- Variable names are for translators to determine the context, so choose more relevant names. e.g 'displayedInterval' and 'date_range' will not make much sense to a non-programmer. - No need to localize dev-only strings. - Various other fixes.
709 lines
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709 lines
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/* eslint-disable no-console */
// @flow
import React from 'react';
import moment from 'moment';
import Page from 'component/page';
import Spinner from 'component/spinner';
import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc';
import { getStripeEnvironment } from 'util/stripe';
import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons';
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types';
import Card from 'component/common/card';
import MembershipSplash from 'component/membershipSplash';
import Button from 'component/button';
import ChannelSelector from 'component/channelSelector';
import PremiumBadge from 'component/common/premium-badge';
import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage';
import useGetUserMemberships from 'effects/use-get-user-memberships';
import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state';
import { fetchLocaleApi } from 'locale';
let stripeEnvironment = getStripeEnvironment();
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
// odysee channel information since the memberships are only for Odysee
const odyseeChannelId = '80d2590ad04e36fb1d077a9b9e3a8bba76defdf8';
const odyseeChannelName = '@odysee';
type Props = {
history: { action: string, push: (string) => void, replace: (string) => void },
location: { search: string, pathname: string },
totalBalance: ?number,
openModal: (string, {}) => void,
activeChannelClaim: ?ChannelClaim,
channels: ?Array<ChannelClaim>,
claimsByUri: { [string]: any },
fetchUserMemberships: (claimIdCsv: string) => void,
incognito: boolean,
updateUserOdyseeMembershipStatus: () => void,
user: ?User,
const OdyseeMembershipPage = (props: Props) => {
const {
} = props;
const userChannelName = activeChannelClaim ? activeChannelClaim.name : '';
const userChannelClaimId = activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.claim_id;
const [cardSaved, setCardSaved] = React.useState();
const [membershipOptions, setMembershipOptions] = React.useState();
const [userMemberships, setUserMemberships] = React.useState();
const [currencyToUse, setCurrencyToUse] = React.useState('usd');
const [canceledMemberships, setCanceledMemberships] = React.useState();
const [activeMemberships, setActiveMemberships] = React.useState();
const [purchasedMemberships, setPurchasedMemberships] = React.useState([]);
const [hasShownModal, setHasShownModal] = React.useState(false);
const [shouldFetchUserMemberships, setFetchUserMemberships] = React.useState(true);
const [apiError, setApiError] = React.useState(false);
const [showHelp, setShowHelp] = usePersistedState('premium-help-seen', true);
const hasMembership = activeMemberships && activeMemberships.length > 0;
const channelUrls = channels && channels.map((channel) => channel.permanent_url);
// check if membership data for user is already fetched, if it's needed then fetch it
useGetUserMemberships(shouldFetchUserMemberships, channelUrls, claimsByUri, (value) => {
async function populateMembershipData() {
try {
// show the memberships the user is subscribed to
const response = await Lbryio.call(
environment: stripeEnvironment,
let activeMemberships = [];
let canceledMemberships = [];
let purchasedMemberships = [];
for (const membership of response) {
// if it's autorenewing it's considered 'active'
const isActive = membership.Membership.auto_renew;
if (isActive) {
} else {
// hide the other membership options if there's already a purchased membership
if (activeMemberships.length > 0) {
// update the state to show the badge
fetchUserMemberships(userChannelClaimId || '');
} catch (err) {
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!shouldFetchUserMemberships) setFetchUserMemberships(true);
}, [shouldFetchUserMemberships]);
// make calls to backend and populate all the data for the frontend
React.useEffect(function () {
// TODO: this should be refactored to make these calls in parallel
