It was not meant to be used for these cases -- wasting resources creating and going through the cache for each simple direct access.
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239 lines
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import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import * as TRANSACTIONS from 'constants/transaction_types';
import { PAGE_SIZE, LATEST_PAGE_SIZE } from 'constants/transaction_list';
import { selectClaimIdsByUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims';
import parseData from 'util/parse-data';
export const selectState = (state) => state.wallet || {};
export const selectWalletState = selectState;
export const selectWalletIsEncrypted = (state) => selectState(state).walletIsEncrypted;
export const selectWalletEncryptPending = (state) => selectState(state).walletEncryptPending;
export const selectWalletEncryptSucceeded = (state) => selectState(state).walletEncryptSucceded;
export const selectPendingSupportTransactions = (state) => selectState(state).pendingSupportTransactions;
export const selectPendingOtherTransactions = (state) => selectState(state).pendingTxos;
export const selectAbandonClaimSupportError = (state) => selectState(state).abandonClaimSupportError;
export const makeSelectPendingAmountByUri = (uri) =>
createSelector(selectClaimIdsByUri, selectPendingSupportTransactions, (claimIdsByUri, pendingSupports) => {
const uriEntry = Object.entries(claimIdsByUri).find(([u, cid]) => u === uri);
const claimId = uriEntry && uriEntry[1];
const pendingSupport = claimId && pendingSupports[claimId];
return pendingSupport ? pendingSupport.effective : undefined;
export const selectWalletEncryptResult = (state) => selectState(state).walletEncryptResult;
export const selectWalletDecryptPending = (state) => selectState(state).walletDecryptPending;
export const selectWalletDecryptSucceeded = (state) => selectState(state).walletDecryptSucceded;
export const selectWalletDecryptResult = (state) => selectState(state).walletDecryptResult;
export const selectWalletUnlockPending = (state) => selectState(state).walletUnlockPending;
export const selectWalletUnlockSucceeded = (state) => selectState(state).walletUnlockSucceded;
export const selectWalletUnlockResult = (state) => selectState(state).walletUnlockResult;
export const selectWalletLockPending = (state) => selectState(state).walletLockPending;
export const selectWalletLockSucceeded = (state) => selectState(state).walletLockSucceded;
export const selectWalletLockResult = (state) => selectState(state).walletLockResult;
export const selectBalance = (state) => selectState(state).balance;
export const selectTotalBalance = (state) => selectState(state).totalBalance;
export const selectReservedBalance = (state) => selectState(state).reservedBalance;
export const selectClaimsBalance = (state) => selectState(state).claimsBalance;
export const selectSupportsBalance = (state) => selectState(state).supportsBalance;
export const selectTipsBalance = (state) => selectState(state).tipsBalance;
export const selectTransactionsById = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.transactions || {});
export const selectSupportsByOutpoint = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.supports || {});
export const selectTotalSupports = createSelector(selectSupportsByOutpoint, (byOutpoint) => {
let total = parseFloat('0.0');
Object.values(byOutpoint).forEach((support) => {
const { amount } = support;
total = amount ? total + parseFloat(amount) : total;
return total;
export const selectTransactionItems = createSelector(selectTransactionsById, (byId) => {
const items = [];
Object.keys(byId).forEach((txid) => {
const tx = byId[txid];
// ignore dust/fees
// it is fee only txn if all infos are also empty
if (
Math.abs(tx.value) === Math.abs(tx.fee) &&
tx.claim_info.length === 0 &&
tx.support_info.length === 0 &&
tx.update_info.length === 0 &&
tx.abandon_info.length === 0
) {
const append = [];
| =>
Object.assign({}, tx, item, {
type: item.claim_name[0] === '@' ? TRANSACTIONS.CHANNEL : TRANSACTIONS.PUBLISH,
| =>
Object.assign({}, tx, item, {
append.push( => Object.assign({}, tx, item, { type: TRANSACTIONS.UPDATE })));
append.push( => Object.assign({}, tx, item, { type: TRANSACTIONS.ABANDON })));
if (!append.length) {
Object.assign({}, tx, {
| => {
// value on transaction, amount on outpoint
// amount is always positive, but should match sign of value
const balanceDelta = parseFloat(item.balance_delta);
const value = parseFloat(item.value);
const amount = balanceDelta || value;
const fee = parseFloat(tx.fee);
return {
timestamp: tx.timestamp,
date: tx.timestamp ? new Date(Number(tx.timestamp) * 1000) : null,
claim_id: item.claim_id,
claim_name: item.claim_name,
type: item.type || TRANSACTIONS.SPEND,
nout: item.nout,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
return items.sort((tx1, tx2) => {
if (!tx1.timestamp && !tx2.timestamp) {
return 0;
} else if (!tx1.timestamp && tx2.timestamp) {
return -1;
} else if (tx1.timestamp && !tx2.timestamp) {
return 1;
return tx2.timestamp - tx1.timestamp;
export const selectRecentTransactions = createSelector(selectTransactionItems, (transactions) => {
const threshold = new Date();
threshold.setDate(threshold.getDate() - 7);
return transactions.filter((transaction) => {
if (! {
return true; // pending transaction
return > threshold;
export const selectHasTransactions = createSelector(
(transactions) => transactions && transactions.length > 0
export const selectIsFetchingTransactions = (state) => selectState(state).fetchingTransactions;
* CSV of 'selectTransactionItems'.
