* Factor out lighthouse-result processing code for FYP re-use. The FYP results will be in the same format as LH. * Recsys: add ability to pass in specific uuid to use For FYP, we want to pass the UUID as a param when searching for recommendations. The search comes before the recsys entry creation, so we need to generate the UUID first when searching, and then tell recsys to use that specific ID. * Redux: fetch and store FYP Note that the gid cannot be used as "hash" for the uri list -- it doesn't necessarily change when the list changes, so we can't use it to optimize redux. For now, just always update/render when re-fetched. * UI for FYP * Mark rendered FYPs * Pass the FYP ID down the same way as Collection ID Not ideal, but at least it's in the same pattern as existing code for now. The whole prop-drilling problem with the claim components will be fixed together later. * Include 'gid' and 'uuid' in recommendation search * Allow users to mark recommendations that they dislike * Pass auth-token to all FYP requests + remove beacon use beacons are unreliable and often blocked * Only show FYP for members * FYP readme page * small fixes * fyp Co-authored-by: Thomas Zarebczan <thomas.zarebczan@gmail.com>
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279 lines
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import { RECSYS_ENDPOINT } from 'config';
import { selectUser } from 'redux/selectors/user';
import { makeSelectRecommendedRecsysIdForClaimId } from 'redux/selectors/search';
import { v4 as Uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import { parseURI } from 'util/lbryURI';
import { getAuthToken } from 'util/saved-passwords';
import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings';
import { X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN } from 'constants/token';
import { makeSelectClaimForUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims';
import { selectPlayingUri, selectPrimaryUri } from 'redux/selectors/content';
import { selectClientSetting, selectDaemonSettings } from 'redux/selectors/settings';
import { history } from 'ui/store';
const recsysEndpoint = RECSYS_ENDPOINT;
const recsysId = 'lighthouse-v0';
const getClaimIdsFromUris = (uris) => {
return uris
? uris.map((uri) => {
try {
const { claimId } = parseURI(uri);
return claimId;
} catch (e) {
return [];
: [];
const recsys = {
entries: {},
debug: false,
* Provides for creating, updating, and sending Clickstream data object Entries.
* Entries are Created either when recommendedContent loads, or when recommendedContent is clicked.
* If recommended content is clicked, An Entry with parentUuid is created.
* On page load, find an empty entry with your claimId, or create a new entry and record to it.
* The entry will be populated with the following:
* - parentUuid // optional
* - Uuid
* - claimId
* - recommendedClaims [] // optionally empty
* - playerEvents [] // optionally empty
* - recommendedClaimsIndexClicked [] // optionally empty
* - UserId
* - pageLoadedAt
* - isEmbed
* - pageExitedAt
* - autoplay
* - recsysId // optional
* Function: onClickedRecommended()
* Called when RecommendedContent was clicked.
* Adds index of clicked recommendation to parent entry
* Adds new Entry with parentUuid for destination page
* @param parentClaimId: string,
* @param newClaimId: string,
onClickedRecommended: function (parentClaimId, newClaimId) {
const parentEntry = recsys.entries[parentClaimId] ? recsys.entries[parentClaimId] : null;
const parentUuid = parentEntry['uuid'];
const parentRecommendedClaims = parentEntry['recClaimIds'] || [];
const parentClickedIndexes = parentEntry['recClickedVideoIdx'] || [];
const indexClicked = parentRecommendedClaims.indexOf(newClaimId);
if (parentUuid) {
recsys.createRecsysEntry(newClaimId, parentUuid);
recsys.log('onClickedRecommended', { parentClaimId, newClaimId });
* Page was loaded. Get or Create entry and populate it with default data, plus recommended content, recsysId, etc.
* Called from recommendedContent component
onRecsLoaded: function (claimId, uris, uuid = '') {
if (window && window.store) {
const state = window.store.getState();
if (!recsys.entries[claimId]) {
recsys.createRecsysEntry(claimId, null, uuid);
const claimIds = getClaimIdsFromUris(uris);
recsys.entries[claimId]['recsysId'] = makeSelectRecommendedRecsysIdForClaimId(claimId)(state) || recsysId;
recsys.entries[claimId]['pageLoadedAt'] = Date.now();
recsys.entries[claimId]['recClaimIds'] = claimIds;
recsys.log('onRecsLoaded', claimId);
* Creates an Entry with optional parentUuid
* @param: claimId: string
* @param: parentUuid: string (optional)
* @param: uuid: string Specific uuid to use.