(async function () {
try {
// check if there is a payment method
const response = await Lbryio.call(
environment: stripeEnvironment,
// hardcoded to first card
const hasAPaymentCard = Boolean(response && response.PaymentMethods && response.PaymentMethods[0]);
} catch (err) {
const customerDoesntExistError = 'user as customer is not setup yet';
if (err.message === customerDoesntExistError) {
} else {
try {
// check the available membership for odysee.com
const response = await Lbryio.call(
environment: stripeEnvironment,
channel_id: odyseeChannelId,
channel_name: odyseeChannelName,
// hide other options if there's already a membership
if (activeMemberships && activeMemberships.length > 0) {
} else {
} catch (err) {
try {
// use EUR if from European continent
const localeResponse = await fetchLocaleApi();
const isFromEurope = localeResponse?.data?.continent === 'EU';
if (isFromEurope) setCurrencyToUse('eur');
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);
// we are still waiting from the backend if any of these are undefined
const stillWaitingFromBackend =
purchasedMemberships === undefined ||
cardSaved === undefined ||
membershipOptions === undefined ||
userMemberships === undefined ||
currencyToUse === undefined;
const formatDate = function (date) {
return moment(new Date(date)).format('MMMM DD YYYY');
// clear membership data
const deleteData = async function () {
await Lbryio.call(
environment: 'test',
// $FlowFixMe
// dont pass channel name and id when calling purchase
const noChannelsOrIncognitoMode = incognito || !channels;
// TODO: can clean this up, some repeating text
function buildPurchaseString(price, interval, plan) {
let featureString = '';
// generate different strings depending on other conditions
if (plan === 'Premium' && !noChannelsOrIncognitoMode) {
featureString = (
<I18nMessage tokens={{ channel_name: <b className="membership-bolded">{userChannelName}</b> }}>
Your badge will be shown for your %channel_name% channel in all areas of the app, and can be added to two
additional channels in the future for free.
} else if (plan === 'Premium+' && !noChannelsOrIncognitoMode) {
// user has channel selected
featureString = (
<I18nMessage tokens={{ channel_name: <b className="membership-bolded">{userChannelName}</b> }}>
The no ads feature applies site-wide for all channels and your badge will be shown for your %channel_name%
channel in all areas of the app, and can be added to two additional channels in the future for free.
} else if (plan === 'Premium' && !channels) {
// user has no channels
featureString = __(
'You currently have no channels. To show your badge on a channel, please create a channel first. If you register a channel later you will be able to show a badge for up to three channels.'
} else if (plan === 'Premium+' && !channels) {
// user has no channels
featureString = __(
'The no ads feature applies site-wide. You currently have no channels. To show your badge on a channel, please create a channel first. If you register a channel later you will be able to show a badge for up to three channels.'
} else if (plan === 'Premium' && incognito) {
// user has incognito selected
featureString = __(
'You currently have no channel selected and will not have a badge be visible, if you want to show a badge you can select a channel now, or you can show a badge for up to three channels in the future for free.'
} else if (plan === 'Premium+' && incognito) {
// user has incognito selected
featureString = __(
'The no ads feature applies site-wide. You currently have no channel selected and will not have a badge be visible, if you want to show a badge you can select a channel now, or you can show a badge for up to three channels in the future for free.'
const priceDisplayString = __(
'You are purchasing a %monthly_yearly% %plan% membership that is active immediately and will renew %monthly_yearly% at a price of %price%.',
monthly_yearly: interval === 'month' ? __('monthly') : __('yearly'),
price: `${currencyToUse.toUpperCase()} ${currencyToUse === 'usd' ? '$' : '€'}${price / 100}`,
const noRefund = __(
'You can cancel Premium at any time (no refunds) and you can also close this window and choose a different membership option.'
