx from 'static/img/placeholderTx.gif';
type Props = {
uri: string,
date?: any,
claim: ?Claim,
mediaDuration?: string,
resolveUri: (string) => void,
isResolvingUri: boolean,
history: { push: (string) => void },
thumbnail: string,
title: string,
placeholder: boolean,
blackListedOutpoints: Array<{
txid: string,
nout: number,
filteredOutpoints: Array<{
txid: string,
nout: number,
blockedChannelUris: Array<string>,
getFile: (string) => void,
streamingUrl: string,
isMature: boolean,
showMature: boolean,
showHiddenByUser?: boolean,
properties?: (Claim) => void,
collectionId?: string,
showNoSourceClaims?: boolean,
isLivestream: boolean,
isLivestreamActive: boolean,
// preview image cards used in related video functionality
function ClaimPreviewTile(props: Props) {
const {
} = props;
const isRepost = claim && claim.repost_channel_url;
const isCollection = claim && claim.value_type === 'collection';
const isStream = claim && claim.value_type === 'stream';
// $FlowFixMe
const isPlayable =
claim &&
// $FlowFixMe
claim.value &&
// $FlowFixMe
claim.value.stream_type &&
// $FlowFixMe
(claim.value.stream_type === 'audio' || claim.value.stream_type === 'video');
const collectionClaimId = isCollection && claim && claim.claim_id;
const shouldFetch = claim === undefined;
const thumbnailUrl = useGetThumbnail(uri, claim, streamingUrl, getFile, placeholder) || thumbnail;
const canonicalUrl = claim && claim.canonical_url;
const permanentUrl = claim && claim.permanent_url;
const listId = collectionId || collectionClaimId;
const navigateUrl =
formatLbryUrlForWeb(canonicalUrl || uri || '/') + (listId ? generateListSearchUrlParams(listId) : '');
const navLinkProps = {
to: navigateUrl,
onClick: (e) => e.stopPropagation(),
let isValid = false;
if (uri) {
try {
isValid = true;
} catch (e) {
isValid = false;
const signingChannel = claim && claim.signing_channel;
const isChannel = claim && claim.value_type === 'channel';
const channelUri = !isChannel ? signingChannel && signingChannel.permanent_url : claim && claim.permanent_url;
const channelTitle = signingChannel && ((signingChannel.value && signingChannel.value.title) ||;
const repostedChannelUri = isRepost && isChannel ? permanentUrl || canonicalUrl : undefined;
// Aria-label value for claim preview
let ariaLabelData = isChannel ? title : formatClaimPreviewTitle(title, channelTitle, date, mediaDuration);
function handleClick(e) {
if (navigateUrl) {
React.useEffect(() => {
if (isValid && !isResolvingUri && shouldFetch && uri) {
}, [isValid, isResolvingUri, uri, resolveUri, shouldFetch]);
let shouldHide = false;
if (isMature && !showMature) {
// Unfortunately needed until this is resolved
shouldHide = true;
// This will be replaced once blocking is done at the wallet server level
if (claim && !shouldHide && blackListedOutpoints) {
shouldHide = blackListedOutpoints.some(
(outpoint) =>
(signingChannel && outpoint.txid === signingChannel.txid && outpoint.nout === signingChannel.nout) ||
(outpoint.txid === claim.txid && outpoint.nout === claim.nout)
// We're checking to see if the stream outpoint
// or signing channel outpoint is in the filter list
if (claim && !shouldHide && filteredOutpoints) {
shouldHide = filteredOutpoints.some(
(outpoint) =>
(signingChannel && outpoint.txid === signingChannel.txid && outpoint.nout === signingChannel.nout) ||
(outpoint.txid === claim.txid && outpoint.nout === claim.nout)
// block stream claims
if (claim && !shouldHide && !showHiddenByUser && blockedChannelUris.length && signingChannel) {
