Changed "Your video may not be the best format. Use MP4s in H264/AAC format and a friendly bitrate (720p) for more reliable streaming." to "Your video may not be the best format. Use MP4s in H264/AAC format and a friendly bitrate (under 5 mbps) and resolution (720p) for more reliable streaming." and changed the two times it says this "For video content, use MP4s in H264/AAC format and a friendly bitrate (720p) for more reliable streaming." to "For video content, use MP4s in H264/AAC format and a friendly bitrate (under 5 mbps) and resolution (720p) for more reliable streaming."
i18n messages, handle error case max
copy copy
update @lbry/components and tweak range styles
error catching and cleanup
apply review changes
style table and unlock button
handle tip errors
separate fileDescription from fileDetails
make expandable cards
ui tweaks
tweak copy, style, behavior
remove unused strings
forgot an important line
provide optimize checkbox on publish
fix missing status
no crash on web
better settings ui
add help and time estimate to publish transcoding
fix: Special SDK + fix config name
fix: older SDK build
fix app string, style tweak
whoops, and looks better to me this way.
bump SDK