return (
{priceDisplayString} {featureString} {noRefund}
const purchaseMembership = function (e, membershipOption, price) {
const planName = membershipOption.Membership.name;
const membershipId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('membership-id');
const priceId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('price-id');
const purchaseString = buildPurchaseString(price.unit_amount, price.recurring.interval, planName);
userChannelClaimId: noChannelsOrIncognitoMode ? undefined : userChannelClaimId,
userChannelName: noChannelsOrIncognitoMode ? undefined : userChannelName,
plan: planName,
const cancelMembership = async function (e, membership) {
const membershipId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('membership-id');
const cancellationString =
'You are cancelling your Odysee Premium. You will still have access to all the paid ' +
'features until the point of the expiration of your current membership, at which point you will not be charged ' +
'again and your membership will no longer be active. At this time, there is no way to subscribe to another membership if you cancel and there are no refunds.';
purchaseString: __(cancellationString),
function convertIntervalVariableToString(price) {
const interval = price.recurring.interval;
if (interval === 'year') {
return __('Yearly');
} else if (interval === 'month') {
return __('Monthly');
function capitalizedInterval(planInterval) {
if (planInterval === 'year') {
return __('Year');
} else {
return __('Month');
function buildCurrencyDisplay(priceObject) {
let currencySymbol;
if (priceObject.currency === 'eur') {
currencySymbol = '€';
} else if (priceObject.currency === 'usd') {
currencySymbol = '$';
const currency = priceObject.currency.toUpperCase();
return currency + ' ' + currencySymbol;
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries());
const { interval, plan } = params;
const planValue = params.plan;
// description to be shown under plan name
function getPlanDescription(plan, active?) {
if (plan === 'Premium') {
return 'Badge on profile, livestreaming, automatic rewards confirmation, and early access to new features';
// if there's more plans added this needs to be expanded
} else if (active) {
return 'All Premium features, and no ads';
} else {
return 'Badge on profile, livestreaming, automatic rewards confirmation, early access to new features, and no ads';
// add a bit of a delay otherwise it's a bit jarring
const timeoutValue = 300;
// if user already selected plan, wait a bit (so it's not jarring) and open modal
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!stillWaitingFromBackend && planValue && cardSaved) {
const delayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
// clear query params
window.history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.pathname);
// open confirm purchase
// $FlowFixMe
document.querySelector('[plan="' + plan + '"][interval="' + interval + '"]').click();
}, timeoutValue);
return () => clearTimeout(delayTimeout);
}, [stillWaitingFromBackend, planValue, cardSaved]);
const helpText = (
<div className="section__subtitle">
'First of all, thank you for considering or purchasing a membership, it means a ton to us! A few important details to know:'
'Exclusive and early access features include: recommended content on homepage, livestreaming, and the ability to post odysee hyperlinks + images in comments. Account is also automatically eligible for Rewards. More to come later.'
'The yearly Premium+ membership has a discount compared to monthly, and Premium is only available yearly.'
<li>{__('These are limited time rates, so get in early!')}</li>
'There may be higher tiers available in the future for creators and anyone else who wants to support us.'
{__('Badges will be displayed on a single channel to start, with an option to add on two more later on.')}
{__('Cannot upgrade or downgrade a membership at this time. Refunds are not available. Choose wisely.')}
return (
<Page className="premium-wrapper">
{/** splash frontend **/}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && !apiError && purchasedMemberships.length === 0 && !planValue && !hasShownModal ? (
<MembershipSplash pageLocation={'confirmPage'} currencyToUse={currencyToUse} />
) : (
/** odysee membership page **/
<div className={'card-stack'}>
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && cardSaved !== false && (
<h1 style={{ fontSize: '23px' }}>{__('Odysee Premium')}</h1>
{/* let user switch channel */}
<div style={{ marginTop: '10px' }}>
<ChannelSelector uri={activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.permanent_url} />
{/* explainer help text */}
icon={showHelp ? ICONS.UP : ICONS.DOWN}
onClick={() => setShowHelp(!showHelp)}
title={__('Get More Information')}
subtitle={__('Expand to learn more about how Odysee Premium works')}
actions={showHelp && helpText}
{/** available memberships **/}
