infinite-persistence e58ddbc809
View/Follower count: only use compact when > 10k ()
* Tooltip: add 'followCursor' and 'placement' option

When used on a `<span>` with short text but large empty area, the location of the tooltip was at the bottom-center of the area, which isn't ideal.

I think 'followCursor' should be the default, but making it optional for now to minimize testing.

Also added the 'placement' prop -- for the span case again, the mouse cursor is blocking the tooltip.

* View/Follower count: only use compact when > 10k

## Issue
Received complaints -- some people prefer to see full resolution.

## Changes
- As a compromise, we'll only apply the compact notation when the value is greater than 10k, with the exception of Tile View Count, where we'll always apply it due to space limitation.
- Also added Tooltip for Follower count.

## Fixes
- The string was always in 'en' locale in some instances, so it wasn't grouping up digits properly in Japanese (groups of 4), for example.
2022-01-11 11:42:12 -05:00
index.js View/Follower count: only use compact when > 10k () 2022-01-11 11:42:12 -05:00
view.jsx View/Follower count: only use compact when > 10k () 2022-01-11 11:42:12 -05:00