createRecsysEntry: function (claimId, parentUuid, uuid = '') {
if (window && window.store && claimId) {
const state = window.store.getState();
const user = selectUser(state);
const userId = user ? user.id : null;
if (parentUuid) {
// Make a stub entry that will be filled out on page load
recsys.entries[claimId] = {
uuid: uuid || Uuidv4(),
parentUuid: parentUuid,
uid: userId || null, // selectUser
claimId: claimId,
recClickedVideoIdx: [],
pageLoadedAt: Date.now(),
events: [],
} else {
recsys.entries[claimId] = {
uuid: uuid || Uuidv4(),
uid: userId, // selectUser
claimId: claimId,
pageLoadedAt: Date.now(),
recsysId: null,
recClaimIds: [],
recClickedVideoIdx: [],
events: [],
recsys.log('createRecsysEntry', claimId);
* Send event for claimId
* @param claimId
* @param isTentative
sendRecsysEntry: function (claimId, isTentative) {
const shareTelemetry =
IS_WEB || (window && window.store && selectDaemonSettings(window.store.getState()).share_usage_data);
if (recsys.entries[claimId] && shareTelemetry) {
const data = JSON.stringify(recsys.entries[claimId]);
if (!isTentative) {
delete recsys.entries[claimId];
return fetch(recsysEndpoint, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
[X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN]: getAuthToken(),
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: data,
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('RECSYS: failed to send entry', err);
recsys.log('sendRecsysEntry', claimId);
* A player event fired. Get the Entry for the claimId, and add the events
* @param claimId
* @param event
onRecsysPlayerEvent: function (claimId, event, isEmbedded) {
const state = window.store.getState();
const autoPlayNext = state && selectClientSetting(state, SETTINGS.AUTOPLAY_NEXT);
// Check if played through (4 = onEnded) and handle multiple events at end
if (recsys.entries[claimId] && !recsys.entries[claimId]['autoplay'] === true) {
if (autoPlayNext && event.event === 4) {
recsys.entries[claimId]['autoplay'] = true;
} else {
recsys.entries[claimId]['autoplay'] = false;
if (!recsys.entries[claimId]) {
// do something to show it's floating or autoplay
if (isEmbedded) {
recsys.entries[claimId]['isEmbed'] = true;
recsys.log('onRecsysPlayerEvent', claimId);
log: function (callName, claimId) {
if (recsys.debug) {
console.log(`Call: ***${callName}***, ClaimId: ${claimId}, Recsys Entries`, Object.assign({}, recsys.entries));
* Player closed. Check to see if primaryUri = playingUri
* if so, send the Entry.
onPlayerDispose: function (claimId, isEmbedded) {
if (window && window.store) {
const state = window.store.getState();
const playingUri = selectPlayingUri(state);
const primaryUri = selectPrimaryUri(state);
const onFilePage = playingUri === primaryUri;
if (!onFilePage || isEmbedded) {
if (isEmbedded) {
recsys.entries[claimId]['isEmbed'] = true;
recsys.log('PlayerDispose', claimId);
// /**
// * File page unmount or change event
// * Check to see if playingUri, floatingEnabled, primaryUri === playingUri
// * If not, send the Entry.
// * If floating enabled, leaving file page will pop out player, leading to
// * more events until player is disposed. Don't send unless floatingPlayer playingUri
// */
// onLeaveFilePage: function (primaryUri) {
// if (window && window.store) {
// const state = window.store.getState();
// const claim = makeSelectClaimForUri(primaryUri)(state);
// const claimId = claim ? claim.claim_id : null;
// const playingUri = selectPlayingUri(state);
// const actualPlayingUri = playingUri && playingUri.uri;
// // const primaryUri = selectPrimaryUri(state);
// const floatingPlayer = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.FLOATING_PLAYER)(state);
// // When leaving page, if floating player is enabled, play will continue.
// if (claimId) {
// recsys.entries[claimId]['pageExitedAt'] = Date.now();
// }
// const shouldSend =
// (claimId && floatingPlayer && actualPlayingUri && actualPlayingUri !== primaryUri) || !floatingPlayer || !actualPlayingUri;
// if (shouldSend) {
// recsys.sendRecsysEntry(claimId);
// }
// recsys.log('LeaveFile', claimId);
// }
// },
* Navigate event
* Send all claimIds that aren't currently playing.
onNavigate: function () {
if (window && window.store) {
const state = window.store.getState();
const playingUri = selectPlayingUri(state);
const actualPlayingUri = playingUri && playingUri.uri;
const claim = makeSelectClaimForUri(actualPlayingUri)(state);
const playingClaimId = claim ? claim.claim_id : null;
// const primaryUri = selectPrimaryUri(state);
const floatingPlayer = selectClientSetting(state, SETTINGS.FLOATING_PLAYER);
// When leaving page, if floating player is enabled, play will continue.
Object.keys(recsys.entries).forEach((claimId) => {
const shouldSkip = recsys.entries[claimId].parentUuid && !recsys.entries[claimId].recClaimIds;
if (!shouldSkip && ((claimId !== playingClaimId && floatingPlayer) || !floatingPlayer)) {
recsys.entries[claimId]['pageExitedAt'] = Date.now();
// recsys.sendRecsysEntry(claimId); breaks pop out = off, not helping with browser close.
recsys.log('OnNavigate', claimId);
// @if TARGET='web'
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function logData() {
if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') {
Object.keys(recsys.entries).map((claimId) => recsys.sendRecsysEntry(claimId, true));
// @endif
history.listen(() => {
export default recsys;