{/* if they have a card and don't have a membership yet */}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && membershipOptions && purchasedMemberships.length < 1 && cardSaved !== false && (
<div className="card__title-section">
<h2 className="card__title">{__('Available Memberships')}</h2>
{membershipOptions.map((membershipOption, i) => (
<div key={i}>
{purchasedMemberships && !purchasedMemberships.includes(membershipOption.Membership.id) && (
<div className="premium-option">
{/* plan title */}
<h4 className="membership_title">
<PremiumBadge membership={membershipOption.Membership.name} />
{/* plan description */}
<h4 className="membership_subtitle">
{/* display different plans */}
{membershipOption.Prices.map((price) => (
{/* dont show a monthly Premium membership option (yearly only) */}
price.recurring.interval === 'month' &&
membershipOption.Membership.name === 'Premium'
) && (
{price.currency === currencyToUse && (
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Interval')}:</b> {convertIntervalVariableToString(price)}
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Price')}:</b> {buildCurrencyDisplay(price)}
{price.unit_amount / 100}/{capitalizedInterval(price.recurring.interval)}
onClick={(e) => purchaseMembership(e, membershipOption, price)}
label={__('Join via %interval% membership', {
interval: price.recurring.interval,
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && cardSaved === true && (
<div className="card__title-section">
<h2 className="card__title">{__('Your Active Memberships')}</h2>
{/** * list of active memberships from user ***/}
{/* <h1 style={{ fontSize: '19px' }}>Active Memberships</h1> */}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && activeMemberships && activeMemberships.length === 0 && (
<h4>{__('You currently have no active memberships')}</h4>
{/** active memberships **/}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend &&
activeMemberships &&
activeMemberships.map((membership) => (
<div className="premium-option">
{/* membership name */}
<h4 className="membership_title">
<PremiumBadge membership={membership.MembershipDetails.name} />
{/* description section */}
<h4 className="membership_subtitle">
{__(getPlanDescription(membership.MembershipDetails.name, 'active'))}
{/* registered on */}
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Registered On')}:</b> {formatDate(membership.Membership.created_at)}
{/* autorenews at */}
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Auto-Renews On')}:</b>{' '}
{formatDate(membership.Subscription.current_period_end * 1000)}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && membership.type === 'yearly' && (
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Membership Period Options')}:</b> {__('Yearly')}
{/* TODO: this looks wrong, should support EUR as well */}
<h4 className="membership_info">
{__('%yearly_cost% USD For A One Year Membership (%monthly_cost% Per Month)', {
yearly_cost: (membership.cost_usd * 12) / 100,
monthly_cost: membership.cost_usd / 100,
{/* cancel membership button */}
onClick={(e) => cancelMembership(e, membership)}
label={__('Cancel membership')}
{/** canceled memberships **/}
<div className="card__title-section">
<h2 className="card__title">{__('Canceled Memberships')}</h2>
{canceledMemberships && canceledMemberships.length === 0 && (
<h4>{__('You currently have no canceled memberships')}</h4>
{canceledMemberships &&
canceledMemberships.map((membership) => (
<h4 className="membership_title">
<PremiumBadge membership={membership.MembershipDetails.name} />
<div className="premium-option">
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Registered On')}:</b> {formatDate(membership.Membership.created_at)}
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Canceled On')}:</b> {formatDate(membership.Subscription.canceled_at * 1000)}
<h4 className="membership_info">
<b>{__('Still Valid Until')}:</b> {formatDate(membership.Membership.expires)}
{/** send user to add card if they don't have one yet */}
{!stillWaitingFromBackend && cardSaved === false && (
<br />
<h2 className={'getPaymentCard'}>
{__('Please save a card as a payment method so you can join Odysee Premium')}
<h2 className={'getPaymentCard'}>{__('After the card is added, click Back')}</h2>
label={__('Add A Card')}
style={{ maxWidth: '151px' }}
{/** loading section **/}
{stillWaitingFromBackend && !apiError && (
<div className="main--empty">
<Spinner />
{/** loading section **/}
{stillWaitingFromBackend && apiError && (
<div className="main--empty">
<h1 style={{ fontSize: '19px' }}>
{__('Sorry, there was an error, please contact support or try again later')}
{/** clear membership data (only available on dev) **/}
{isDev && cardSaved && purchasedMemberships.length > 0 && (
<h1 style={{ marginTop: '30px', fontSize: '20px' }}>Clear Membership Data (Only Available On Dev)</h1>
label="Clear Membership Data"
export default OdyseeMembershipPage;