• v0.65.0 76fa86d54b

    v0.65.0 Stable

    eukreign released this 2020-03-23 19:56:45 +01:00 | 1792 commits to master since this release

    [0.65.0] - 2020-03-23

    This release includes changes to the client side database schema which will trigger a reset of your blockchain.db and perform full sync on startup.

    In this release the txo_list command has reached its full potential in being able to filter specific transaction outputs based on who made them and who controls them which allows for differentiating between "supports" and "tips" and many other use cases. This release also introduces a new txo_sum command which takes almost all of the same arguments as txo_list but produces a sum of the outputs that txo_list would have returned in full, useful for making reports.

    Below are some examples and use cases of how to use txo_list.

    Get all of the tips you've received from others on claim "xyz" (assuming "xyz" is your claim):
    lbrynet txo list --is_my_output --is_not_my_input --type="support" --claim_id="xyz" --unspent

    Sum of all of the tips you've sent to claim "xyz" (assuming "xyz" is not your claim):
    lbrynet txo sum --is_my_input --is_not_my_output --type="support" --claim_id="xyz"

    Note: --unspent is missing above, this is because the local database (at least in desktop app) doesn't know the status of outputs after you've sent them to someone else, therefore filtering by unspent is meaningless here (anytime you pass --is_not_my_output).

    Sum of all of the non-tip supports you've sent to claim "xyz" (assuming "xyz" is not your claim):
    lbrynet txo sum --is_my_input --is_my_output --type="support" --claim_id="xyz" --unspent

    Anything someone just sent me:
    lbrynet txo list --is_not_my_input --unspent

    Emulate channel list:
    lbrynet txo list --type=channel --unspent

    Emulate support list:
    lbrynet txo list --type=support --unspent

    Another flag added is --no_totals which is useful if you expect a very large result set, want a performant pagination and don't need to know total number of pages. (or, a more clever strategy, is to get total once and cache the size for some period of time and then do subsequent calls with --no_totals as user paginates)

    Also, --order_by supports a value of none which is useful in certain situations where you don't care about the order and want maximum performance (or, if you just want to see performance impact actually is of sorting the result).








    Wallet server