export const selectTransactionsFile = createSelector(selectTransactionItems, (transactions) => {
if (!transactions || transactions.length === 0) {
// No data.
return undefined;
const parsed = parseData(transactions, 'csv');
if (!parsed) {
// Invalid data, or failed to parse.
return null;
return parsed;
export const selectIsSendingSupport = (state) => selectState(state).sendingSupport;
export const selectReceiveAddress = (state) => selectState(state).receiveAddress;
export const selectGettingNewAddress = (state) => selectState(state).gettingNewAddress;
export const selectDraftTransaction = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.draftTransaction || {});
export const selectDraftTransactionAmount = createSelector(selectDraftTransaction, (draft) => draft.amount);
export const selectDraftTransactionAddress = createSelector(selectDraftTransaction, (draft) => draft.address);
export const selectDraftTransactionError = createSelector(selectDraftTransaction, (draft) => draft.error);
export const selectBlocks = (state) => selectState(state).blocks;
export const selectCurrentHeight = (state) => selectState(state).latestBlock;
export const selectTransactionListFilter = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.transactionListFilter || '');
export const selectFilteredTransactions = createSelector(
(transactions, filter) => {
return transactions.filter((transaction) => {
return filter === TRANSACTIONS.ALL || filter === transaction.type;
export const selectTxoPageParams = (state) => selectState(state).txoFetchParams;
export const selectTxoPage = createSelector(selectState, (state) => (state.txoPage && state.txoPage.items) || []);
export const selectTxoPageNumber = createSelector(selectState, (state) => (state.txoPage && || 1);
export const selectTxoItemCount = createSelector(
(state) => (state.txoPage && state.txoPage.total_items) || 1
export const selectFetchingTxosError = (state) => selectState(state).fetchingTxosError;
export const selectIsFetchingTxos = (state) => selectState(state).fetchingTxos;
export const makeSelectFilteredTransactionsForPage = (page = 1) =>
createSelector(selectFilteredTransactions, (filteredTransactions) => {
const start = (Number(page) - 1) * Number(PAGE_SIZE);
const end = Number(page) * Number(PAGE_SIZE);
return filteredTransactions && filteredTransactions.length ? filteredTransactions.slice(start, end) : [];
export const makeSelectLatestTransactions = createSelector(selectTransactionItems, (transactions) => {
return transactions && transactions.length ? transactions.slice(0, LATEST_PAGE_SIZE) : [];
export const selectFilteredTransactionCount = createSelector(
(filteredTransactions) => filteredTransactions.length
export const selectIsWalletReconnecting = (state) => selectState(state).walletReconnecting;
export const selectIsFetchingUtxoCounts = (state) => selectState(state).fetchingUtxoCounts;
export const selectIsConsolidatingUtxos = (state) => selectState(state).consolidatingUtxos;
export const selectIsMassClaimingTips = (state) => selectState(state).massClaimingTips;
export const selectPendingConsolidateTxid = (state) => selectState(state).pendingConsolidateTxid;
export const selectPendingMassClaimTxid = (state) => selectState(state).pendingMassClaimTxid;
export const selectUtxoCounts = (state) => selectState(state).utxoCounts;