shouldHide = blockedChannelUris.some((blockedUri) => isURIEqual(blockedUri, signingChannel.permanent_url));
// block channel claims if we can't control for them in claim search
// e.g. fetchRecommendedSubscriptions
if (claim && isChannel && !shouldHide && !showHiddenByUser && blockedChannelUris.length && signingChannel) {
shouldHide = blockedChannelUris.some((blockedUri) => isURIEqual(blockedUri, signingChannel.permanent_url));
if (shouldHide || (isLivestream && !showNoSourceClaims)) {
return null;
if (placeholder || (!claim && isResolvingUri)) {
return (
<li className={classnames('claim-preview--tile', {})}>
<div className="placeholder media__thumb">
<img src={PlaceholderTx} alt="Placeholder" />
<div className="placeholder__wrapper">
<div className="placeholder claim-tile__title" />
<div className="placeholder claim-tile__info" />
let liveProperty = null;
if (isLivestreamActive === true) {
liveProperty = (claim) => <>LIVE</>;
return (
className={classnames('card claim-preview--tile', {
'claim-preview__wrapper--channel': isChannel,
'claim-preview__live': isLivestreamActive,
<NavLink {...navLinkProps} role="none" tabIndex={-1} aria-hidden>
<FileThumbnail thumbnail={thumbnailUrl} allowGifs>
{!isChannel && (
<div className="claim-preview__hover-actions">
{isPlayable && <FileWatchLaterLink focusable={false} uri={uri} />}
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<div className="claim-preview__hover-actions">
{isStream && <FileDownloadLink focusable={false} uri={canonicalUrl} hideOpenButton />}
{/* @endif */}
<div className="claim-preview__file-property-overlay">
<PreviewOverlayProperties uri={uri} properties={liveProperty || properties} />
{isCollection && (
<div className="claim-preview__collection-wrapper">
<CollectionPreviewOverlay collectionId={listId} uri={uri} />
<div className="claim-tile__header">
<NavLink aria-label={ariaLabelData} {...navLinkProps}>
<h2 className="claim-tile__title">
<TruncatedText text={title || (claim &&} lines={isChannel ? 1 : 2} />
{isChannel && (
<div className="claim-tile__about">
<UriIndicator uri={uri} />
<ClaimMenuList uri={uri} collectionId={listId} channelUri={channelUri} />
<div className="claim-tile__info">
{isChannel ? (
<div className="claim-tile__about--channel">
<SubscribeButton uri={repostedChannelUri || uri} />
) : (
<UriIndicator focusable={false} uri={uri} link hideAnonymous>
<ChannelThumbnail uri={channelUri} xsmall />
<div className="claim-tile__about">
<UriIndicator uri={uri} link />
<div className="claim-tile__about--counts">
<FileViewCountInline uri={uri} isLivestream={isLivestream} />
<DateTime timeAgo uri={uri} />
{isRepost && (
<div className="claim-tile__repost-author">
<ClaimRepostAuthor uri={uri} />
export default React.memo<Props>(withRouter(ClaimPreviewTile), areEqual);
const BLOCKLIST_KEYS = ['blackListedOutpoints', 'filteredOutpoints', 'blockedChannelUris'];
const HANDLED_KEYS = [...BLOCKLIST_KEYS, 'date'];
function areEqual(prev: Props, next: Props) {
for (let i = 0; i < BLOCKLIST_KEYS.length; ++i) {
const key = BLOCKLIST_KEYS[i];
const a = prev[key];
const b = next[key];
if (((!a || !b) && a !== b) || (a && b && a.length !== b.length)) {
// The arrays are huge, so just compare the length instead of each entry.
return false;
if (Number( !== Number( {
return false;
const propKeys = Object.keys(next);
for (let i = 0; i < propKeys.length; ++i) {
const pk = propKeys[i];
if (!HANDLED_KEYS.includes(pk) && prev[pk] !== next[pk]) {
return false;
return true;